👅Cheat - Bronny / Harplyn

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Very long - 2150 words!

Smut warning!


"And nobody knows I'm in love with someone's baby
I don't wanna hide us away
Tell the world about the love we're making
I'm living for that day"


Brook's POV

I had been dating Sonny for months now, ever since he joined the band. I knew I was in love with him, and I had always been certain that he was the guy I wanted to marry. Lately, however, I had been having these weird feelings for Harper. I don't know where they had come from, and I wasn't sure what they were. Since we met we had always been close, getting on straight away. We had practically been joined at the hip. Sonny expressed his slight jealously of mine and Harper's close relationship, but I had reassured him that I was his, and that I had no feelings for Harper whatsoever.

Recently I had been hanging out with him more often, him needing the company since he had just broke up with his girlfriend. We would always cuddle and tease each other without it meaning anything. But lately I had been having this fuzzy feeling in my stomach when his arms were around me. The butterflies would go crazy when he 'flirted' with me. These same feelings were what I felt for Sonny in the beginning. I was pretty sure I was falling for Harper, and I hated the idea of breaking Sonny's heart. I wasn't sure if I was still in love with Sonny, and I was even less sure that I wanted to be with him.

I glanced over at my bedside table, smiling at the photo of Sonny and I kissing that I had framed. It brought me back to the day I first met him.

The new trailist was going to be here soon, and I was nervous. Not because I didn't think I would like him, but because I didn't think he'd like me. Sure the boys loved me for my crazy, over energetic self. But they had time to get used to it. I had never met Sonny before, so there was no doubt I'd seem like a bit much at first.

"Brook! Come downstairs. Sonny's here!" Rye shouted from downstairs.

I took a deep breath, joining my band mates at the back door.

"Shit, I don't have my shoes on." I groaned as I saw Rye and Andy go out to greet the boy.

"Hop on my back Brookie." Jack spoke, crouching down so that I could climb on.

I smiled at the memory. Jack and I had a special relationship, just like Andy and Rye.

He carried me to the driveway where Sonny was chatting to the others. He saw us coming and sent us a warm smile, one that melted my heart straight away.

"Nice to meet you mate. My name's Jack." He gave the boy a hug, turning slightly so I could reach over and hug him.

"I'm Brooklyn." I told him as he wrapped his arms around me. I shivered, an unfamiliar feeling running through my body.

"Nice to meet you guys. Should we head inside?"

We all nodded in agreement, walking back inside the house.

We had spent that night getting to know him, and I found myself listening intently to everything he said. For some reason I was intrigued by the boy, which was weird since I had only just met him.

It didn't take long for us to get together, both of us quick to discover our feelings after spending almost every day together. He didn't tell me he liked me until he found out I was gay.

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