🌹Confidence - Jacklyn

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"I know that I can be a little difficult sometimes but I don't mean to,
I wish I had the confidence to show you how much that I really love you,
And I guess it doesn't help it when I'm stressed that I'm convinced I shouldn't tell you."


Jack's POV

I always knew I had made the right choice when leaving the band, knowing I'd be much happier out of it. But the one thing that made me regret my choice was the blonde Essex boy who owned my heart without even knowing it. He was under the impression that Kirsty was the one I wanted to be with, and though I loved her with all my heart, I just couldn't get the blonde boy out of my head.

Brook took my leaving surprisingly well, but I knew he was upset. He refused to speak to me for a few weeks, assuming it was better for us to just go our separate ways. But after seeing what it did to Mikey and Rye, he was quick to get in touch.

I missed him. I missed him like crazy. I might no longer live with him, but I wanted us to be just as close as we were when I was still in the band. But he said it would only break him even more and that it was best for us to drift apart slightly. I disagreed, but I respected him too much to not give him what he wanted.

I was lost in a new song I was working on, strumming my guitar in a sad melody as I pieced the lyrics together, so I wasn't surprised when I didn't hear the door open and close.

"That's a beautiful song." Kirsty smile, sitting down in front of me. I gave her a weak smile, my eyes glued to the strings of my guitar.

"Who's it for?" She then asked, making me raise my eyebrows at her.

"Well it obviously isn't for me. You've already told me that you love me."

"Oh." I bit my lip, knowing I couldn't tell her the truth. "It's just a song. Songs don't always have to mean something." I muttered, not sure why I was acting so defensive. It would've been much more believable if I was more carefree with my reply.

"Sorry." She rolled her eyes. "Let me here more of it then."

I shook my head, pushing my guitar to the side. "It's not finished yet."

"What are you keeping from me?" She asked, looking directly into my eyes. I gulped, hoping she couldn't see right through me when I lied and told her nothing.

"I know you Jack. I know when you're not being honest with me."

"Just leave it, yeah?" I snapped, quickly making my way into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

~time skip brought to you by the empty packet of jammie dodgers on my bedroom floor that has been there for weeks jesus christ i'm disgusting~

I didn't think seeing him again was going to be easy, but I at least thought I'd be able to keep my feelings in check. Especially since he was now dating Harper. Who was I to get in the way of his happiness?

I knew he'd be at Harvey's party, and I knew it would be hard to see him all loved up with Harper, but it would've been suspicious if I chose not to go to my best friend's birthday party.

"Happy birthday mate!" I grinned when we arrived, giving him a bro hug before he gave Kirsty a peck on the cheek.

"The boys are already here. You should go say hi."

RoadTrip boyxboy one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora