💔Empty Stomach - Andy

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This is a short story I wrote in my English class, so I decided to share it with you all.

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️ eating disorder


"I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful,
The day I chose not to eat,
What I do know is how I changed my life forever,
I know I should know better."


Andy's POV

I've never believed it when people say "everyone is beautiful". They say we're each perfect in our own way. But as I looked in the mirror, I struggled to see how anyone could find beauty in me. Beauty is having a model like figure. Beauty is not the sweaty rolls of skin that hugged my stomach. All I saw was fat. When I looked in that mirror, I saw a stranger staring back at me.

My eyes didn't belong, misplaced like a weed in a bed of roses. How could such a gorgeous feature be a part of someone so ugly? My hair sat perfectly upon my head, good enough to show off. But I couldn't show it off, because that would mean I'd have to show everyone the rest of me. That one pleasant feature was no match for the disgusting sight of my overweight body. I looked a mess, each tear that ran down my cheeks making me look even worse. Each tear was like a reminder of how I would never be good enough. The disaster I saw before me made me sick to my stomach.

I knew what I could do. All it would take was a few minutes of torture to begin my journey to beauty. I knew it would hurt, but nothing would hurt more than my aching heart did whenever I caught a glimpse of my reflection.

Each hesitant step towards the bathroom was like a slap to the face, a hundred reasons why I shouldn't do it. Lucky for me, I came to my senses just as I reached the door. I leant my forehead against the pale, chapped door and let out a shaky breath. This wasn't the way to do it. If I wanted to be beautiful, I'd have to show the world my shameful face.

I somehow built up the courage to step outside of my isolated home, beginning my journey to beauty. As I ran, the sun shone brightly, like a spotlight shining over my pathetic self. The crowd laughed as the bright glow outlined all my flaws, cheering as I rushed off the stage in agony.

Making impact with something solid, I was pulled out of my nightmare as I fell to the ground. The tears began to fall as the laughter returned, showing just how much of a failure I was. Their sharp, judgemental stares became all too much, and the heart-wrenching sobs escaped my lips. The plush skin that covered my body finally became useful as I curled up into myself to hide my face, as if not being able to see the tears would stop them judging me.

I had no idea how long I was there for, but soon the crowd began to disperse and I was alone, just how I wanted to be. When I finally dragged my useless body off of the concrete floor, it was dark. The wind viciously howled, screaming at me for being so stupid. The leaves rustled in the trees, clinging onto each branch as to not be blown away from their families. I didn't care for the loneliness however, and as always, my body heart kept me warm until I got home.

Each sound my footsteps made as I travelled across my empty house suddenly felt intimidating. I knew I had let them down. I didn't know who, but someone had to be disappointed in me. The view of my closed bathroom door brought back the same thoughts from that morning. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't find myself caring as I flushed the toilet, my eyes squeezed shut and my stomach empty.

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