💔Spending His Birthday Alone - Mindy

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"All damn night I was here waiting
Cooked your favorite, dressed up real nice
I know you were with her, I know that you kissed her
You came home late when I was so mad"


Andy's POV

Mikey and I have been dating ever since Mikey joined the band. At first, our relationship was filled with love and happiness. Both of us were truly happy. We couldn't live without each other.

I could still remember when he asked me out for the first time.

I was led down with my head on Mikey's lap. It had been a few weeks since he began trialling, and we had become really close. So close that I had started having feelings for him. I just loved being with him. He made me really happy, and all I wanted to do was call him my boyfriend.

"Hey, Andy?"


"I need to ask you something, but I'm scared that you'll hate me."

I sat up, throwing my arm over his shoulder. "There's no way that will ever happen."

He took a deep breath and turned to face me.

"Andy, I have feelings for you. I really like you, and I'd love to take you out sometime."

I couldn't stop smiling. I pulled him into my arms, saying 'yes' over and over again.

"I really like you too Mikey."

I could still remember our first date.

He took me bowling to begin with. He was really good at it, but I wasn't the best. I never scored one point until he helped me. He showed me how to properly throw the ball, arms around me to guide me. I loved the way he held me. I felt safe. Loved.

After bowling, we grabbed a bite to eat and then he took me to the beach. Cliche, I know. But, it was perfect. Walking along the shore, hand in hand with the boy I knew I loved.

I could still remember our first kiss.

It was at the end of the date. He had walked me to my room, since we lived in the same house. I pulled him into a hug, thanking him for a wonderful night. When we pulled away, we just stared at each other, getting lost in each others eyes.

I felt myself starting to lean in. He met me half way and I received the best kiss of my life. It was then that I knew it was love.

We couldn't stop giggling afterwards. He told me goodnight and went to his own room. That night, I had happy dreams about being with him.

I could still remember the first time we said 'I love you'.

It was about 3AM and we were on facetime, since we were both at home with our families. We had been talking for hours about the most random things, both of us enjoying it because we were together.

"I love you." I blurted out, regretting it soon after. I had been thinking of saying it for weeks, but I never could bring myself to do it, out of fear of being rejected. I had no idea where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but I liked it.

He smiled, eyes lighting up. "I love you too Andy. So much."

But lately, I had been falling out of love with him. I had started having feelings for Rye. He made me feel things Mikey never did, which made it clear that I only held brotherly love for him. I was trying to break up with him, but since he left the band, I barely saw him.

Mikey's POV

I was excited. It was Andy's birthday and he was coming over. I barely saw him, so I knew this night would be amazing. I loved him with all my heart, and knew he felt the same. I couldn't live without him. He made me feel safe. He looked after me like a mother. He taught me like a father. He gave me advice like a sister. He spent time with me like a brother. He loved me like a soulmate.

My phone started ringing and I answered it quickly, seeing it was Andy.

"Hey baby, you on your way?"

"No, I'm sorry Mike. Rye's taking me out instead. Is that okay?"

I took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Yeye, it's f-fine. It's not like I planned anything special or anything." I replied shakily.

"That's great. Speak later." He said before hanging up.

"Goodbye." I whispered, even though he was already gone. He didn't even say "I love you". He barely said it anymore.

I walked out into the garden, packing up the picnic I had spent all day preparing. I took down the fairy lights and brought the cushions and blankets inside. I brought in the three bags full of presents I knew Andy had wanted all year. I did it all without letting one tear fall.

I went to my bedroom, taking off my suit and putting on some joggers, still not letting a single tear slip down my cheek. He would have more fun with Rye. It didn't matter.

I was about to go to bed when I remembered something that broke me. I walked downstairs, wiping my eyes and trying to hold in the sobs as I went back into the garden and grabbed the diamond ring I had hidden under the mini table.

I put it all away, before going to bed alone. Again.

Hey guys. I'm back from Scotland. Not that you're interested, but there is a picture of me holding my nephew Rio at the top.

Part 2?

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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