👅Bad Girls - Ryan

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Smut warning!


"Cause every night she studies hard in her room
At least that's what her parents assume
But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend"


Rye's POV

"How about her? She's gorgeous."

I rolled my eyes, pushing my mothers phone away for the fifteenth time. They were trying so desperately to find me a girlfriend, and I didn't need one.

"No, mum. I'm not interested in your bosses daughter." I sighed.

"Well why not? She comes from a good family. Very good manners. She's perfect!"

"Then why don't you date her?" I sneered.

"Don't take that tone with me young man. I'm just trying to help."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I don't need help. My dating life is nobody's business but myself, okay?"

She frowned, but nodded. "Of course not. You should be getting to school, Ryan."

"Are you mad at me?" I questioned, knowing she only ever used my full name when something was wrong.

"Of course not." She whispered, pulling me into a hug. "I've got nothing to be mad about."

I pulled away from her, grabbing my bag. She leant over to press a kiss to my forehead.

"Off you go."

I gave her one last smile before making my way outside, grinning when I saw his car on the other side of the street. I ran over, hopping in the passenger seat.

"Hey pretty baby." He smiled. I pulled him into a kiss, letting it linger for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I missed you." I pouted. "Me too bub."

"My mum has been trying to find me a girlfriend all morning. I'm getting tired of this now!"

"So why don't you just tell them?" He asked, starting our journey to school.

"You know why, Sonny." I mumbled. It wasn't that I was ashamed, since being gay was something classed as normal nowadays. It wasn't that I was scared of how my parents would react. They were always so supportive, and I knew they wouldn't have a problem with it. It was just that I didn't see why we had to come out as gay or bisexual or whatever, when straight people didn't have to do shit. It was stupid, which is why I was a firm believer that it isn't something I should have to reveal to my family and friends. I'll be fine if they find out themselves, it's not like I'm trying to hide it from them, and if they ask I won't lie. I just refuse to be the one who sits everyone down and break the news like it's the strangest thing in the world.

"Yeah, I know baby." He spoke, parking the car outside of school. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realise we had arrived.

"You coming to my place after school baby?" He asked, pulling me onto his lap.

"I was thinking you could come to mine. My parents will be out until late."

He smirked, his hands resting on my waist. "Sounds like a plan."

I leant down, connecting our lips in a steamy make out. My hands ran down his chest as his gripped my ass. We were so caught up in our own little world that we hadn't even realised we were being watched until our first period teacher tapped on the window, making us jump and break apart.

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