💔Blue Eyed Angel - Randy

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️  mention of suicide


"You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes"


Rye's POV

I adjusted my microphone, since someone had obviously lowered it. Every Thursday I performed at the little bar down the road. It wasn't much, and I'd much rather be performing on huge stages for huge audiences, but I loved it.

I knew exactly who watched my set every day.

There was the lovely old woman who always made me muffins. I guess she knew how lonely I was.

There was the moderately attractive young man, around my age, who always came just to flirt with the barmaid.

There was the middle aged couple who seemed to come here for date night.

No one ever seemed interested in my music, until someone new started visiting the bar.

I first noticed him as I was prepping for my set one Thursday evening. He stood out straight away with his lustrous blue eyes. I immediately fell in love with his bleached blonde hair and sunshine smile.

His eyes never left mine as I sung my first song, him being the only one to ever show a hint of interest in my performance, and I found myself looking forward to seeing him every week.

Every week, my prayers were answered, for he turned up every Thursday night after that.

Although I didn't speak to him for about a month, I felt myself falling for him even more each time my dull brown eyes made contact with his glowing azure orbs. I noticed something different about him every time, from the way his hair was always styled the same - not at all, but still so perfect - to how he could always be found in an oversized hoodie. He was short, making it even cuter when he smiled.

His smile. I could look at it forever and never get bored. The way his eyes crinkled in the corners, his teeth fully on display and his dimples out for the world to see. He was adorable. I wanted to hug him. To kiss him. To hold him and never let him go.

But, I knew I could only do that if I spoke to him.

So, one night after singing a couple songs, I made my way over to the blonde beauty, who was sat at the bar, sipping a glass of orange juice, and took a seat next to him.

"Hi." I breathed.

He looked up from his drink and smiled brightly when he saw it was me.

"Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you."

His voice was deep, but high pitched at the same time. It suited him really well.

I beamed. "Really?"

He nodded, "My name is Andy."


We talked for the rest of the night, just getting to know each other.

By the next day, I knew everything about the small boy who had stole my heart so quickly. From the little things, like the way he couldn't go to bed without leaving his bedroom window open, to the big things, like how his mum abandoned him when he was only young.

The way he spoke about his family, with such sadness, captivated me. He deserved the world. Someone so precious should not be passed around so carelessly.

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