🌹No Matter What - Bronny (Part 2)

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"She wrapped her arms around me,
Said "don't try to be what you're not,
Cause I love you no matter what."


Brook's POV

"Okay, I'm ready."

Hand in hand, we stepped inside my mum's house. It was exactly how I remembered it, having not visited in just over a year. I missed my mum dearly every day, but we were always so busy. She usually came up to London to spend the day with me, so it was nice to go home every once in a while.

"We're here!" I shouted, walking into the living room. She sent us a wide smile, holding her arms out for a hug. I let go of Sonny's hand to embrace her. The brunette took a seat on the sofa, watching us with a smile on his face.

"It's so nice to see you baby. I've missed you." She spoke, pulling me closer.

"Me too." I whispered. I pulled away, moving over to sit next to Sonny.

"You must be Ryan. It's lovely to finally meet you." She greeted the taller boy, pulling him in for a hug also. She hadn't visited since before Mikey left, so she had yet to meet my best friend. She knew a lot about him though, since I spoke about him constantly. I really loved him.

"I actually go by Sonny." He explained. "It's great to meet you."

"I trust you've been taking care of my boy."

He grinned, sitting back down and resting one hand on my knee. A friendly gesture.

"Yeah, he's a lovable guy. Made my time in the band so much better."

"I'm glad." She beamed. "Brooklyn never fails to brighten up our days."

"You're right about that." He agreed, sending me a warm smile.

"So what brings you here? Not that I don't love having my son around."

I bit my lip, suddenly too nervous to say anything. Sonny understood, moving his hand higher up my thigh and giving it a squeeze as he spoke to my mum.

"He's been going through a bit of self discovery. It's taken a toll on him mentally, and it wasn't long ago that he had confessed everything to me. I've been helping him figure things out, and he knows it's time to tell the most important woman in his life what exactly is going on."

She nodded in understatement, walking over and crouching down in front of my, taking my hands in hers.

"You can tell me anything sweetheart. You know this. I just want you to be happy."

I smiled, her words reminding me of what Sonny had been telling me for days. They all just wanted to see me smile.

"I've been a bit confused recently." I started, taking a deep breath. "I wasn't sure if it was normal, and I knew I'd be judged for it, so I kept it to myself. It soon became too much for me to handle and I broke down. Sonny found me mid cry and held me as I told him everything. He made the way I was feeling seem so normal. He reassured me that it wasn't unnatural, and it was okay. He reminded me that I'm loved no matter what. I guess telling you is more scary since if you hate me for it, my life is pretty much over."

"I could never hate you Gibson. You're my baby boy."

I smiled, building up the courage to say it. "Mum, I'm gay. I like boys, and I'm terrified."

She didn't speak. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace as Sonny leant his head against my shoulder, reminding me that he was there for me.

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