🌹If You Met Me First - Harplyn

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short but i started it ages ago and got stuck so i just wanted to finish it and get it out the way.

set before rye and mikey made up.


"In a different place and time,
Maybe in another life,
I'll bet that baby you and I would have worked,
We'll never get the chance to try,
And what makes it worse,
Is you would have loved me,
If you met me first."


Harper's POV

When I started trialing for RoadTrip, I was warned about three things:

1. Never EVER bring up Mikey when Rye's around.
2. Don't ever tell anyone what the special word was after their signature handshake.
3. Don't talk about Jack around Brooklyn.

I had mastered the first two. Mikey was obviously a soft spot when it came to Rye, the bond nobody ever thought would break that broke. I didn't want to cause him any unnecessary pain by bringing up something that he'd rather not talk about.

I knew the handshake was a big part of who RoadTrip were and I really had no right to ruin that. So I kept my mouth shut.

But Jack was different. Brook obviously had some mixed feelings towards his ex band mate and, although it was none of my business, I wanted to know more about what happened and I wasn't going to get any answers off of the Irish boy.

So I brought it up. I asked a question about his and Jack's relationship one night when we were sat in his room watching a film, and I had never regretted anything more in my life.

"Why are you asking me that?" He spoke, a lack of any emotion in his voice.

"Cause I know the two of you went through a lot and I want to know more about it."

He shook his head, lightly pushing me out of his bed. "I think we should call it a night."

"Brook, I.."

"I said leave."

I sighed, knowing I had crossed a line that I had no right to cross.  The boys only asked me for three things, and I had just broken one of their rules. I knew I would regret it as soon as the question left my mouth but I had to know.

~time skip brought to you by pretty girls by feats~

"What the hell Harper?" Sonny exclaimed, having just come out of Brooks room where I assumed he was crying. I felt terrible. I knew asking about it would upset him but I did it anyway.

"Sonny, I can explain-"

"Explain what? The fact that you did one of the only things we asked you not to do. We weren't asking for much, were we? Why did you do it?"

"Because I'm in love with him, alright? I'm in love with him and it kills me to know that somebody broke his heart."

"But why is his past any of your business?" He questioned, not at all shocked at what I had just admitted. It made me wonder how obvious my feelings had actually been.

"Because I need to know if he still has feelings for Jack before I make a move."

He sighed. "He's always going to have feelings for Jack. He was his first love. You don't get over that as easily."

My face softened as I caught sight of the defeated look in his eyes. I knew he had been through the same thing with Andy, falling in love with the blonde only for him to have his heart crushed when Andy fell for Rye. Rye felt the same and it killed Sonny to see them together.

"I'm sorry Sonny. I didn't realise how much you were hurting."

"Yeah, well..." he trailed off, not overly keen on talking about his own love life. "I hate seeing Brook in pain just as much as you do, but there's nothing we can do about it. We can't force him to fall out of love with Jack. All we can do is be there for him until things start to get easier."

I leant against the wall, slowly sliding down until I was in a sitting position with my back against it. My head fell into my hands and I let out a deep sigh.

"I just want him to be mine. I've never been the most patient guy in the world and I hate waiting for him."

"You really love him, don't you?" Sonny asked, pity laced in his voice.

"I really do. And I just-"

I was cut off by the croaky voice of a certain blonde, "you love me?"

I shot up, staring wide eyed at the boy who was peeking out from behind the door, clearly having been listening to our conversation. His eyes were bloodshot and his sleeves were damp. It hurt me to see him like that, knowing I was the one who made him cry in the first place.

"Brook, I-"

"You don't have to explain. I-I feel the same."

I tried to hide my smile, keeping my composure as I replied, "you do?"

He nodded, smiling slightly.

"At least I think so. The way I feel for you is different to the way I felt for Jack, but I know for a fact that I have some kind of feelings for you."

I took a step closer as he pushed the door open, taking a step forward. We carried on until we were mere inches apart, wide smiles displayed on both of our faces.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked rather nervously. He blushed, nodding his head. I leant in, capturing his lips in a searing kiss that I'd been waiting ages to give him.

Kissing him felt like coming home, and I was adamant that he'd never get his heart broken again.

this was a really old one that i found in my drafts and i wanted it to have a sad ending, so there may be a part two.

hope you enjoyed!

bye guys Xx

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