💔Hotel Room - Randy

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"To hear you say that I love you,
But say it the way I do,
There's nowhere to run tonight,
It's just you and I in this hotel room."


Ryes POV

"It's up."

I bit my lip as I looked up at Robbies pitiful smile. We had just released our goodbye video, RoadTrip now officially being over. Sonny and I were going to stay together and be apart of Rebrand with Connor, Robbie, Alex, Calum, and Honor. Harper and Brook wanted to continue with their music so they didn't bother coming back. Not to mention the fact that our friendship was pretty much non existent by that point. I knew full well Andy wasn't going to give up his dream, so he wasn't coming back either. I knew he wasn't happy with my choice, and as much as we still cared about each other, we knew it would be best to go our separate ways.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, noticing I had a text from Andy.

Mr FooFoo - don't reply to this cause there's no need. i know we're not supposed to see each other right now, but i'll be staying at the ___ hotel tonight. i'd like you to come so we can have a proper goodbye. don't come if you don't want to, but don't expect us to talk again after this. x

I bit my lip, considering whether or not it would be a good idea to go. I came to the conclusion that I'd most likely regret not showing up, so I quickly went to my room to pack a bag.

~time skip brought to you by the fact i haven't done a time skip in ages hiiiii~

Andys POV

I sat on the bed in silence, staring at the wall as I waited for someone who may or may not be on his way. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to meet up with him, but I knew I couldn't let things end the way they did between us. We'd been through too much just to call it quits like that.

My head snapped to the side as the door opened, Rye sending me a sheepish smile as he locked the door behind him, tossing his bag on the other bed. He sat down without a word and we stared at each other in silence, challenging the other to speak first. It ended up being me who broke the silence.

"You came." Is all I said, shocked that he actually decided to show up.

"I did. Why did you want me here?"

It was weird to think how after months of being apart, this is how we reunited. Amongst the destruction of a dream we'd worked so hard to build. I never thought things would end this way.

"I told you. To say goodbye."

He stood up, sitting down beside me instead. He took my hand, intertwining our fingers as he looked into my eyes.

"We could've done that over text. Why did you want to see me?"

I resisted the urge to glance down at his lips as I answered him truthfully. "I think we deserve a better ending, don't you?"

He leant forward slightly, lightly resting his forehead against mine. We sat there in silence, soaking up each others company. It was quite possibly the last time we would see each other for a long while and I wanted to make the most of our time together.

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