🌹There's Something Here - Harplyn

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"So when you feel like trying again,
Reach out, take my hand,
See how great it could be,
To fall in love with someone you can trust,
Who would never give up,
'Cause you're all that he needs."


Brook's POV

I read through all the comments on our recent post with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. I knew we would get some bad reactions, most people taking side with Rye and saying we shouldn't have made the situation public knowledge, but I never thought the fans would be as devastated as they were.

"Baba, what's wrong?" Harper asked, sitting beside me on my mums bed and wrapping one arm around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder so that he could see the screen in front of me.

"Harps, did we make a mistake?" I mumbled.

He sighed. "I don't know Brookie. We told the truth and all we can do now is wait and hope."

I nodded. I knew the situation was out of my control but I hated watching everything I had worked so hard for over the past five years falling apart. I gave up my life for that band. I sacrificed relationships for that band. I lost the only boy I'd ever loved for that band..

"Do you ever regret joining RoadTrip?" I asked him.

"I don't regret meeting you all, that's for sure. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision replacing Jack. But if it wasn't me, it would've just been someone else."

I closed my eyes at the mention of Jack. I didn't like how everyone said he was replaced. It felt like I'd replaced him, something I swore to myself and him that I'd never do. Sure, I loved Harper with all my heart. Maybe I was even falling for him. But I fell for Jack first and nothing could take what we had away from me.

"I guess you're right."

"Hey, you okay?" He questioned, lifting his head to look in my eyes. I nodded, only to shake my head once the tears started to fall.

"I miss him, Harps. I miss him so much."

He was quick to react, taking me in his arms and letting me cry into his hoodie.

"Ever since he left, everything's been going wrong. We were in a good place when he was still around, but now the band's falling apart and my feelings are changing and I just don't know anymore."

I knew Harper took it to heart whenever I spoke about Jack, the two of us having some kind of unspoken feelings for one another which we had almost adventured numerous times. But I wasn't ready to move on from the Irish boy and Harper understood that, silently agreeing to pretend we felt nothing but brotherly love for each other.

"We'll get through this together. Even if the band ends tomorrow and everything seems like shit, I'll never leave your side. I promise you."

I smiled gratefully at the younger boy, pulling away so that I could look at him. My arms were wrapped around his neck and his were around my waist. I had somehow ended up sitting on his lap, but neither of us were complaining. As much as I wanted to avoid this feeling, I couldn't deny that it felt good to be so close to the blonde.

The air around us changed, a tense atmosphere overwhelming us as we leaned in a little closer, not once breaking the intense eye contact. It brought me back to a couple of weeks after we first met. I was still devastated about Jack leaving, finding out he was now dating someone - a girl nonetheless - broke me inside. I couldn't expect him to wait, but I wasn't ready for him to move on as quickly as he did.

Harper and I were sat in my bedroom, playing Fifa. It was weird how well we got on despite only knowing each other just longer than fourteen days. We clicked the moment we met and had been inseparable since. I constantly found myself gazing at Harper with a fond look in my eyes. I couldn't deny he was gorgeous and I knew deep down I was attracted to him, but what I didn't know back then was that I was already falling.

He cheered as he won yet another game, and I didn't even have it in me to be annoyed. I just couldn't stop staring at him. He noticed after a few seconds and went quiet, the top of his ears turning a shade of pink. We were already sat as close together as possible, knees touching as we stared at each other. His eyes flickered down and mine did to, each of us gradually leaning in until our noses touched. That's when it got too much for me and that's when I pulled away.

We didn't speak of the almost kiss after it happened, mutually deciding to forget about it until it happened again. Which it did.

We were sharing a bed for some unknown reason. Jack had long since moved out so Harper had a perfectly good room waiting for him down the hallway. But none of us could come up with an excuse for him to leave, the both of us desperately wanting to sleep in the other ones arms.

So we did.

It started off as an innocent cuddle, him spooning me from behind with his arms wrapped around me so tightly as though I was gonna disappear if he let go. I relaxed in his embrace, nuzzling my back against his chest. That's when I felt it. The unmistakable feeling of his boner hard against my arse. His breathing changed, hands gripping my waist as he gently thrusted his hips forward, a quiet moan escaping both our lips. I turned around in his arms, shaking my head.

"We can't." I whispered.

"But I really want to." He replied quietly.

"I know. Me too."

We left it at that, me now cuddling into his chest as our legs tangled together as one. The last thing I remember from that night was his lips pressed against my head before I fell into my slumber.

And now it was back - the tense atmosphere and the undeniable want for each other. I knew I had fallen and I knew he had too. It was only a matter of time before I gave in. The only thing holding me back was Jack and the feeling of guilt I had when it came to moving on. It felt like I was cheating on him, despite knowing full well he was over me a long time ago.

"Brook." He whispered, rubbing his nose against mine in an eskimo kiss.



I knew what he meant. I knew what he wanted. We had come so close before but I always pulled away, not ready to leave Jack my past just yet. But when I looked into his baby blue eyes, I knew the feeling was mutual. He was in love with me just like I was in love with him. We couldn't pretend anymore.

"What about Jack?"

"He left. I stayed. Doesn't that tell you enough?"

I bit my lip, realising how stupid I'd been. I was holding onto someone who had fallen for someone new. I knew Jack loved me like I loved him, but that was in the past. What we had was puppy love, something we thought meant everything at the time. We were in love, but only the way in which we understood love at the time. With Harper it was real, grown up love that could last a lifetime. How could I throw that away for someone I was never going to have?

So I pushed away all my fears and kissed him.

shit ending i knowwwwwww

hope you enjoyed!

bye guys Xx

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