💔Glimpse - Bronny

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"Without you it's shadows, the night's black pitch,
There's a hundred thousand light bulbs but there ain't no switch
Living in darkness, fearin' the night,
Oh what a feeling when I see that light"


A loveless life is the hardest thing to live, but the easiest to understand. It's comfortable. Familiar. Safe. But for one glimpse of love, most people would give the world.

Living in darkness is what most people are accustomed to. They don't know what the light is like. But it's easy to believe those living in the light who say it's a much happier time.

Brooklyn had never seen the light, giving up hope of ever escaping the darkness. It had been three years since his life was supposed to light up. They say it happens on your 16th birthday. Obviously Brooklyn had given up, since he was 19 and still in the dark. He just wanted one glimpse of colour to make his world seem a little bit brighter.

What he didn't know was that, just two hours away, Sonny was sat on the roof of his one bedroom apartment, staring up at the sky and wishing he could admire the pinks and purples of the sunset. It was harder for the brunette, having not believed in love since he was four years old.

He had made peace with the knowledge that he would most likely be dying in the dark, having only one more week left to live. He enjoyed reading the stories, but never thought to write his own. Maybe he would have searched a little harder if he had a glimpse of hope. Maybe if he had searched a little harder, both boys would have found exactly what they were looking for. Maybe they would've been okay.

But no. Happiness just wasn't on the two young lad's sides. They were born in the dark, and would die in the dark.

Perhaps it was fate. Or perhaps it was a mere coincidence that Brooklyn happened to be taking a walk past the lake just as Sonny was taking his final breaths.

And perhaps it was fate or a mere coincidence that Brooklyn's heart was too big for his body, and he went to hold this stranger as he passed.

It's something you only read about in books, and only hear about in love songs. But they both knew exactly what it was. They both knew it was too late, as Sonny was in his last few seconds of existence.

But as Brook held the boy in his arms, his whole world lit up. Finally experiencing what he had always dreamt of. Love.

That one glimpse was enough though, as both boys faded into darkness once more.

Hey guys. This is short, and I'm not exactly sure where it came from, but here ya go aha.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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