💔Spending His Birthday Alone - Mindy (Part 2)

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"Baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting here for you"


Mikey's POV

Heartbreak. It's a painful thing.

The thing about heartbreak is that, no matter how hard you try, the pieces just don't fit together like they did before. They leave you and take a piece of your heart with them so that it can never be fixed. It stays broken for as long as you live, even if you move on. The memory is always there.

Heartbreak is even more painful when it's caused by the one person you never thought would hurt you. I thought being with him would teach me how to love someone endlessly.

But, in the end, all I learnt was how to be strong alone.


As happy as I was when I answered the door and Andy was stood there, I knew it was bad news when I saw the look on his face. His face held guilt, regret, hurt, but also fear. I knew what was coming, but that doesn't mean it hurt any less.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

I nodded, leading him into the living room. We took a seat on the sofa and sat in silence for a short while. Each second that went by was like a dagger in my heart. It hurt that he was putting it off for so long.

"I love you, Mikey. So much. You're a great guy, and I'm lucky to have you in my life." He spoke calmly.


He looked me in the eyes and I knew my assumptions were correct. He looked pitiful, but I didn't want his pity. I just wanted him to be honest with me.

"I just don't feel the same spark as I used to when we kiss. It used to make butterflies erupt in my stomach. But now, it isn't you who makes me feel like that." He almost sounded ashamed, but I didn't care.

"Who does?"

"Rye." He whispered.

I looked down, the tears forming in my eyes. Of course. Anyone could see that they were made for each other. Even I could, which was why I was so surprised when he chose to be with me.

"I'm so sorry Mikey."

"Don't be. It's okay. Not all relationships work out."

He gave me a small smile, standing up.

"I'll always cherish the time we spent together." He told me. I just nodded, not looking up. I knew that if I looked him in the eyes, I would never let him leave. I hated that I was still in love with him, knowing he didn't feel the same about me.

I walked him to the door and he turned around, pulling me into a kiss. It didn't feel the same. His kiss used to make me happy, but now it stung like a nettle. His touch used to make me feel safe, but now it made me feel even more alone.

"I love you Mikey." He whispered after we pulled away.

I smiled a sad smile. "I love you too. I'll never stop loving you."

He sighed. "That's what I was afraid of."

And with that, he left.

He left five years of love.

He left five years of happiness.

He left five years of memories.

But worst of all, he left me.

Hey guys. Sorry this took me so long to write, I've been busy.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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