💔My Mikey - Rykey

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ suicide


"Nobody said that it would last forever
That doesn't mean we didn't try to get there
I never said that we would die together"


Rye's POV

It had been a few weeks since Mikey had gone missing. No one had heard from him. No one had seen him. No one knew where he was.

We were dating throughout the whole time he was in the band. Even when he left, we still stuck with each other. That's how strong our love was.

We usually went on a date every friday night. But he didn't show up one time. I was worried. Mikey never missed our dates.

I rang him time and time again for the next few days, ringing his friends and family. I even visited his house. No one had heard from him in weeks.

I was starting to get really worried that something bad might have happened to him.

But I got a huge shock one sunday afternoon. Me and the boys were sat watching a film when my phone went off. I checked the caller ID, sucking in a sharp breath when I read the name lighting up on the screen.

"Mute the TV." I ordered, shakily answering the call.

"Mikey?" I breathed.

"Hey." He replied quietly.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy to hear from you. I've missed your voice. Please tell me you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine." He chuckled.

"Great, so are you coming home?" I asked, smiling at the boys who were sending me thumbs up.

"No." He whispered.

My smile faltered as the tears built up in my eyes. "What do you mean no?"

"I've moved on."

My whole world fell apart in that moment. Everything I ever dreamed of having with that boy gone in an instant.

"What do you mean you've moved on?" I asked, my voice cracking when I looked at the boys' confused faces.

"I've left." Is all he said.

I took a deep breath, deciding to stop acting so strong.

"So I've been sitting here worrying that something bad has happened to you, but in reality, you've..."

I turned away from the boys, not liking when they saw my vulnerable side.

"I need you, Mikey. I need you here so much." I cried. "So, you don't love me anymore?"

It went silent for a moment as I awaited his response, my nails digging into my arm, a bad habit of mine when I was nervous.

"..no." he all but whispered.

I blinked back the tears, forcing myself not to cry. "What kind of small, pathetic man are you? That's it? You couldn't tell me in person? Wanted to hurt me did you? I loved you, Mikey. I still love you. But, that's fine. If you don't love me, then I guess this is goodbye."

"I'm sorry." He said, but I hung up, throwing my phone at the wall before breaking down.

I felt arms wrap around me, but they weren't the arms I wanted. They weren't Mikey. Only Mikey could calm me down.

So I sobbed. And sobbed. And sobbed.

Falling apart in the arms of another man.

The man I loved, loving someone else.

~time skip brought to you by my sore tongue that bled after my sister headbutted me in the chin~

Why did I believe that stupid phone call? Maybe he would still be here if I figured out something was wrong.

They found his body. My Mikey. Buried in the woods, all alone.

They reckon he was taken hostage, his murderer forcing him to ring me so I would stop looking for him.

When the pulled back that sheet, revealing the cold, lifeless body of the love of my life, I broke inside.

Maybe if I wasn't so stupid, I wouldn't be here now. Standing on this bridge, in the pouring rain, ready to jump.

"RYE!" Andy screamed. I didn't need to look to know what his face held. A mixture of shock, sadness, fear, and guilt.

Shock that I would ever go this far.

Sadness that he could possibly lose his best friend.

Fear that I would actually go through with it.

And guilt that he couldn't help me. He couldn't change the past.

And he sure as hell couldn't talk me out of it.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed to no one in particular, hoping Mikey could hear me.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been a better boyfriend. It should have been me that died."

"Don't ever say that!" Andy cried, now stood a few feet away from me.

"Never wish death on yourself. Please, don't do this. I need you, Rye. I spent my whole life trying to fit in. I finally find someone I was destined to be friends with, and you're just going to leave?"

"I'm damaged goods. You can do so much better than me."

"But I still love you. A damaged Rye is better than no Rye."

"That's not true." I whispered, my words being carried away in the wind and rain.

"This feeling will pass. You'll be happy again. You'll live a life full of love, and you'll wonder how you ever got to feeling this low. But please, don't jump. I need you." He begged.

"I'm sorry." I said, not wanting to see the desparate look in his eyes and his tear stained cheeks.

With one last final breath, I jumped.

I'd be with my Mikey again soon.

Hey guys. Imma try and update my other books soon, but have this for now.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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