🌹Still Us - Rylyn

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"This is looking like a contest,
Of who can act like they care less,
But I liked it better when you were on my side."


Rye's POV

I stared at my phone, struggling to believe my eyes. I read over the notification about twenty times but still couldn't shake off the feeling that I was dreaming.

But I wasn't. I was awake. This was real. This was happening. It was there, written in plain sight:

@brooklynwyattmusic started following you

It had been months since I'd seen him. When he left, a part of me went with him. The part that made it easy to function. Without him, I was empty. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to shower. I didn't want to eat. I didn't want to work. Nothing.

It all seemed a bit meaningless without him.

But something had changed. He was following me again. It wasn't much, but it was also everything. It meant he didn't hate me anymore, that's if he actually hated me to begin with. I didn't know where I stood with him. He left without so much as a goodbye and blocked me before I could send him a message. I had so many questions but one stood out above the rest...


Why did you leave?

Why did you forget about me? About us?

Why did you leave me behind?

Why did you stop trying?

Why wasn't I good enough?

Why did you give up on us?

Why did you pick him over me?


It was no secret that I was never keen on his friendship with Harper. The younger boy just swooped in out of nowhere and stole him from me. I'd been by Brook's side for five years, yet he valued whatever he had with Harper over me. It hurt, but I couldn't complain. He didn't give me a chance to complain. He blocked me so I couldn't ask any of the questions that were swirling around in my mind. He was always one to avoid confrontation.

"He followed you too, huh?"

I was so deep in my thoughts, I hadn't heard Sonny come in. His voice made me jump slightly, turning to face him. His eyes held confusion, but also hope - an expression I was sure I matched. Brooklyn hadn't just hurt me when he decided to leave.

I nodded, glancing down at my phone. I didn't know what was acceptable anymore. Could I message him? Would he let me? Would it scare him off? Why did he even unblock me? Did something happen between him and Harper? It must've, since Harper would have never let him come back to me.

"What are you gonna do?" Sonny asked, resting his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my torso.

I shrugged, shaking my head. "I don't know. What should I do?"

"Talk to him? You miss him. It's not hard to tell. You're numb without him."

I sighed. "What if he ignores me? Or worse, what if he blocks me again?"

"Then it's his loss." He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sure had a lot to think about.


The next few days were a constant battle between my heart and my head. I kept typing out messages before deleting them, not having the guts to actually speak to him. I'd been watching his stories, listening to his covers on repeat. He seemed relatively happy, pictures of him and Harper nowhere to be found which led me to believe they had in fact fallen out. I couldn't help but be happy about that.

My heart was still pining after him, still as in love with him as it had been when we were together. We were never together. We were an almost. Neither of us was brave enough to specify what exactly we were to each other, but it was obvious. We were dating without actually confirming it. Which meant I didn't have the right to be upset that he hadn't technically broken up with me before he went, since we weren't technically in a relationship. I still had hope though. I wasn't ready to let him go just yet.

My head was telling me to stop being stupid. If he wanted to get in touch, he would've sent me a message by now. He was probably trying to patch things up with Harper. I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit relieved they were having problems, but I quickly pushed away the thought, not wanting the jealousy to rear its ugly head.

"Rye, get the door!" Robbie shouted and I groaned, not seeing why he couldn't answer it himself. I opened the door, my phone falling to the floor as I stared at the visitor with wide eyes.

"Hi Rye." He smiled weakly, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers. I let out a breath, struggling to comprehend that he was really here. He came back. He actually came back.

I didn't think and I didn't hesitate, pulling him into my arms immediately without a word. He let out a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around me with his head buried in the crook of my neck. He was holding me just as tightly as I was holding him, and I'd forgotten how good it felt. It felt like home. I'd been lost for so long, blindly finding my way through the darkness I was left in when he took his light away with me. But I was home now. Home was Brook. It always had been, and it always would be.

"You're back." I whispered, not quite believing it despite having him in my arms. He smelt like strawberries and I couldn't get enough of it, his hair that had grown a lot since I last saw him tickling my nose. I buried my face into it, kissing the top of his head in pure bliss.

"I should never have left."

"Let's not talk about it. I'm just glad you came back."

"I need to explain." He tried again but I shushed him, tightening my hold on him - if that was even possible.

"Later. Just- let's just stay here for now. I've missed you."

"I missed you too."

It went quiet for a few seconds before he whispered, "I love you Rye."

I smiled, my eyes slipping shut. The feelings hadn't gone away. I was still madly in love with him and there was nothing he could ever do to change that.

"I love you too."

hey guys. this was inspired by the fact that brooklyn has indeed followed rye, sonny and jack again on ig.

hope you enjoyed!

bye guys Xx

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