💔You Should Have Known - Rykey

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Mentions of abuse


"What have I got to do to make you love me?
What have I got to do to be heard?"


Rye's POV

Staring at my phone screen, I fight to hold back the tears as I watched old fan videos of me and my ex best friend. The only thought running through my mind was the memory of mine and his last interaction before he cut me off for good.

I knocked on the door, excited to see my best friend again after so long. I had cried too many times, Andy holding me in his arms as he comforted me, telling me to go make amends. We had drifted apart once he left the band, something we never thought would ever happen. But I wanted him back.

I wanted Mikey back.

The door opened and there he stood, with tired, puffy eyes but with a small smile on his face. I pulled him in without hesitation, hugging him harder than I had ever hugged anyone in my life.

"I've missed you." I whispered. He let out a sigh, relaxing in my arms for a second before pushing me away.

"You shouldn't have come here, Rye." He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"What? Why not?"

He shook his head. "I can't do this."

I frowned, not knowing if he was taking to me or himself. I tentatively took a step forward, reaching out to him. "Please Mikey."

He shot back, shaking his head rapidly. "Please go, Rye. I want nothing more to do with you."

I let out a small gasp, tears welling up in my eyes. "What happened, Mikey? What happened to us?"

He shrugged, biting back the tears I could see building up in his pale eyes. He wasn't himself, and I had no idea what was going on in his mind. I had always known Mikey better than anyone else, but now he was like a stranger to me.

"Go, Rye. Don't ever contact me again."

With that, I was shoved out of his house with the door slammed in my face. I shakily turned around, letting one tear fall as I tried to make sense of it all.

I went home in tears, not bothering to let the boys know I was back before going straight to my room, lashing out as soon as I stepped inside. The first thing I grabbed was the picture frame on my nightstand, smashing it against the wall without a second thought. I let out a painful sob as I watched the now ripped photo of Mikey and I hugging float to the ground, landing with the broken glass.

I fell to my bed in complete agony, promising myself never to cry over him again.

Since then, Mikey Cobban had become a foreign memory. I didn't like to ponder on the what ifs for long, so I ignored it. I ignored the pain. I ignored how I longed for him to walk through the door of our castle that he didn't know the address for. I ignored how my heart broke every time I saw a picture of a video of him online. I ignored how I cried myself to sleep, calling his name.

The boys definitely heard me, but they chose to ignore it too, knowing there was nothing they could do to help.

There was only ever one person who could truly fix me when I was broken, and that person was the reason I was hurting.

~time skip brought to you by ducks~

Mikey's POV

Staring at the blank wall of my boyfriend's bedroom, I fight to hold back the tears as he hit me, beating the memories out of my mind. The only one he couldn't get rid of was the memory of the day I lost my best friend for good.

I heard the knock on the door, smiling widely as I glanced out of the window and saw my best friend standing there. I had missed him so bad, but I was never allowed to visit. So I had to hope that he missed me just as much and that he would make the first move. Because my life was nothing without him. I wanted him back.

I wanted Rye back.

"Get rid of it." My boyfriend hissed into my ear, panic rising inside of me. I knew he always hated the boys, taking a special loathing to Ryan Beaumont since we were the closest. But I never thought he would ban me from seeing them. From seeing him.

"Please don't. I need him." I begged, voice cracking slightly as I pleaded with him not to make me hurt the brunette boy waiting patiently at my front door.

"I don't care. Get rid of him before I do."

I gulped, making my way downstairs to relieve Ryan of him impatience. He had a bright smile on his face as soon as he saw me. I could only muster a small half smile as he pulled me into a hug, his hold feeling so familiar. Oh how I had missed his touch.

"I've missed you." He whispered. I buried my face into his shoulder, allowing myself a few more seconds of relief before I did the most painful thing and pushed him away.

"You shouldn't have come here, Rye." I muttered, looking down so that I wouldn't have to see his reaction.

"What? Why not?"

I almost laughed. "I can't do this." I directed those words at the living devil upstairs waiting for me to betray the only true friend I ever had.

I heard him take a step forward, lifting my head to see his tear filled eyes and pained expression. "Please Mikey."

I shook my head, reluctantly moving further away from him. Maybe this was for the best. This way he wouldn't get hurt. "Please go, Rye. I want nothing more to do with you."

We were both on the verge of breaking down, both of us pretending to be strong to make it seem as though this didn't affect us as much as it actually did. But we both knew it was just as painful for each of us seeing the other hurting. "What happened, Mikey? What happened to us?"

I couldn't answer him. I couldn't lie to him, making up some fake ass story about not needing him anymore and being better off without him. But I couldn't tell him the truth either. I couldn't admit that my boyfriend abused me mentally and physically, constantly trying to convince me that he was all I needed.

"Go, Rye. Don't ever contact me again."

I shoved him out of the house, shutting the door quickly so that he didn't see me break down. I didn't even try and hold back the tears, wanting to show him the pain he had caused me. I could deal with the hurtful words. I could deal with the bruises and the sleepless nights. But I couldn't deal with losing Rye, and that was exactly what had happened.

"Good boy." He smirked, slapping me on the back before storming into the next room. I squeezed my eyes shut, refraining from lashing out and telling him just how much I hated him.

I made my way back upstairs, quietly closing the door behind me. I fell onto his bed with a broken heart, promising myself never to let him break me again.

Since then, I had become numb. Rye was the only reason I was still holding on. Once I lost him, I saw no reason to keep on fighting.

I thought Rye would be able to tell that I was speaking someone else's words. He had always known me better than I knew myself, so it hurt that he couldn't tell how much I was hurting.

I had lost him for good, but he should have known. He should have known that I was hurting.

Hey guys. I haven't really written a depressing one in a while, so have this. I've planned a load of one shots and I'm working on them whenever I get the chance. I didn't feel like writing anything remotely happy since I've had a shit week so far.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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