💔Fingerprints - Fluff

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Requested by RoadieSyko

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ rape/abuse


"Got your fingerprints as evidence all on my body,
Put your right hand on the book and you were found guilty,
I can't wait forever but that's how it's gonna be,
For me they'll never be,
Case closed,
No matter what the verdict says."


Jack's POV

As we waited to go inside, I was shaking. This was it. This was when I would find out if he would go to prison or not. I was anxious, terrified that he would get away with it. I hadn't realised I was crying until I felt someone sit beside me, using their thumb to wipe away my tears.

"Hey, baby. It's okay. He's gonna get everything he deserves." My boyfriend whispered, pulling me into his chest.

"What if he doesn't? What if he's found innocent?"

"Then we'll deal with it together. No matter what, he will never take another step near you again. I'll make sure of that." He soothed, rocking us gently back and fourth.

I had calmed down just in time for us to be called in. I took a deep breath, willing myself not to cry again. Andy lifted my chin up slightly, pressing his lips to mine.

"Come on, baby. I'll be with you every step of the way."

I gave him a small smile, appreciative that he cared. He took my hand, leading me into the court room.

~time skip brought to you by milk. cause milk~


I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as they announced the verdict. It was over. He was going to prison.

I was free.

"We did it baby!" Andy cheered, pulling me into his arms. I wrapped mine tightly around his waist, afraid to let go. I was overwhelmed, the reality of the situation only just setting in. He was found guilty.

"I'm so proud of you!" He whispered, kissing my lips lightly. I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his lightly and letting out a laugh. It was all I could do.

"Come on, lets go home."

I let him take my hand, and we walked outside towards the car. As we stepped foot out the door, I saw him. Getting dragged away by the police, anger evident on his face.

"I'll get you for this Jack!" He screamed, trying to escape the police's harsh grasps. "You'll never be free!"

I let out a gasp, memories flashing through my mind. I saw it all again. The way his hands grasped my hips, his firm grip causing bruises. The way his tongue travelled up my jawline, closer and closer to my gagged mouth.

I was shook out of my thoughts by Andy, who pulled me into the car. He hopped into the drivers seat, resting one hand on mine.

"Are you okay?" He checked.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. He squeezed my hand, averting his eyes to the road as he started the car. I kept my eyes glued to the window, trying to calm myself. I distracted myself, lightly humming my favourite song. It worked, since the next time I looked out the window we were back home.

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