🌹Instagram Stories - Randy

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"All I knew,
This morning when I woke,
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before."


Andys POV

I anxiously knocked on Robbies door, waiting for him to answer. He looked surprised to see me but I didn't explain why I was there. I just brushed past him as soon as he opened the door and sat down.

"Andy? What are you doing here?"

I bit my lip, deciding it would be best to just come right out and say it. "I think I'm gay."


It was a normal Saturday afternoon. I was playing Fifa and my phone was blowing up. I picked it up to see what all the fuss was about and saw that Robbie had commented something on his post and everyone was tagging Rye and I in it. Curious as to what was said, I opened the app and clicked on the comments. My eyes widened when I read what it said.

@amber.17_e : Robbie hates hanging out with Randy because he can feel the sexual tension

Liked by @robbiehates , @ryebeaumont and 43 others

@robbiehates : @amber.17_e Robbie hates that they haven't confessed yet

Liked by @amber.17_e, @ryebeaumont and 2,846 others

There were thousands of comments just like that. I smiled at a few of the cute ones. People really did ship Rye and I together. I didn't exactly know why. Rye could do so much better than me. He was really fit and sexy and I was just me.

Wait a second.

Did I just call Rye sexy?

My eyes widened in realisation. I liked Rye.

~flashback over~

Robbie smirked. "Oh I know."

I frowned. "How could you possibly know?"

He rolled his eyes. "It was so obvious mate. You and Rye literally drool over each other."

I blushed at his words, never having noticed how obvious it was.

"You like him, don't you?"

I nodded.

He smiled. "Well I'm pretty sure he likes you as well."

I shook my head. "No way! He's straight. He likes girls. He's affectionate with us all but as a joke. I'm just his brother."

"Maybe so. But he stares at you with a whole lot of love in his eyes.. I'm his actual brother and if he looked at me like that I'd have to call a therapist." He chuckled. "Believe me when I say that boy likes you."

I let myself believe his words, wanting so desperately for Rye to love me back. "What should I do?"

He thought for a moment before grinning at me. "Make a video."


"Make a video explaining things and post it to your instagram story. Rye's bound to see it."

I shook my head rapidly, seeing every flaw in his plan. "I can't. What if Blair sees and gets mad at me for coming out?"

"He won't. He's very supportive over this stuff." He reassured me.

I sighed. "I don't know."

"C'mon Andy. You'll never know otherwise."

I hesitated before nodding. "Fine. I'll do it."

~time skip brought to you by Brooks big toe~

I went straight to my bedroom the minute I got home, making sure I was alone. I propped my phone up on the table, opening the camera with shaky hands. Taking a seat on my bed, I took a deep breath.

"Here goes everything."

I pressed record and started speaking.

"Hey guys, my name's Andy. Uhm, so, basically, I have something really important I need to say. I'm not sure how you're gonna react but I need to get it off my chest. So, uhm, this is really hard for me to say but I need to say it. I just want you to know that I love you all and this changes nothing. Well I hope it doesn't. Right, here goes..... I'm- uhm, I'm gay. I'm gay and I'm in love with Rye. This was probably a huge mistake but there's no going back now. Peace, love, see you on the flip side!"

I ended the video, quickly posting it to my story before I changed my mind and switching my phone off. I realised what I just did and tears started falling down my cheeks. What if this changed everything? What if he hated me? What if the fans hated me? What if he didn't love me back?

Amongst my crying, I didn't hear the door open. I looked up and saw Mikey staring back at me

"Mate, I saw your story. Is it true?"

I nodded and he was quick to hug me.

"This is great!"

"How? How is this great?"

"I'm guessing you haven't seen the reactions."

I shook my head and he passed me my phone. I unlocked it and went to my profile, checking my tags. The video had unsurprisingly been reposted thousands of times. I checked the comments and smiled at the kind words.


'Love him!'

'Randy is real!'


'Knew it!'

'My babies!!'

I looked at Mikey, biting my lip as a happy tear slipped down my cheek.

"They accept me."

"Did you expect anything else?"

I shrugged and went to log out, but noticed that Rye had added to his story. I checked my own story and realised he had watched the video. I nervously clicked on his story, finding a video just like mine.

"Hey guys, it's Rye. I'm guessing you've all seen Andys confession video, so now it's my turn. I'm bisexual and I'm in love with Andy. Now, if he was brave enough to just ask me out then we would be together by now." He laughed, ending the video.

I glanced at Mikey with a huge smile.

"This is great! Now, go talk to him."

I grinned, standing up and rushing to Ryes room. But not before giving Mikey a hug.

"Thanks for the support Mike."

"No problem."

I knocked on Ryes door, receiving an immediate reply.

"Come in Andy!"

I walked in. "How did you know it was me?"

He turned to face me, a smirk on his face. "I know you saw my story."

I looked down, suddenly becoming very anxious. He moved towards me until he was stood right in front of me, resting one hand on my cheek. I leant into the familiar touch, slipping my eyes shut as I relaxed.

"Don't be so nervous baby."

My heart fluttered at the pet name, my eyes opening to look into his. We stared at each other in silence until he started to lean in. I did the same and met his lips halfway in a kiss so full of love that I never wanted it to end.

"So you're in love with me, eh?" He smirked after we pulled away.

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Shut up!"

He gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you too Andy."

Hey guys! My first one shot! You like?

This was based on a dream I had!

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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