🌹He Belongs - OT5

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Word count: 3565

This is hella long and I'm sorry about that, but this one shot is my baby so if you hate on it imma cry!


"Truly, madly, deeply, I am,
Foolishly, completely falling,
And somehow you kicked all my walls in,
So baby, say you'll always keep me,
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you,
In love with you."


Ever since the band had begun, it was no secret that each of the boys had a special bond with one another. They had explored that bond further one night, breaking too many boundaries to keep pretending they were just mates. They had accepted the fact that they had feelings for one another not long after, and had all agreed to be in a five person relationship. It worked out fine for the first few years, not one of them losing feelings for anyone. It all changed when Mikey had shared his unhappiness. They loved him so much, meaning that the boy's happiness was more important than anything. That's why they let him go when he needed to leave. It broke their heart watching the boy they loved break down, sobbing in the arms of his four favourite people in the world because he didn't want to lose them. They could have easily made the relationship work, but they knew it was time to let the brunette go.

The first few weeks without him were hard, but they still had each other so they got through it together. Then Sonny arrived, and it was love at first sight for all the boys. Andy had been in love with him for years, having a past with the younger boy that none of the others shared. It didn't take long for Sonny to join their relationship, spending so much time with each of them and falling just as far as they had for him. They felt complete again, Sonny filling the void that Mikey left. They were just as happy as they were a year ago, finally having faith in the world again. But then Jack started feeling down, and they all knew what was happening. It didn't come out of nowhere. The frown on the youngest boy's face was clear for everyone to see. They just hoped it wasn't what they thought it was, because they couldn't bare to go through the same heartache again. But he left. He didn't break down like Mikey did, but the boys weren't surprised. This was Jack. He had always held his walls up ever since they met. They didn't expect him to change that, no matter how troubled the Irish boy was. But they let him go, and it hurt like hell to go through it all over again.

Each boy was slowly giving up, convinced the world just didn't want them to be happy. Of course they would've been satisfied just being the four of them, but they all agreed that something was missing. They needed a fifth to make the relationship whole, and they found their fifth in the most surprising way.

Harper had been around for months, seeing the boys go through thick and thin together, admiring their strength and love for one another. They had Jack back then. They were happy. They had never once looked at Harper in that way, because they didn't need to fall in love again. But maybe it was the heartache of losing yet another boy they loved, or maybe it was the time they were spending with the blonde, but they each started seeing Harper in a different light.

It was Brooklyn who suggested it. He was the first to admit the attraction he had for the long haired musician, the others hesitantly opening up about their own feelings. It was a mutual decision to let Harper trial. They all knew he was bisexual, so that wasn't the issue. The issue was that Harper had never shown interest in the boys that way. He wasn't just trialing for the band. He was trialing for their relationship, and the only way it was going to work was if he liked each of the boys individually. They knew they needed to spend more time with him, try and build the bond they had with each other. So that's what they decided to do during his trial. If things worked out, they would accept him in the band and ask him to be their boyfriend.

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