💔I'm Tired, Jack - Jacklyn

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ death


"The day that they took you
I wished it was me instead"


Jack's POV

"I'm cold!"

I turned to my boyfriend, and saw him shivering. It was nighttime and we were sat on the beach, side by side. We had spent the whole day together. At the fairground. At a diner. This was a perfect way to end the perfect day.

"Don't worry, I'll wrap us in the blanket." I told him, covering the both of us. He smiled at me and looked up to the sky.

"I wish I could stay here forever."

I sighed. "So do I. Let's sit back and look at a billion stars."

I watched as he leant back, staring into the night sky.

"Are you still cold?"

He shook his head. "Not anymore."

Suddenly, something caught my eye. I nudged my boyfriend and pointed to the sky.

"Look. A shooting star!"

"Let's make a wish!"

I looked at him, admiring his beauty. "I've got everything I need right here!"

He turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, and I will never stop loving you!" I said honestly. It was the truth. I had never felt the same way about anyone the way I felt about Brooklyn.

We smiled at each other, and I had never felt so loved. He leant in and captured my lips in a kiss so full of emotion. So full of love. In that moment, it was just me and him. Nothing else mattered. Nobody else mattered. In that moment, our time wasn't limited. Brook wasn't ill, and the end wasn't near. We were just Jack and Brook. Two kids who fell in love. Two kids who were meant to be together forever.

"I've got to go." He smiled.

"Five more minutes.."

He sighed, placing his head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired, Jack!"

I looked down and saw his smile. Pressing a kiss to his forehead and putting my arm around his shoulder, I looked back at the sky. The stars glistened, making the night all the more beautiful. If only I knew that was the last time I'd ever find beauty in this world.

I glanced down and saw Brook's pale, expressionless face. Eyes closed.

I knew what had happened. I knew it was coming. That doesn't mean I was prepared for it.

The tears fell down my cheeks as if in slow motion. I felt like I was being held underwater, and I would drown at any second.

In my dreams, we cuddled the whole night long.

But this was reality.

And in reality...

Life was cold. Life was cruel. Life took away the things that meant the most to us.

So, I sobbed.

I felt abandoned.





Hey guys. Hope this wasn't too sad!

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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