🌹Intriguingly Mischievous - Honny

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"Oh my heart is racing,
And my temperature is blazing through the roof,
And I'm tired of this charade,
'Cause I can't hide the way I'm feeling over you,
I'm overwhelmed,
I might as well stay underneath the spell you put on me,
And when you touch me I can feel it in my veins like electricity"


Sonny's POV

Something that had always confused me about mine and Rye's friendship was how different we both were. Rye was adventurous and loved the outdoors, while I preferred to stay inside with a good book. He was loud and obnoxious, while I was more on the quiet side. But the biggest difference between us was probably the fact that he liked girls, and I liked boys. He didn't have a problem with me being gay, letting me know he was already aware of it when I came out to him back in college. I knew he wasn't homophobic and I wasn't the slightest bit scared to tell him.

As different as we were, we loved each other dearly and would always make time to do the things we each enjoyed, despite not being interested in it ourselves. Today, I was letting him drag me to some art exhibit. Rye had never been into art when we first met, but he had recently learnt that he had a natural talent for it. Since the day he painted his first picture, he had been obsessed. Art bored me to the extent of sending me to sleep, but I couldn't refuse to go with him when I knew how much he loved it. But I was starting to regret coming when I was stood at the back of a hug crowd, listening to some old guy explain the history of some picture with a fish on it. Rye had his eyes glued to the front, seemingly very interested in what the guy had to say. I had probably yawned about eight hundred times, and yet Rye still hadn't taken the hint.

"How long is this gonna take?" I whined, resting my chin on my best friend's shoulder.

"Be patient Sonny." he scolded, not even glancing in my direction. "This is the last one, I promise."

I groaned, letting him know that I was going to have a wander round. He made me promise to meet him at the main doors in twenty minutes, and I frowned at the thought of having to entertain myself for that long. I looked around in amazement at the huge sculptures decorating the place. Paintings may not have been my cup of tea, but I couldn't deny that the art of modelling an ugly lump of clay into something so gorgeous intrigued me. But my attention was soon taken off the grey figures when a man caught my eye. He looked young, around my age, and I struggled to understand how someone could be so captivatingly gorgeous at such a young age. His blonde hair shone golden in the glowing beams of the summer sun shining through the skylights. His skin was perfect, not a trace of acne on his concentrated face. I slowly gravitated towards him, his radiant smile so mesmerising that it highlighted his perfectly sculptured face with a soft beauty. My curious green eyes met his startlingly intense baby blues, so intoxicatingly innocent, yet intriguingly mischievous. His firm gaze never left mine as I moved closer, standing right in front of him. He held out his hand for me to shake, the crowd that previously surrounded him slowly dispersing as they awaited the oncoming conversation.

"Harper Dark." He introduced, the name so contradictive to his piercingly luminous appearance.

"Sonny Robertson." I replied, hesitating before letting go of his hand.

"Say, you don't seem like the kind of guy we usually see around the gallery." I raised an eyebrow, curious as to how he had managed to figure me out so quickly.

"I was dragged here by my friend. He's really into art." I explained, keeping my voice steady under his intense stare.

"Trying to entertain yourself, huh?" He assumed. I nodded in reply, not trusting myself not to stumble over my words. I was overwhelmed by his beauty.

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