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sorry if the situation is unrealistic. i wrote it with little experience and knowledge of the situation but i tried hard to make it somewhat make sense.

this one shot contains quite graphic violence and offensive slurs so just be warned.

this was requested by mysterygirlnow but i've changed bits of it to suit what i was comfortable writing, so i hope it's okay.


"I'd rather be a lover than a fighter,
Cause all my life I've been fighting,
Never felt a feeling of comfort,
All this time I've been hiding."


Sonny's POV

"Stop being gross!" Andy shouted jokingly through the camera, eyes on the soppy couple behind me who were cuddling on the sofa. Rye just stuck his tongue out at his best friend, proceeding to press a sloppy kiss to Honor's lips just to piss him off. He laughed, feigning innocence and covering his eyes. I smiled, never having felt happier than I did in that moment.

Everyone assumed that we had lost contact with Andy after the band broke up, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He was too important to us just to cast aside like that. Just because we were no longer working on the same dream, doesn't mean we couldn't still be friends.



"Brook's calling me."

I met his confused gaze through the screen and I understood why he looked so lost. It was no secret that we'd all cut contact with the youngest of our ex band mates, but not by choice. We'd lost a lot of trust and respect for the pair after everything that happened, but we would've happily brushed it all under a rug and made friends with them once again if they had wanted the same thing. But they completely cut us out of their lives, which hurt a lot. I hadn't known either of them for much longer than a year, but they were my best friends and it hurt like shit knowing they didn't want me in their lives anymore. It hurt a lot knowing the boys I'd fallen for didn't love me back.

"Are you gonna answer it?" I asked.

"Should I?"

"No way!" Rye spoke up, frowning. "He doesn't deserve anything from us."

"But what if he's in trouble?" Andy pushed.

"Just answer the call Fovvs." I sighed, Rye muttering in disagreement.

"What do you want Brooklyn?" He mumbled.

"Andy? Andy, I need help!"

The panic in his voice was unmissable and, despite everything, I found myself suddenly very worried about my ex best friend. Maybe it was because I was still so undeniably in love with him.

"What's going on?"

"It's Blair. He's gone fucking nuts!"

"Why? What's Blair done?"

"It's about Blair?!" Rye exclaimed. "Fucking hang up the phone!"

"Ryan!" I scolded, sending him a death glare. "I think there's something seriously wrong."

"Brook, calm down and tell me what's happened."


"I can hear screaming. What the fuck is happening Brook?!" Andy was panicking now, always having felt a sense of overprotection for the boy who will always be a little brother to him.

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