🌹Ignorance - Bronny

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Requested by AmericanRoadie2019


"Give me love like her
'Cause lately I've been waking up alone
Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt"


Sonny's POV

My time in RoadTrip had already been amazing, and it had only been four months.

Andy was just how I remembered him. Smart, sarcastic, and hilarious. All the qualities that made us such good friends to begin with.

Rye was fantastic. I knew we would get on great from the moment I saw him in the vlogs. Sure, I was worried about how close he was with Andy, since I was that close with him once. But we got on amazingly.

Jack was great, to my suprise. I honestly wasn't sure if we would get on, but we got on fantastically well. He was chill, like me, but we both had a childish side to us. Much like Brook.

Brook. The boy I had fallen for in such little time of knowing him. It was crazy. He was absolutely insane, but that's what I loved about him. All the things others found annoying about the small Essex boy, I found endearing.

His smile. It lit up my day. I loved seeing him happy.

His eyes. A beautiful shade of green. I often got lost in them whenever I looked at my blonde boyfriend.

His sense of humour. A bit strange, but made my day.

I loved everything about him. But, what I didn't love was how much time he spent with Jack.

It was like they were dating, not us. They spent every minute together, and it hurt. During a storm, when I should be protecting him from his deepest fears, Brook cuddled Jack instead. When he was upset, when I should be bringing his smile back, Jack cheered him up instead. When he was lonely, when I should be making him feel loved again, he spent time with Jack instead.

It was almost as if he was ignoring me. He didn't see how much it hurt, and it hurt even more knowing he didn't care that much about my feelings.

"Mate, you gotta tell him. Brook's oblivious. He always has been. He doesn't know he's doing anything wrong." Andy told me one day.

"No, if he wants to cling to Jack, let him. I'm fine."

I was fine. Well, at least that's what I told others.

But nobody knew how I cried myself to sleep at night, wishing I was in my boyfriends arms. Knowing he was in the arms of his best mate instead.

It soon got to the point where it all became too much. We were sat watching a film in Rye's room, like we usually did. Only this time, I was the one sat alone. It was usually Jack, since Randy cuddled as much as possible.

But, I had to watch as Jack wrapped his arms around MY boyfriend. I had to watch as Jack laughed with and whispered to MY boyfriend. I had to watch as Jack stole MY boyfriend.

I couldn't handle it. So, on the brink of tears, I stormed out of the room, running upstairs and closing my bedroom door before breaking down.

"He doesn't love you anymore."

"He doesn't love you anymore."

I repeated those five words over and over again, hoping they weren't true, but knowing they probably were.

I was ready to have another night of tears, when the unexpected happened. Something that just shouldn't be that unexpected.

I heard a faint knock on my door, but I ignored it, thinking it was most likely Andy coming to check on me.

But I let out a gasp when I heard the voice that I hadn't heard talking to me in such a long time.

"Sonny? Let me in? Baby, I'm worried."


He hadn't called me that in so long.

I shouldn't have given in so quickly, but I didn't regret the way I smashed open the door and jumped into my boyfriends arms.

God, how I had missed his cuddles.

"Baby, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." He whispered, sitting us down on my bed.

"You don't love me anymore." I mumbled, but he heard clearly.

"What? That's insane. Of course I love you Sunshine. What makes you think that?"

"Jack." I all but whispered.

"Jack?" He repeated, confused.

"You've been spending more time with Jack than with me. I thought you were gonna leave me for him."

"Oh baby, I could never. Jack has been going through a lot recently, and I wanted to be there for him. I'm so sorry for making you feel unloved. I promise I will give you my full attention for now on."

I smiled a genuine smile for the first time in weeks, happy to know I had my boyfriend back.

"I love you Brookie."

"I love you too Sunshine." He whispered, kissing me on the lips.

Oh, how I missed these lips.

Hey guys. My phone died while I was typing so my mum gave me five minutes to finish this on my iPad.

Check out my new Rack book "Never Really Over".

Hope this was okay AmericanRoadie2019

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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