Don Hall (Dove) x Reader

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   Y/N'S POV

  I would proudly admit that I was not like other girls my age. Instead of spending time with friends or going to the movies, I spend my free time time traveling. I heard I was not the only one who had that ability.
  Right now, I was about to make my way towards the large portal, but I felt a gentle hand pull me back. I turned, and I saw The Justice League standing there.

  Diana said,"Y/N, where are you going? It is not safe to mess with time."

  I sighed and said,"I know, but I...I love him, Diana. If there is a chance I can stop him from dying because of my stupid mistake, then I will take it."

  Flash ran over to me and said,"I know what it is like to be afraid of what the future will hold, but this could end badly. Trust me, I know from experience."

  I actually considered staying after what Barry said, but then I remembered what happened because of me. No...I needed to go and save Don. It was the only way I could see him again.
  As I finished getting the last of my things, someone grabbed my arm. Why does everyone keep grabbing my arm? I looked at Batman.

  I sighed and said,"Bruce, I have to go. If there is a chance I can see the man I love again, I am gonna take it. I could care less if I come back or not, as long as Don is alive and safe."

  Batman nodded and said,"I understand that, but you have a life here, Y/N. If you try to change something, something you love here could cease to exist. There are consequences, and I just do not want you getting hurt because of them."

   I knew Bruce wanted me to stay here, but I...I had to go. I just kissed his cheek and took a deep breath, before I went through the portal. It felt odd at first, but I saw it open, and I fell down to the ground. I groaned on impact and slowly got up. I looked around, and I was in Coast City.
  Uh oh, no I could not be here. I felt a huge pain in my head and turned to see Puppeteer. Puppeteer was a known villain of Green Lantern and the Teen Titans. He had the ability to control people's minds and make them do whatever he pleased or wanted.

  I was not gonna let him get in my head, but I realized I had the disadvantage in this situation. I immediately frowned and tried to think of another plan, because the first one was not looking too hot.

  Puppeteer smirked at me and put down his hand saying,"Why, look who it is!! Y/N, is that you? You have definitely grown since the last time I saw you. Does your boyfriend know you are here?"

  I rolled my eyes and caught him off-guard, before I kneed him in the stomach. Puppeteer fell back, and I smirked in victory. I knew this fight was not over, because we literally just started. I was so worried about my next move that Puppeteer got the jump on me and pinned me down.

  He tightened his grip around my wrists, and I winced in pain.

  He chuckled and said,"Where is that hero of yours now, huh?"

  I heard a voice say,"He is right here, and he does not like how you are treating his woman."

  I looked to my right and saw Don. Tears of joy filled my eyes, because I had not seen him in so long. Don sent me a signal, before I nodded in understanding. He sent me a silent wink, before I blushed and went with the plan.
  I quickly flipped Puppeteer over and threw him towards Don. Don smirked and punched him hard, knocking him out in seconds.

  Don, well Dove, ran over to me and held my side saying,"Are you all right? Baby, what are you-"

  I cut Don off by kissing him passionately and roughly at the same time. Don was confused, but he kissed back. He pulled me closer, and tears fell down my face. I missed him so much. I could not remember the last time I was in his arms or laughing at one of his stupid jokes.
  Don pulled away and wiped my tears saying,"Honey, what is the matter? You are scaring me."

  I cried and held Don tightly, before he hugged back. Don kissed my cheek and held on, which always calmed me down. I slowly stopped crying and wiped my face, before I grabbed Don's hand and led him towards the portal.

  Don said,"Y/N, what is that? Where did-"

  I put a finger over Don's lips and said,"It is a portal. It is how I got to you, babe. I came here...because...because...I love you and need you back in my life. Don, you have to come with me."

  Don was deathly confused, and I did not blame him at all.

  I let my tears fall saying,"Please. I cannot lose you again."

  Don's eyes immediately softened, and he nodded. Then, I led him through the portal. Once we got back, I immediately pulled Don back in for a kiss. Don chuckled and kissed back, before I heard whistles and unnecessary chanting coming from down the hall.

  Don intertwined his finger with mine and said,"It is good to be home, baby. It is good to be back. Thank you, for coming back for me."

  I had no idea what doing this was going to do, but I was willing to deal with the consequences. I just didn't know what those consequences would look like. I was hardheaded.

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