Booster Gold x Reader

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   Y/N'S POV

  S.T.A.R. Labs was the best place to work. You couldn't convince me otherwise. There was always something going on, so I was constantly entertained, yet I was also surrounded by amazing individuals.
  Yes, I knew all about the Flash and Team Flash. I knew Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon very well. They were the sister and brother I wish I had growing up. Barry was more like the best friend who knew everything but was too sweet to ever brag about everything he knew.

  Speaking of Barry, I was waiting for him to return a DNA sample back to me that he was using for some metahuman. I preferred not to know about many of the metahumans, given that they all scared me and could crush me in a matter of seconds. That was an image I didn't need roaming around inside my head.

  About 2 hours later, Flash ran into my lab and my papers flew everywhere.

  I rolled my eyes and looked up at Flash, before he laughed,"Sorry, Y/N. Here."

  Flash quickly re-organized my papers for me, which made me smile.

  He handed me the DNA sample and said,"I need you to analyze this and held me figure out what we're dealing with. Oh, and Y/N?"

  I hmmed in response and turned around, before I was met with the one and only Booster Gold. I was clearly surprised that he was on this side of the city, but I had heard of him a few times from Superman.

  I stood up and held out my hand saying,"I am Y/N L/N, a close friend of The Flash. It is nice to meet you, Gold."

  Booster Gold actually blushed and looked at the little robot on his shoulder saying,"See, Skeets, someone knows who I am! It is nice to meet you, too, Y/N. You are very beautiful. Sorry, I did not mean to-"

  I laughed it off and said,"It is fine. Believe it or not, you are the first guy to ever say to me. Thank you. Would you like to stay? I could use some company."

  I spotted Barry smiling from the corner of my eye, and I then returned his smile. He gave me a look and I sent him a nod, letting him know that it was okay for him to leave. Barry sent me a nod back, before he left to confront Captain Cold.

  Booster Gold smiled and sat down beside me saying,"I would like to stay and get to know you more. Do you mind if I sit here?"

  I shook my head and replied,"No, of course not. Thank you for staying, but no funny business. I do know how to protect myself."

  Gold said,"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I'm a gentleman."

  I smiled at him and he smiled back, before Cisco stuck his head in the door saying,"What's going on in here?"

  I chuckled and said,"Nothing, Ramon. Nothing."

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