Barry Allen x Requested Reader

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This one is dedicated to TheUnholyTrinty101.


  I was gifted with the pleasure of working at S.T.A.R. Labs with Barry Allen. Barry was very sweet and caring, yet he was also very determined and smart. When we worked together, it was like my duties were a reliever from previous relationships or drama. By now, I had hoped Barry realized just how talented and smart he truly was.
  Right now, Barry was trying to teach me about the different chemicals and mixtures. I will admit, I was completely lost. I accidentally mixed one chemical, and it exploded all over the place.

  I nervously chuckled and said,"Uhh, I'm sorry?"

  Barry shook it off, but he frowned seeing my eyes filling with tears.

  I sniffed and said,"I am so sorry, Barry. I did not mean to. I am such an idiot. Maybe this is why science and I never mix. "

  Barry shook his head and scooted his chair in front of me. Barry put his hands in mine, and I did not understand what was happening right now. We were best friends, but he had never held my hands before. However, it felt right holding his hands.

  Barry gave me a genuine smile and said,"Madison, I understand how you feel. We all make mistakes, but that does not mean I am upset with you. You are amazing at everything you do, but it is okay to mess up. Let's try this again, okay? This time just breathe and take your time. Think about every step and remember to take your time."

  I smiled and nodded taking in Barry's words. He always knew how to make me feel better. I was so grateful to have a best friend like him around. I took a deep breath, before I carefully mixed the chemicals together. I closed my eyes and peeked at the tube.

  I smiled as it appeared to be successful. Nothing exploded. Barry sat there smirking, while I squealed in victory.

  I hugged him and kissed his cheek saying,"Thanks, Barry. I am going to go tell Joe right now!!"

  Barry gave me a smile and gently pushed me forward. I kissed his cheek once more, before I ran out of his lab to find Joe.


  After I watched Madison run out, I sighed and sat down in my chair. When Madison hugged me, I was filled with a very warm feeling on the inside. Almost as if...No, I could not be in love with my best friend.

  I said to myself,"Get it together, Allen. Why would she love you?"

  I shook off my thoughts and realized I was in love with my best friend. Madison was beautiful, and I loved to see her happy every day. When I was upset, Madison made me forget about the stressful things.
  I...I had to find a way to tell her how I felt. Iris walked in, and she was just the girl I needed to talk to. She gave me a smile, but she noticed me suddenly pacing around.

  I smiled and asked her,"Can you help me with something?"

  Iris nodded, and I smiled hugging her.

  Iris chuckled and hugged back, before she kindly asked me,"What do you need?"

  I thought about it, before I let Iris in on the plan.


  As I sat down on top of Joe's desk, he gave me a smile.


  Joe chuckled,"I am proud of you, honey. I know it has been hard for you to handle the basics, but you are learning. That is a good thing. What about your other issue?"

  I sighed and looked down saying,"No, I am still working on it. Joe, I do not want to ruin the relationship that Barry and I already have. If I tell him and he rejects me, I might ruin our chances of being friends after. He might just avoid me."

  Joe put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze saying,"Do not think like that, Madison. Try to be more positive. What if you tell him and he feels the same way? If Barry does not feel the same way, he will not just avoid you after you tell him. He will still be there for you whenever you need him. I know him."

  I nodded and took a deep breath, before I made my way back into Barry's lab. I saw Iris and kissed her cheek, before I spotted Barry standing there.
He was holding red roses in his hands. I immediately smiled and walked up to him. Barry handed the roses to me, before I smelled the flowers.

  He smiled saying,"I have been meaning to tell you, but I did not know how. I hope you love me, too, but I understand if you don't feel the same way. Madison, I have been blind to the fact that I do want to be with you. Madison, you are so kind and intelligent. You bring out the best in people, and I love that about you. I hope I can maybe make you see that in me too. So, Madison, will you be my girlfriend?"

  I nodded saying,"Yes, I would love to, Barry. What made you get the courage to tell me?"

  Barry chuckled, but he admitted to me,"Iris. She told me that it would be okay and that you would not hate me if I just told you the truth. I was afraid I would lose you forever. Hug me?"

  I giggled at Barry's cuteness, but I gladly hugged him. Barry hugged back and held me tighter. I smiled and rested my head on his chest, before we headed out.

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