Oliver Queen x Reader

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I've been thinking about basing some of these parts off of our generation of Disney!! They have so many classics, so why not use them? The first one that came to mind was "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid. Please enjoy, comment, and vote!!

   Y/N'S POV

  Waiting was what I was doing. Waiting on my boyfriend, Oliver Queen, to come pick me up. I had no idea where we were going, but it was a date. Oliver just told to me to dress nice and stay beautiful. After hearing that, how could I turn Oliver down?
  I waited for about 10 minutes, before I saw his black Lamborghini pull up. I immediately smiled and shyly walked up to the passenger side of the car. I went to open the passenger side door, but Oliver gently pushed me out of the way. I smirked, yet I let him be a gentleman.

  Oliver smirked and kissed my cheek saying,"No, allow me, Mrs. Queen."

  I smiled, but I realized what he just called me. Oliver sent me a wink and held open the door for me. I blushed again and got inside the car. He jogged over to his side and pulled out of my driveway.

  I looked over at him and said,"Ollie?"

  Oliver hmmed in response, and his blue eyes met my E/Cs.

  "Where are we going? You did not tell me when you called."

  Oliver pushed me back in my seat, because I was too excited.

  He chuckled and smiled in front of him saying,"Somewhere special. Now, don't worry, because I know you will love it. At least, I hope you do."

  I went to kiss him, but I had forgotten one little detail: Oliver and I had not had our first kiss yet. I wanted it to be special, so I just kissed his nose.

  Oliver blushed, and I smirked saying,"Oliver Queen blushing? That is new."

  Oliver shrugged and knew how to play it off. I just smiled and patiently waited for the car ride to end. Oliver parked the car, and I sat up straight. Once we got there, I had to use the restroom. It was such a long drive. I let go of Oliver's hand and ran inside the bathroom. After I was done, I washed my hands and made sure I looked okay.
  I walked back out, only for Oliver to rush to my side. He checked me over, and I just hugged his waist. Oliver kissed my forehead and leaned on me. Oliver stepped back and held out his hand. I smiled and took it, before he led us down a beautiful pathway.

  I realized we were at a lake, and there was a nice boat sitting there.

  I turned to Oliver and held his face saying,"Ollie, I know life has been hard for you after what happened on the island, so you do not have to get on. I get that you are trying to do something special for me, but I do not want you getting horrific memories and falling into depression again."

  Oliver shook his head and led me inside. He helped me sit down before taking the seat in front of me.
  I crossed my legs and looked out on the horizon. I could feel eyes on me and turned to see Oliver smiling at me. I smiled back and rested my hands on the side.

  Oliver cleared his throat and said,"So, how are you feeling? I am sorry if-"

  I cut Oliver off by taking his hands and holding them to my face.

  Oliver smiled while I said,"I love it, baby. I have always wanted to take a romantic boat ride, and now I can say I have. Thank you, Ollie."

  Oliver nodded and got up. He took a seat next to me and held out his hands again. I put mine in his, before he intertwined our fingers together slowly. I understood what he was doing. He was trying to be cute.
  I must have been staring, because Oliver sent me a confused look.

  I blushed in embarrassment and said,"I am sorry, Queen. I was just...uhh..."

  Oliver laughed and waved it off. I looked down and played with my hands. I wanted to be able to just show him that I loved him, but I was afraid of being judged. I cared about it too much.

  Oliver lifted my chin and stroked my cheek saying,"Y/N, I know you are having doubts about yourself. I will always love you and no other female will ever change that. You have influenced me, and I need to keep someone like you by my side. I have never felt so good and happy on the inside. I thought I was supposed to be alone, but you have changed that way of thinking for me. I want to be with you and even spend the rest of my life with you. Understand?"

  By the time Oliver was done, tears were constantly falling down my face. Oliver pulled me into his lap and rubbed my back soothingly. I leaned into his touch, and Oliver made me look at him. I noticed he was leaning in, and I did, too. I froze for a minute, but I couldn't be afraid any longer of sharing my first kiss with Oliver.

  Once our lips met, I immediately kissed back and brought Oliver closer. Oliver smiled and held on for a minute.

  I slowly let go and put my forehead on his saying,"I love you, Oliver Queen. Wow. That was an amazing kiss."

  Oliver smiled and kissed my nose saying,"I love you, too, Y/N L/N, and I know it was. I felt that way, too."

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