Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) x Reader

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Dedicated to ILoveRaphaelTMNT.

   Y/N'S POV

  When I woke up, I was tied down to a chair. I groaned, and my head was pounding. It felt like everything was spinning, and I had to keep still just for it to stop. I started to panic, but then I remembered what my best friend, Barry Allen, had told me. He told me to always stay calm and to not cause unnecessary attention to myself.
  I took that advice, but I flinched from the bruises forming on my wrists. It was funny, because I did not even remember how I ended up in this chair. I turned and noticed Heatwave leaning back in a chair, clearly thinking intensely, beside me.

  I rolled my eyes and mumbled,"Great."

  His head instantly snapped in my direction, and he held his gun to my chin.

  I just rolled my eyes again and joked saying,"Are you gonna play around or do something already?"

  I giggled at my own statement, and Heatwave just slapped me.

  I groaned and cracked my neck, before I spit some blood out on the floor saying,"Did your mom not teach you about hitting girls? No wonder you do not have a girlfriend."

  Heatwave went to say something, but I heard a voice yell,"AH AH AH, NOT YET MY FRIEND!!"

  Looked like Captain Cold got the invite to the party a little late.

  Great, now I just hoped that Barry and Joe would get here on time.

  I would probably get killed from boredom and useless threats. I had no idea why Captain Cold and Heatwave were holding me hostage, but I could not forget how they almost killed my brother last year at the Central City Police Department.

  Captain Cold walked over to me, before he bent down in front of me.

  I turned my face to the side, while he held my chin saying,"That Scarlet Speedster really shouldn't leave you alone. I wouldn't."

  For some reason, a blush formed on my cheeks, which made Heatwave chuckle saying,"I think she is interested. Since we know each other, then this would be the perfect timing to get to know each other better. Wouldn't you say so, Y/N?"

  I spit on Heat's shoe, before he looked at me in pure disgust.

  Snart (Captain Cold) walked over to his desk and ran his hand down his freeze gun saying,"This should be fun. All I need is some more time and Flash underneath my fingertips. I always enjoy our little run-ins together. Don't you, Y/N? You know him, don't you?"

  I immediately tensed at him bringing Barry into this. I knew Barry was already on his way to save me, but I was still worried for him.

  Heatwave (Mick) laughed and nodded saying,"Yeah, watching him struggle is the best part of the job!! If only you were not so caught up in only bringing Flash down!! We could be doing something bigger and better."

  Were they about to argue? Painfully, I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and cut the ties around my wrists. I ignored what my wrists now looked like, before I put the knife back inside my back pocket and pulled out some leftover Skittles in my pocket. I dropped a few skittles into my mouth, flinching in pain from the throbbing sensation inside my wrists. I should have just stayed still.



  Leonard lowered his voice sternly saying,"So we can stay here, in Central City, our home. With Flash gone, we can take and do what we want. There will be no one to stop us. This is our chance...your chance."

  Mick actually burned the painting, and I thought that was a very beautiful painting. Ughh, where was Barry? I was about to fall asleep. Plus, I ran out of Skittles!! Mick walked in front of me, before he kicked me out of my chair.

  I groaned in pain and went to get up, but Mick held me down.

  I slowly lifted my head and saw Leonard pointing his gun at Mick saying,"Do not touch her. She is no longer a part of the plan. Flash is all we need. Y/N is just bait for Flash's attention."

  Leonard actually helped me up, and I blushed again. He smirked and gently grabbed my arm, before he guided me outside their hideout.
  I stopped walking to see the Flash, and Joe was pointing his gun at Cold and Heatwave. I smiled gratefully at Joe and Flash, but I could not move.

  Flash quickly ran and grabbed me, before I was at his side. I kissed his cheek in thank you; however, Mick and Leonard were waiting for something.

  Flash said,"You either stand down now, or you'll have a lot of pain coming your way!! I would go with the first choice."

  Leonard held his chin and said,"I don't know, Flash. I do enjoy our games together. What's in it for me?"

  Barry let me go, and I made my way to Leonard. He was confused, but I kissed him slowly. Leonard quickly responded and kissed back. I'll admit, I was shocked by that. I found myself melting into the kiss, but I slowly pulled away.

  Leonard was actually blushing, and I smirked saying,"That is your trade. Though, I am available at the moment."

  Mick actually smiled, before Leonard smirked saying,"I like you. You are mysterious yet smart. I love it!! All right, Flash, your secret is safe with me, as long as I can take your friend out? Deal?"

  Flash ran over to us and went to say "no," but I gave him puppy dog eyes.

  Barry gave in and nodded saying,"Deal, but she does not get hurt. If she does, I will not hesitate to put both of you down. Permanently."

  I smiled at Barry's protective nature, before Joe escorted them away. Flash stood beside me, and I hugged him tight.

  Barry hugged back, and I smiled saying,"Thanks for saving me!! Do you have some Skittles?"

  Barry laughed, but he pulled some Skittles out of his pocket. I held open my hand and he handed me some, before I ate them. Where did he get them from? I just shrugged, because I had enough excitement and sweet treats for one day.

  Barry suddenly said,"Y/N, your wrists..."

  I said,"I know. I don't like being tied up."

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