Dick Grayson x Reader Part 2

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Here is the part 2 you all have been waiting on...

   Y/N'S POV

  I know it has been a while, so I will catch you guys up. I guess you could say I had it all, before a few months ago. Dick and I had never gotten into an argument or situation that was this bad before, and I was trying to push past it. I hadn't contacted him or visited Wayne Manor since our falling out.
  Even though I hadn't been to Wayne Manor in a long time, it didn't mean that Bruce didn't come to see me. He did it pretty often, but I was sure it was because Dick was not much better off than I was right now. We had been apart for months, and I had begun to realize just how bad heartbreak could be. It was not the fact that he did not tell me about it. It was the fact that he didn't say anything. He only looked at me.

  I got so caught up in my thoughts, that I did not notice Karry calling my name.

  I quickly apologized, before she waved it off saying,"No, it is all right, I understand. Want to keep going or head on back?"

  Karry decided to take me for a girl's day, because I had been distant and worrisome lately. I appreciated having Karry during this trying time of my life.

  I shook my head and said,"I am fine, Kay. Let's just get this over with."

  Karry did not believe me, but I could tell she was very worried. I followed her brown eyes and saw Dick walking with Malcolm. I immediately frowned and panicked. Karry pushed me into the store, and I hid behind one of the clothing racks. Dick walked up to Karry and kissed her cheek, while Malcolm pulled her in for a hug. Karry chuckled, hugging Malcolm back.

  Karry backed away from the wracks, so they would not look for me. Karry did a small motion with her hand for me to move back. I quickly obeyed, which ended up saving me.

  Dick held Karry's chin saying,"Is everything okay? You seem like you are hiding something, sis."

  Karry shook her head and smiled it off saying,"You know me, I am just all over the place. So, what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in Blüdhaven right now?"

  Dick smiled but smirked saying,"Are you not supposed to be somewhere, too? Like blushing over Jason or drooling over him."

  Karry pouted and turned away from Dick.

  Dick chuckled deeply but wrapped his arms around her saying,"I am just kidding, Kay. I am sorry. I love you, Karry. You are like my little sister, and I really love you. Please forgive me?"

  Karry turned around and hugged Dick tight. Dick hugged back, and I thought he had seen me.

  Dick turned back to Karry and kissed her forehead saying,"Malcolm and I have work to get to. I will see you at the Manor later. Love you, Karry."

  Dick gave Karry's hand a squeeze, before he walked off with Malcolm.

  I came out of my spot, and Karry frowned saying,"Why did you not try to talk to him? I thought you would want..."

  I shook my head and dragged Karry back to Jason's apartment. Jason was sleeping, so Karry and I just went into the living room.
  Karry made dinner, while I finished some work. I was almost done, when my phone went off. I quickly searched around for my phone then read the caller ID.

  It was him. Dick was calling me. Should I answer? I really did miss him, and what was the worst that could happen?

  I decided to answer the phone call,"Hello?"

  It got quiet on the other end, before I heard Dick say,"Hey, Y/N. How have you been doing?"

  I smiled at the fact that Dick was trying to make a conversation with me.

  I smiled and said,"Fine, just finishing some work. What did you call me for?"

  Dick honestly said,"I called you, because I want to talk to you, Y/N. I know we are not together because of what I did, but I want to work this out. What do you say? Meet me at the park at 6?"

  I went to say something, but Dick had already hung up the phone. I could not help but smile, because I was going to see him. I had been trying so hard to deny that I missed him, but now I was not afraid to admit it. I loved Dick, and I knew he still loved me, too.
  I got dressed, but I noticed Karry leaning on the door frame. Karry looked at me, and I knew that look.

  I smiled saying,"You got him to call me, didn't you? Karry, I do not know how to thank you for everything you have done for me."

  Karry waved it off and hugged me. I hugged her back, before I drove to the park. I got there after about 10 minutes of driving and went looking for Dick. I thought I would go to the spot where I would normally meet him at, and he was there.
  Dick gave me a smile and said,"Hey..."

  I smiled back saying,"Hey."

  Dick walked closer to me, and I let him.

  He cupped my face and looked into my eyes saying,"Y/N, I know you are upset, but I am so sorry. I was an idiot for what I did, and I really do need you. You are my everything, and I want your forgiveness. I want us. Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend again?"

  I smiled and nodded, which made Dick squeal. I giggled but pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Dick kissed back and brought me closer to him. He slowly pulled away and nuzzled his nose against my own.

  I closed my eyes and said,"I love you, Richard Grayson."

   Dick tightened his grip around me saying,"I love you, too, Y/N L/N. I'll take better care of you this time. I promise."

  "Don't break this promise, Grayson. I mean it, but on another note: did you just squeal?"

  "No. I didn't."

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