Klarion x Reader Part 2

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Let me know if you all want a Part 3 for this one!! Love all the support and commenting, guys!! It means a lot!! Up next: Lex Luthor x Reader Part 2!! I just wanna say that the end is near, but it's up to you all whether you want another book or not.


  Y/N's funeral was held near Wayne Manor, because I was told Y/N had relatives here. As I crouched down in front of her grave, tears immediately fell down my face. To everyone else, I was...odd. But when it came to Y/N, she loved me for me.
  I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Bruce Wayne.

  Bruce sent me a weak smile and said,"You know, Y/N was very fond of you. She may have told me about how you made her feel comfortable with being herself again. Klarion, I know we are not familiar with each other, but things will get better."

  I nodded and desperately said,"Is there any way that I could bring her back? Please, Bruce, I need her. I know you know that there is another way. I do not care how painful it will be or how long it takes. I just need Y/N back in my arms."

  Bruce slowly nodded, and he seemed like he did not really want to tell me.

  I heard a voice say,"Just tell him, Bruce."

  I turned and saw a guy that had dark eyes, but behind them I saw much pain and suffering. He must be...Jason. Y/N and him were inseparable, according to Y/N. I had never seen him before, only because I could not find the time to meet him in person.

  Bruce looked at Jason for the longest time, before he turned to me saying,"There is a way. It is a long shot, but I want Y/N back more than anything, too. It is called the Lazarus Pit. The Lazarus Pit is technology that is way ahead of our time and is used by a man named Rā's AL Ghūl. Rā's and I have had some history, but we have to believe that he will let us do this. C'mon, we are going to the League. Jason, you are coming, too."

  Jason nodded, and Bruce got some workers to dig out Y/N's casket. We diligently waited, before Bruce motioned that it was okay to take Y/N out.
  I slowly opened it and put Y/N in my arms. She felt so cold, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I was with her again.

  Once Bruce, Jason, and I made it inside the plane, I gently laid Y/N's lifeless body across the bed. I rested my hand on her cheek and stroked it slowly.

  Jason sat down beside me and cleared his throat saying,"I am normally not the first one to try and comfort someone, but I know you need it. Y/N and I have been best friends since we were kids. Basically, she was always there when I needed her. Y/N was the one who taught me how to control my anger and to not be afraid of being different than everyone else. Trust me, this will work. You just have to have faith and push through."

  Wow, I never really expected that from Jason. I just nodded. I turned when the plane landed. I carried Y/N inside the League, and two assassins stood at the doorway.

  One said,"You do not look familiar. What could you possibly want with the head of the demon? Detective?"

  The assassins noticed Bruce and immediately moved out of the way. Bruce nodded back in thank you, before he led us through the halls of the League. Once we got inside, I spotted the one they called, Rā's AL Ghūl.

  He looked at Bruce and curiously said,"Detective, what are you doing here?"

  Bruce sighed saying,"Rā's, I need a favor. I know things have been rough, but I really need your help. I will do anything to bring Y/N back. If you need something, then I will return the favor."

  Rās nodded and said,"Very well, Detective. I will give you this favor in return for watching over my daughter. Follow me."

  I carefully carried Y/N behind Rā's, and he stopped in a closed-off room. Rā's explained what was going to happen, before I nodded in understanding.
  Jason gently took Y/N from me, and I kissed her forehead. Jason smiled and brought Y/N into the Pit.

  Jason stood back, and so did Bruce and I. Once we did, the Pit started to shake and bubble. I panicked and went to get Y/N out, but Jason held me back.

  Y/N shot up, and Bruce caught her.

  Rā's said,"She will need to rest to recover her strength. There is no need for thank you's Detective. You have done enough."

  Rā's actually sent Bruce a smile, before Bruce smiled back at him. Bruce put Y/N in my arms, and I gladly laid her down in one of the separate rooms. After about an hour, Y/N opened her beautiful, E/C eyes. Y/N jumped, but she noticed me.

  She hesitated but brought her hand up to my face. Tears poured down my face, before I put mine over hers.

  Y/N sobbed and said,"Oh baby, I missed you so much. I love you."

  I smiled and kissed her cheek, before I hugged Y/N tight. Y/N hugged back, while I made sure she could not leave me again.

  I sniffed and said,"I missed you, too, Y/N. Oh, I missed you, too."

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