Flash x Reader

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Dedicated to ImAmetahuman. I really appreciate all the love and support you all have given me on this book since Day 1. Stay amazing!

   Y/N'S POV

  I would gladly argue that being a forensic scientist was amazing! It wasn't just the cool cases, but the good people at C.C.P.D. Good people like Barry Allen. The Flash!! The famous speedster of Central City!! Barry was always there when I needed a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on.
  Lately, I have needed it more than anything else. When I was not at work, my home life was pretty depressing. I never wanted to go home. I did everything I could to avoid it, but not everything went the way I wanted it to go. Right now, I was finishing up some work for Joe to take with him to S.T.A.R. Labs.

  After about an hour, I finished the work and wiped my forehead. Pain shot through my side, and I rested my hand there. I looked down and slowly lifted my shirt to see my side was bleeding.
  I silently cursed and gently wrapped my side.

  I needed to find a bathroom.

  With every step I took, my side wasn't feeling it. I had to stop for a second, before I spotted Barry talking to Joe.

  Joe saw me and kissed my forehead saying,"Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

  Joe could always see through me, but I did not want him getting hurt, too.

  I shook my head and said,"Nothing, just fell, because I was being clumsy. How are you two doing?"

  Barry smiled and said,"We are doing okay, Y/N. Would you like to come over for dinner? Joe, Iris, and I would love to have extra company. Isn't that right, Joe?"

  Joe nodded and smiled, holding my cheek saying,"Yeah, honey, we could never leave you out. You are like family. What do you say?"

  I smiled and went to say yes, but I remembered I had something else to do.

  I sighed and said,"I am sorry, I will have to decline that offer. I really have things at home I gotta take care of. I am really sorry, Joe, but maybe another time."

  Joe nodded and pulled me in for a hug. I immediately hugged back, but felt tears forming in my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms and let all my rants out, but I...I just couldn't.

  He kissed my cheek and said,"I love you, Y/N. Stay safe, okay? If anything happens, you call me, and I will be there. I mean it. Just call."

  I nodded and quickly wiped my face.

  Barry put his hand on my shoulder and said,"Do not forget: Meeting tomorrow at 7. You are never late to anything."

  I would smile, but I didn't have the energy to. I really didn't want to go home, but I had to. Barry gave me a hug, before he gently pushed me forward.
  When I got home, I noticed my brother's car was here. I slammed my door shut and hoped he was not in a bad mood.

  I saw Mom and Dad were leaving, but Mom sent me a smile saying,"Hey, baby. Your brother is gonna be here with you. How was work?"

  I said,"Fine, but is it just him? Can I just go back to work?"

  Mom gave me a confused look, but they her and my father just left. I slowly opened the door and saw my little sister, Merissa, standing at the door.

  She smiled and hugged my legs saying,"Y/N, YOU'RE HERE?!"

  I tried to make her be quiet, but it was already too late. My older brother, Derek, walked into the room from the kitchen.

  He noticed Merissa standing there and fake smiled saying,"Merissa, would you please go upstairs and watch some TV or something? I heard Canary was on there."

  Merissa squealed, because she was a big fan. I tried to contact Oliver, but Derek always took my phone from me.

  Merissa said,"Is Y/N coming?"

  Derek walked over to me and shook his head saying,"No, we are gonna talk for a few minutes. She will be up there in a second."

  Merissa gave me a kiss, before she ran up the stairs. Derek pushed me up against the wall and held my wrists tightly. I flinched in pain and held in the tears that threatened to fall.

  He smirked and then angrily said,"What did I tell you about getting here late?!! My girlfriend and I don't have time for this."

  I whimpered and could feel bruises forming on my wrists. Derek just tightened his grip, but he threw me into the wall. I groaned in pain and let my tears fall. I tried to get up, but Derek pushed me back down. I screamed in pain as he held my arm behind my back.

  Derek said,"Maybe next time, you will think about doing what you are told. Does not matter if you are related to me or not. I am in control. You're beautiful. Am I going to have to hurt you harder this time to get what I want?"

  I immediately frowned and backed away from him. I needed to call Joe. I ran towards my phone, but something entered my leg.  
  I yelped in pain, before Derek grabbed me by my neck. I gasped for air and reached for his hand to loosen his grip.

  Derek pulled me closer and said,"Who is going to save you now?"

  I thought it was over, until I felt a gush of wind, and Derek was pushed away from me.
  I fell to the ground and felt strong arms pull me into their lap. I saw Joe, and tears immediately fell down my face.

  Flash dashed over to me and cupped my face saying,"Hey, hey, everything is gonna be fine. Y/N, I am sorry I did not know. The truth is: I have been worried about you for months now. I just thought I was being too protective over you, but I see I had every reason to worry. If I would have known this was going on, then I would have stopped you from having to go through this immediately. Y/N L/N, I love you, and I will always be here to protect you. I'll make sure that your brother doesn't come near you or another woman ever again."

  I smiled through my tears and kissed Flash passionately. Flash kissed back and stroked my cheek, while I leaned more into his touch.

  I slowly pulled away and weakly said,"I love you, Barry Allen."

  Barry smiled and said,"I love you, too, Y/N. I love you, too. I'll get him as far away from you as possible. I promise."

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