Roy Harper x Young Reader

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Dedicated to DaughterOfApollo9765. This one was inspired from an earlier episode of Arrow called Salvation. By the way, it's from Season 1. Yes, I took it way back!! PLEASE VOTE AND ENJOY!!


  Right now, I was down in the Arrow Cave. Oliver did not like that name, but Felicity thought it would catch on. I did not really care, but I was wondering why Oliver called me in tonight. I was supposed to be meeting Thea for dinner, but I guess there had been a change of plans.
   I tapped my foot, until I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw Oliver walking towards the computers. He looked worried. It turned out that he was worried his daughter, Y/N. Y/N was short for her age, yet she was the sweetest girl you would ever meet.

  I immediately joined Oliver, and we had a hard time tracking Y/N down. It did not take long for Oliver to begin to pace around the lair.

  I said,"We will find her, Oliver. Just take deep breaths and give me her location. I got this one."

  Oliver nodded but said,"Roy, you might-"

  I shook my head and said,"No, I am fine. I promise everything will be all right. I can get her out of there in no time. Just trust me."

  Oliver looked at me for a minute, before he let me pass. I smiled, but I could not let Oliver down. I tracked Y/N down to some old warehouse.

  Why was it always a warehouse?

  I shook off my thoughts and scanned the area, an area that was heavily guarded. I felt a presence behind me and quickly turned, holding out my bow. I double blinked, and Dig was the one who was behind me.
  I sent him a greatful nod, taking out the guards. Dig quickened his pace, because Y/N was Dig's niece. Dig and I ran inside, but we noticed the doors were rigged to blow.

  I motioned for Dig to take the side, while I would go inside the warehouse the old-fashioned way.

  Dig put a hand on my shoulder and said,"Stay safe, all right? I will be watching your back. Let's go."

  I smiled and nodded, before I ran up the stairs and crawled inside the vents. This was the quickest way, yet I saw Y/N tied to a chair. She had tears pouring down her face. Poor Y/N. She had never been through this before, and I knew she missed her father. I quietly loosened the vent and gently moved it to the side.
  I jumped down and gunshots went off. Dig covered Y/N, while she cried holding onto him. Dig held her tighter, before I focused on taking out these idiots. One tried to hit me, but I twisted his arm and threw him onto another one. I chuckled, yet I realized there was no one else left.

  Huh, that was quick. I looked over, and Y/N had fallen asleep on Dig's chest. I smiled at them, before Dig led us back to the lair.

  Oliver rushed to Y/N's side and picked her up. He kissed her cheek and let his tears fall. Dig and I looked at each other, and we realized Oliver didn't care that we were still here.
  Oliver's blue eyes looked at us, and he couldn't even say anything. Oliver sent us a genuine smile, before Y/N woke up and made her way over to me.

  She hugged my legs yelling,"ROY!!"

  I chuckled, but I crouched down and hugged Y/N.

  She hugged back and leaned on my shoulder saying,"Thank you for saving me, Roy. Luv you!"

  Oliver smiled at Y/N, before I kissed her cheek saying,"I love you, too. How about we play a game? Your favorite game!!"

  Y/N's face lit up, and she squealed running away from me. I could see her hiding under the table, but I pretended that I did not see her. Oliver chuckled and talked to Dig, while I went looking for Y/N.

  I ran my finger across my chin saying,"Hmmm, I wonder where Y/N went. I can't find her anywhere."

  I stopped walking and listened for Y/N's voice. I heard her giggling, and she came out from under the table.

  She giggled and ran to me saying,"I AM RIGHT HERE, ROY! SEE!"

  I laughed, but I smiled down at Y/N.

  I picked her up, and she played with my bows saying,"I wanna be an archer just like you, Roy. Can I?"

  I nodded and kissed her cheek saying,"You can be anything you wanna be, Y/N."

  Y/N smiled and continued to play with my hands. Unknown to her, she would become a legendary archer one day.

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