Jason Todd x Reader

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   Y/N'S POV

  Currently, I was sitting inside the principal's office. Apparently, I punched some girl, and she had a broken nose. My principal, Mr. Johnson, walked over to his seat before he sat down.

  He placed his hands on the desk and sighed, asking me,"What happened this time, Y/N?"

  I mumbled,"Nothing. I just saw something that I should not have. I saw my best friend's boyfriend kissing on another girl. I approached them, and she sort of hit me out of nowhere. I fell back, but I was not gonna let her just beat me up. I cannot keep letting everyone try to tear me apart."

  Mr. Johnson nodded and noticed how my hands were shaking.

  He reached over the table and gently took my hands saying,"I know you feel like everyone is on your back, but you are not alone, okay? I am the last person you would ever listen to, but I am the first to step in and handle it. Do you have someone who can come and get you?"

  I nodded and wiped my face saying,"Yeah, my boyfriend can. What about my classes? I have a project and paper that I have to turn in today."

  Mr. Johnson held out his hand, and I smiled handing him my project and report for Chemistry.

  I sincerely said,"Thank you. I really appreciate this. I promise to just ignore her and not get into any more fights for the rest of the year."

  Mr. Johnson smiled and nodded, before he motioned for me to go ahead and go. I sent him a grateful smile and grabbed my bag, before I headed towards the entrance of the school.

  My phone vibrated, and I got a text reading," Hey babe. I am here."

  I knew if I had no one else, Jason would be here for me. I quickened my pace, because I truly did miss him. I had almost made it to the door, but I was pinned into one of the lockers.
  I groaned in pain and looked to see Drake. Drake WAS my best friend's boyfriend, the one that had been cheating on her with that chick.

  Drake tightened his grip on my wrists and angrily said,"Why would you do that? We had a good thing going, until you came over and ruined it!! Now, I am sure Todd will not mind if I-"

  Drake started placing kisses down my neck, and I pushed him away. I immediately ran towards the front doors. When I made it out of the school, I could spot Jason's Mustang.
  I let out a sigh of relief and quickly jumped into his car. I climbed in so quickly and immediately hugged him.

  Jason hugged back and kissed my forehead saying,"I missed you, too. Babe?"

  In a matter of seconds, I started to cry and broke down on Jason's chest. Jason frowned and cupped my face, before he noticed Drake centimeters away from his car. Jason's eyes darkened, and I grabbed his arm. When Jason looked me in the eyes, his eyes immediately softened again.

  I leaned on his arm and said,"Jay, can we just go home? I...I do not want to stay here anymore."

  Jason nodded and pecked my lips, before he gently pushed me back in the seat and drove off. During the car ride, I was very quiet and only occasionally said something to Jason. I would respond with short answers and comments.

  When we arrived, Jason held open the door for me. I kissed his cheek in thank you. Tears formed in my eyes, and I immediately pulled away. Jason intertwined his fingers with mine and led me inside Wayne Manor.

  Jason took my book bag and put it over his shoulder, before he intertwined his fingers back with mine.

  Jason leaned over me and kissed my nose saying,"Shhh."

  I sniffed and tightened my grip on Jason's hand. Jason led me over to my Dad, who was Lucius Fox. I immediately wrapped my arms around my father.

  Dad frowned and lifted my chin saying,"What happened, darling? Why are you not at school?"

  Jason sighed saying,"Y/N got into a fight, while trying to defend her best friend."

  I...I forgot to tell Jason about Drake kissing on me and chasing after me, but I didn't know if he would believe me or not. The problem was: Drake was Jason's closest friend, and they were practically brothers. Dad nodded and gave me a kiss, before he rubbed my back and whispered encouraging words in my ears. I held on tightly to his waist and did not want to let go.

  Bruce looked at us and sent me a sympathetic smile saying,"Honey, everything will be all right. We will be here if you need something. You are family, remember? Lucius, I really could use your help, when you are done."

  Dad nodded and looked down at me. I could tell he did not want to leave me, but his work with Bruce was more important.

  I gently pushed him forward and weakly said,"Go, Daddy, I will be fine. Jase will watch over me."

  Jason walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, before I held his hands. Dad kissed my cheek and followed Bruce towards the Batcave. Jason carried me up the stairs, before he sat down with me.

  He placed kisses on my hand and softly said,"I've got you, baby. If you need something, then just shake me or something like that."

  I smiled and snuggled into Jason, before he lifted his arm up, so I could get closer to him. I blushed, but I gladly cuddled more into Jason. Jason kissed me passionately, before he ran his fingers through my hair. It was moments like these that I loved having Jason in my life, no matter how bad the rest of my day went at...school.

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