Batman x Requested Reader

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I have a question to ask you guys: Would you guys want x readers within this book based off of teams or certain groups of DC Comics? Like Teen Titans? Suicide Squad? Justice League? Justice Society of America? Young Justice? The Outsiders? Anyway, I just wanted to know what you all would like going forward. I hope you all enjoy this one, so comment and vote!!


  Bruce and I have been going pretty steady, lately. He may have been protective at times, but he was also sweet and loving. Most people did not see this side of Bruce, but I loved every side of him. He was fine the way he was, and I would not change that for anything.
  Currently, I was in the Watchtower waiting on Bruce to take me home. I decided to stay and help the Justice League, while they went out on their missions. I got bored, so I started humming to myself. I did that for about an hour, until I heard footsteps.

  I let out a sigh of relief and said,"You are finally here. I missed you!!"

  I turned and saw Superman, well Clark Kent. I sighed and pouted, sitting back down.

  Clark chuckled but said,"Good to see you, too, Heather. Would a joke cheer you up, Heather?"

  I didn't answer Clark, but it did make me think about Bruce's jokes. Bruce's jokes weren't funny at all. I at least appreciated the fact that Bruce was trying to work towards telling better jokes.

  Clark put his hands on my shoulder saying,"Everything okay? I lost you for a few minutes."

  I leaned on Clark's hand, and I could see a blush forming on his cheeks. I giggled softly, because he was so precious. I smirked and pushed him over. Clark groaned, before Batman entered the room. He narrowed his eyes at Clark, while I giggled at him. I helped Clark back up to his feet.

  Batman sent me a smile, and I blushed. He walked over to me and held out his hand. I took his hand, before he led me down the long hallways.

  He cleared his throat and said,"How are you doing, Heather?"

  I smiled and kissed his cheek saying,"I have been fine, Batman. I missed you, though."

  Batman stopped walking and pulled me close. I smiled and intertwined my fingers with his.
  I pulled our hands up, so I could lift his mask. Bruce immediately kissed me, and I kissed back.

  Bruce ran his fingers through my hair with one hand, while he held on tightly to my waist with the other hand.
  I frowned, because I knew what that meant. Bruce slowly pulled away and walked away.

  I quickly ran after him and grabbed Bruce's arm tightly.

  Bruce stopped walking, while I said,"Baby, please talk to me. What's wrong, Bruce?"

  Bruce looked at me, and I realized he was crying. I guided him to his room, because I did not know where else to take him. I made him sit down, before I grabbed some tissues and stuff to help him. I knew exactly why Bruce was upset. I walked back into the bedroom, before I crouched down in front of Bruce. I slowly wiped his tears as they fell down his face. They continued to fall, so I pulled Bruce in for a hug. Bruce hugged back and leaned on me.

  I kissed his cheek and smiled saying,"Who knew Batman could cry? I mean, I don't even know what to do. This is a pretty big moment. I just have to take this in for a second."

  Bruce smiled, and I held his face and giggled saying,"In all seriousness, Bruce, I cannot imagine how you have gotten as far as you have. I know that the anniversary of your parents' deaths is coming up soon, but you'll make it through another year. You're not alone, and I'm always here for you. I love you."

  Bruce smiled even bigger through his tears and kissed me slowly. I kissed back and let him decide when to let go. Bruce smirked and didn't let go, which caused me to blush.    
  Someone walked in and screamed. I flinched and fell off the bed. Bruce chuckled deeply, before he helped me up.

  I hit his shoulder, before Bruce hit my side. I chuckled, and it turned into a game. Bruce tried to tickle me, but I surprisingly escaped his grip. Huh, Bruce let me go. I smiled at the thought but kept on running. I saw Green Arrow and Flash talking.
  I yelled,"HEY OLLIE AND BARRY!! BYE?!!"

  Oliver just smiled, while Barry laughed.

  I lost my train of thought and heard Bruce yell,"HEATHER, WATCH OUT!!"

  I was confused on what Bruce meant, until I finally looked in front of me. There was a ladder, and I almost ran into it, but strong arms pulled me back.

  I let out a sigh of relief and kissed Bruce's jaw saying,"Thanks, babe. I love you, Bruce."

  Bruce smiled, and Barry joked saying,"O_O, Batman. Was that just a smile on your face? Did he really just smile? Heather, you have a gift."

  Bruce narrowed his eyes at Oliver and Barry, before they ran away. I laughed, before I looked up at Bruce.
  Bruce smirked and pulled me in for another kiss. I smiled and kissed back. I heard cheers and claps, but I ignored everyone besides from Bruce.

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