Jason Todd x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to huffthepuff!


  Jason and I had been together for 5 years now, and I would not take that back even if I had the chance to. My parents did not approve of our relationship at first, because of Jason's reputation, but they quickly got over it.

  Bruce convinced them otherwise, and I immediately gave him my thanks for that. I always knew Jason had a good heart, but something was always in the way. Maybe it was the fact that Jason was not really the open type and mainly carried the weight of his past on his shoulders.

  Anyways, I was trying to help Tam, because Tim accidentally hit her in the nose. It really was unintentional, but it looked like it was on purpose.

  Tam flinched when I touched her nose, and I frowned saying,"I am sorry, Tam. Just hang in there.."

  Tam nodded, and she looked like she was holding in tears.

  I sighed and took her hand saying,"I know it hurts, sweetheart, but it will stop in a minute. Geez, how hard is his hand?!!"

  I stood back and looked at Tam's nose. No wonder she was trying so hard not to cry, because it looked like it hurt a lot. I mean, Tim Drake hit her in the face, well her nose to be specific.
  I quickly bandaged her nose, and Bruce doubled checked it. I laughed. Bruce just could not help himself. Batman habit, probably.

  Tim rushed to my side and said,"She will never forgive me for this. I knew I was playing too rough..Uhh, Abby, what do I do?"

  I chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder saying,"Timmy, calm down. Tam is not mad with you but just shaken up, okay? You did hit her pretty hard..Bruce really does teach you about advancing your strength and skills, doesn't he?"

  Tim nodded and sighed saying,"How can I make it up to her? I really did not mean to hurt her.."

  I ran outside and picked out some of Tam's favorite flowers, and then I ran upstairs to my room. I pulled out chocolates that I was saving to eat later, but Tim needed them to give to Tam more. Quickly, I ran back to the Batcave.

  I handed Tam's favorite flowers to Tim, along with the chocolate saying,"Woo her, lover boy. I am sure she will say yes to you."

  I led Tim up the stairs, before I made him change into a tux. When he was done, I fixed his tie and gave him a good luck kiss on the cheek. Tim groaned pushing me away, and I grabbed his hand, leading him down to the Cave.
  Tim took a deep breath, before he made his way over to Tam. Bruce turned her around, and she smiled at seeing Tim. I chuckled and could not hear what Tim said, but Tam's face immediately brightened and she tackled Tim.

  I smiled, and Tam yelled,"YES, YES, I WOULD LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU!!"

  Tim smiled and leaned in, giving Tam a kiss. Tam immediately kissed back, before Tim helped her up. I smiled at them, but I needed to find Jason. Most likely, he was upstairs or in the kitchen with Alfred.
  I jogged into the kitchen, only for my ex-boyfriend, Michael, to be standing there. He gave me a smile and hugged me. I was surprised to see him but hugged back. We called our relationship off a long time ago, but we were still friends. We had not talked in a while, so I was confused as to why he was currently here.

  Michael leaned on the counter and said,"Hey Abby, how have you been?"

  I smiled and said,"Fine, just getting used to being back. What about you?"

  Michael sighed and put his hand on my face.

  He looked into my eyes saying,"Nothing, I just wanted to see you.."

  I sighed and said,"Michael, I...I can't. I am with Jason, and I love him."

  Michael still had his hand on my face, and I heard a voice say,"If you want to keep your hand, I suggest you get it off her face.."

  Jason entered the kitchen, before he pulled me away from Michael.

  Michael angrily said,"Calm down, Jason. Geez, you do not own her!!"

  Jason gritted his teeth and said,"I know I do not own her, but you are too close for my liking."

  I rubbed Jason's arms, while I turned to Michael giving him an apologetic look saying,"Michael, can you please leave? We can talk about this later.."

  Michael nodded and kissed my cheek, and I really wished he did not just do that. Jason frowned, before he stormed up the stairs.

  I sighed, and Alfred said,"Miss Abby, you are going to go after him, aren't you?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah, I..I am. Do you think he is too mad for me to go up there now?"

  Alfred shook his head and gently pushed me up the stairs. I jogged to Jason's room, before I found him out on the terrace. Jason was leaning on the railing, and he was..crying. I stood there in shock, because I had never really seen Jason cry before.

   I immediately rushed to his side and wrapped my arms around his back.

  Jason stiffened and said,"Why are you not with him?"

  I frowned, but then I smiled saying,"Because Michael is not the love of my life, Jay, you are. Michael and I are just friends, and he likes to push other people's buttons. I love you, Jason, and no guy will ever change that. You may be stubborn, but that makes me love you even more. I will always be here for you, all right? I am not going to leave you..."

  Jason's frown eventually turned into a huge smile.

  He put his forehead on mine saying,"I love you, Abby. You will always be my girl.."

   I smiled at him saying,"I love you, too, Todd, and I know I am your girl..."

  Jason laughed and brought out chairs for both of us, before we talked to one another until we went our separate ways for the night. 

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