Conner Kent x Reader

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Dedicated to Nightingale369.

   Y/N'S POV

  I was the newest addition to the Young Justice family. The team welcomed me with open arms, which I knew I couldn't take advantage of. I had to make sure that I stayed that lovable person that was always helpful to the others on this team.
  As I was in conversation with Artemis and Wally, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Lagoon Boy was the one who had tapped on my shoulder. Lagoon Boy was very funny and a great person to be around. He could always make your day with his jokes, random comments, or catchphrases.

  He smiled and said,"Hey, Y/N. M'gann made this necklace for you. She wanted me to give it to you, since she couldn't be here right now."

  Lagoon Boy handed me the necklace, before I examined it. It was a very beautiful necklace, and it looked like it took M a long time to make this.
  I hugged him in thank you, which made him blush. Aww, he was so adorable. Anyway, I put on the necklace, before I turned around to see Conner.

  Conner had been going through something lately, but I just didn't know what.

  I said,"Hey, Conner. You okay? Remember, I am a patient woman. You don't have to force yourself to talk to me about what's going on, until you are ready to talk about it."

  Conner looked me in the eyes as he said,"I'm all right. I know, Y/N. Thank you, but I am having a hard time trying to figure things out on my own. Can we talk?"

  I nodded, and Conner slowly held out his hand. I took his hand, before Conner led us outside.

  Conner went to take us towards the garden, but Wally smirked saying,"Where are you two lovebirds going? I would like to know."

  I giggled and blushed, while Conner balled his fists saying,"Why don't you move out of the way, so I can talk to Y/N?"

  Wally acted hurt, but he sent me a wink, before running off.

  Conner flinched and angrily said,"What makes him think he can just wink at you like that? I am going to..."

  I cut Conner off by kissing his cheek. Conner slowly relaxed and eventually got his anger under control.

  I smiled and kissed his jaw, before he sighed saying,"I am sorry, N/N. I should have just stayed quiet and not have gotten angry. Forgive me?"

  I nodded and asked Conner,"What did you want to talk to me about?"

  Conner turned to me saying,"I wanted to apologize for the pain that I have put or am gonna put you through. I think that is how you say it. Y/N, I...I love you and want us to be together for a long time. At first, I may have thought you were using me, which is why I was so distant with you. It was not because of what you did, but what I was going through."

  Conner stopped and studied me, to make sure I understood what he was trying to say. I smiled and motioned for him to go on. I was so proud of him for opening up to me and doing this, just to reassure me that we were going to be okay.

  Conner let out a sigh of relief and held my face saying,"I really do love you and want to be part of your life. I am changing, Y/N, and I want to explore who that person will be. This is a lot, so I am going to stop for a minute."

  I smiled, and then Conner continued to speak again,"I know that I have much to learn, but I want to get better. I want to continue to help other people and do some good on this team. Y/N, I am sorry for anything that I have ever argued with you about, and I hope you can forgive me one day. I will do better. I promise."

  I smiled through my tears and sniffed saying,"Oh, Conner, I love you, too, Superboy. I listened, and I understood everything. I understand why you thought I could have been using you, but you don't ever have to worry about that. I'll always be here for you, Conner, for the best and most pure reasons. I know it has been hard for you, but I want to be the person who inspires you to always want to help out others around you. I am not going to judge you or stop loving you, because how could I?"

  I noticed tears forming in Conner's blue eyes, but he quickly looked away.

  I smiled and put my forehead on his saying,"Like that, Conner. You can cry in front of me, because I want to be able to comfort you. Just let it out, baby."

  Conner let his tears fall, before he leaned in slowly. I did, too, but someone cleared their throat. I ignored them, and so did Conner.
  When Conner kissed me, I felt like the luckiest woman in the world. I immediately pulled him closer and ran my fingers through his hair.

  Conner smirked, but he wrapped his arms around me.

  I smiled and slowly pulled away saying,"I love you, Conner Kent."

  Conner stroked my cheek saying,"I love you, too, Y/N. I will do my best to come to you, okay? About my problems."

  I smiled real big and kissed him passionately saying,"That is all I want, Conner. That is all I want."

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