Dick Grayson x Reader

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Dedicated to FairyTailGirl21.

   Y/N'S POV

  You don't know me, but I was not your typical teenage girl. I was constantly getting sent to GCPD, and Gordon was pretty used to it. People just seemed to always try to take advantage of me and thought I was some pretty girl that did not understand anything. Let's just say I had a record of stealing and doing other things I shouldn't be doing, in result of not being able to control my anger and frustration.

  Guess what, this girl could make her own decisions!! SURPRISE!

  Right now, Gordon had me moved to one of the quieter interrogation rooms. He was not comfortable with sending me in a cell with another criminal, because I was afraid of being killed or kidnapped. I heard a beeping noise, followed by Gordon entering the scene. He closed the door and made his way over to me.

  Gordon sighed saying,"What is going on, Y/N? Why are you constantly being sent in here? Y/N..."

  I shook my head and played with the chains around my wrists.

  Gordon reached over and rested his hands over my own saying,"This is your chance to make things right. Come clean and tell me what is wrong."

  Tears formed in my eyes, while I looked down at my hands. I squeezed the table and tried to tell Gordon what was wrong with me. He patiently waited, but I could never get it out.

  Jim got up, and I sobbed saying,"NO, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ME BACK!! I...I PROMISE I DID NOT MEAN ANYTHING BY IT!!"

  Jim immediately gave me worried eyes and sat back down in front of me.

  I sniffed and said,"I am sorry, Jim. It is just so hard to talk about it. You understand, don't you?"

  Jim nodded and said,"I do, Y/N, but do you wanna see him?"

  I immediately nodded, before I desperately said,"Please."

  Gordon smiled slighty and squeezed my hand, before he closed the door behind him. I looked down and cried softly.

  I felt hands over mine and looked up to see Dick sitting at the table.

  I sniffed and whimpered saying,"Richard? I...I want to go home. Please take me home with you."

  Dick frowned, because he had never really seen me cry this much. He nodded and walked over to my side of the table. Dick carefully unlocked the chains around my wrists and took them off. I rubbed my wrists, before I hugged Dick tightly.

  Dick hugged back and kissed my forehead saying,"Everything is gonna be fine, babe. I am not leaving you here. Honest."
  I nodded and sniffed saying,"I believe you, Dick. I...I am so sorry that you have to keep on coming here to get me. I...I just cannot get it together. It is okay, if you wanna keep me here another night."

  I went to pull away from the hug, but Dick pulled me right back.

  He kissed my hands and said,"No, you are coming with me. I am not leaving you to deal with this on your own."

  Dick picked me up bridal style, before he carried me out to his car. He laid me down across the backseat and slowly let go of my hand. I turned around and rested for a minute.


  I was woken up by Dick gently shaking me. I slowly got up and wrapped my arms around Dick's neck. He smiled and kissed my cheek, before he carried me inside. I rested my head on his shoulder, while Alfred held open the door for us. I sent Alfred a wave, before he smiled waving back.

  Dick smirked saying,"See, you are making everybody's day. Aww, babe, that is so cute."

  I blushed and hid my face in his shirt. Dick chuckled deeply, but he almost dropped me.
  I yelped, which made him cover his ears. I looked down and saw Kate, Tim and Tam's little girl.

  I could not stay mad at that beautiful face, while Dick yelled,"TIMOTHY, STOP LOSING YOUR CHILD!! KATE IS UP HERE!!"

  Tim ran up the stairs and saw Kate playing with her feet. I giggled and smiled at how cute and adorable she was.
  Tim let out a sigh of relief and picked up Kate. Kate squirmed, but she reached out for me. I smiled, which made Dick smile, too. I gently took Kate from Tim, and she leaned on my shoulder.

  I kissed her cheek and said,"I missed you, beautiful. Having a good time running from daddy?"

  Kate actually nodded, before I chuckled tickling her. I had seemed to forget about the pain and hurts for that one minute.
  Dick put a hand on my shoulder, and I knew he wanted to talk. I gently put Kate back in Tim's arms, before Dick led me to his room and sat me in his lap.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and sniffed saying,"I...I know that you are disappointed in me, but I want to be better. I was a criminal for so long that I still have that desire to take something that is not mine. Dick, I really am sorry, and I want your forgiveness. I do not deserve it, but I want it badly."

  Tears poured down my face, and Dick put his chin on my head saying,"Shh, babe, it's okay. It's okay. You are safe with me, okay? I do forgive you, and I am going to help you change. I know it is hard, but I will be with you through every lesson and decision that you make or attempt to make. Y/N, I love you."

  I smiled through my tears and held his face saying,"I know, Grayson. I love you, too. Thank you for deciding to help me. I won't let you down."

  Dick sent me a genuine smile and said,"You're welcome, and I know you won't let me down. That's why I'm here."

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