Clark Kent x Lois Lane

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Dedicated to deannahskywalker. If I have any huge Superman or Star Wars fans, definitely check out her books!!


  I was waiting on Clark to come back from a meeting with the Justice League. He didn't tell me much about it, but I was sure it was important. Clark and I have been together for many years now, but our beautiful, baby girl, Lara, came into this world not too long ago. Lara was the sweetest little girl, but she was so much like her father.
  Currently, I was working on my latest article for the Daily Planet. Jimmy called me and said it needed to be done by tonight, which worried me. I just got it, but I couldn't do work as fast as I used to. Having a playful daughter was just a bigger thing to deal with. Speaking of Lara, where was she?

  I gently put my work down and made my way over to the staircase.

  I put my hand on the railing and yelled,"LARA KENT!!!!"

  After receiving no response from Lara, I started to get worried. I quickly made my way up the stairs and into her bedroom.
  Once I made it inside her bedroom, everything seemed fine. Everything was in its usual place. However, there was no sign of Lara. I went to call Clark, but then my worry went away.

  I spotted Lara, who was upside down and playing with Krypto.

  I put a hand over my heart, while Lara giggled saying,"Mommy, look what I can do! Daddy taught me!!"

  I began to get nervous, because I did not think her powers would kick in yet. I went to touch Lara, but I saw her eyes turn red. That was not a good sign.

  I calmly said,"Darling, I need you to take a deep breath and clear your head, all right? Think of something that makes you happy. Here."

  Lara started to shake, and I did not understand what was bothering her. I went to touch her, but she burned my hand. I groaned in pain and held my hand. Lara frowned, and tears filled her blue eyes. However, Lara was no longer upside down, and she was on the bed now.

  I frowned, too, and said,"Baby, you did not mean to. You are still growing, and you do not know how to use your powers. Just let me..."

  Lara shook her head and cried saying,"I'm sorry, Mommy, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanna be normal."

  Lara broke down and buried her face in Krypto's neck. He just let her snuggle into him, while Lara tightly gripped her cape Clark had given her.

  "Honey, listen to me. You did not mean to. It was an accident, and I know that. It's okay. Lara, you are not normal, but that is not a bad thing. You stand out compared to other girls your age, but you should not be treated badly because of it. You will be okay, sweetheart. Come here."

  I held out my arms for Lara, before she ran into my arms. Lara wrapped her little arms around my waist and broke down on my shoulder. I rubbed her back and continued to rock her from side to side. Lara seemed to calm down, but her eyes began to close.

  Lara leaned forward and gave me a kiss saying,"I love you, Mommy."

  I kissed her cheek and wrapped a cover around us saying,"I love you, too, baby. I will be right here."

  Lara nodded and snuggled into me.

  I smiled to myself before saying,"You may be faster than a speeding bullet, but I heard you from down the hall. Hey."

  I looked up and my eyes met Clark's. Clark chuckled and leaned down placing a kiss on my lips. I kissed back and brought him closer by his collar. Clark blushed, but he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and let him decide when to let go.
  Clark slowly pulled away and noticed Lara sleeping. Lara moved slightly, but she just happened to wake up when her father arrived. I was a little jealous of how close she was with Clark, but I wouldn't ever do anything to get in the way of their relationship.

  She smiled and squealed saying,"DADDY!!"

  She squirmed out of my arms and hugged Clark's legs. Clark kissed her nose, which made Lara giggle.

  She leaned on his chest and put her hand over his symbol saying,"Were you watching me earlier, daddy? I saw Superman fly by. Mommy said it was because you love me and wanted to make sure I was safe. Is that true?"

  Lara wrapped her arms around Clark's neck and her innocent eyes looked into his.

  He smiled and stroked her cheek saying,"You know how I am Superman, right? Well, it is my job to protect the people I care about, especially my family. Your mom and I will always be here for you, though I have noticed your appeal to Uncle Bruce."

  I giggled at Clark's jealousy, even though he wouldn't admit it.

  Lara laughed and said,"Uncle Bruce is here? WHERE?!!"

  I smiled, because she was trying to play around with her father.

  Clark pulled us into a three-way hug and kissed our foreheads saying,"I will do everything I can to be here and be the best father ever!! Plus, I will have my little princess at my side."

  I went to say something, because I was not comfortable with sending Lara out there yet. Clark put his hands on my shoulders and gave them a squeeze, and Lara came over to me.

  She hugged my leg and smiled saying,"Mommy, I will be fine. Can I go with Daddy? Please?"

  Clark joined in, which made me giggle. I slowly gave in and nodded. Clark gave me multiple kisses, while Lara played with my hands. I smiled and gave them the rules, before Clark carried Lara out and flew off. I leaned on the window and smiled knowing my Man of Steel and my little princess would one day, when I was comfortable, be taking on the criminals out there together.

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