The little fox I Picked up is...

By Kazuyuuki95

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Author:Lychee Coconut/荔汁椰椰 Category: Danmei story Status: 252 chapter Introducing: ★Plush Controlling Wife Qi... More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 5 - 6
Chapter 7 - 8
Chapter 9 - 10
Chapter 11 - 12
Chapter 13 - 14
Chapter 15 - 16
Chapter 17 - 18
Chapter 19 - 20
Chapter 21 - 22
Chapter 23 - 24
Chapter 25 - 26
Chapter 27 - 28
Chapter 29 - 30
Chapter 31 - 32
Chapter 33 - 34
Chapter 35 - 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41 - 42
Chapter 43 - 44
Chapter 45 - 46
Chapter 47 - 48
Chapter 49 - 50
Chapter 51 - 52
Chapter 53 - 54
Chapter 55 - 56
Chapter 57 - 58
Chapter 59 - 60
Chapter 61 - 62
Chapter 63 - 64
Chapter 65 - 66
Chapter 67 - 68
Chapter 69 - 70
Chapter 71 - 72
Chapter 73 - 74
Chapter 75 - 76
Chapter 77 - 78
Chapter 79 - 80
Chapter 81 - 82
Chapter 83 - 84
Chapter 85 - 86
Chapter 87 - 88
Chapter 89 - 90
Chapter 91 - 92
Chapter 93 - 94
Chapter 95 - 96
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter 99 - 100 + Link
Chapter 101 - 102
Chapter 103 - 104
Chapter 105 - 106
Chapter 107 - 108
Chapter 109 - 110
Chapter 111 - 112
Chapter 113 - 114
Chapter 115 - 116
Chapter 117 - 118
Chapter 119 - 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chaptee 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 131 - 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135 -136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142 - 143
Chapter 144 - 145
Chapter 146 - 147
Chapter 148 - 149
Chapter 150 - 151
Chapter 152 - 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 156 - 157
Chapter 158 - 159
Chapter 160 - 161
Chapter 162 - 163
Chapter 164 - 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176 - 177
Chapter 178 - 179
Chapter 180 - 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 185 - 186
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190 - 191
Chapter 192 - 193
Chapter 194 - 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204 - 205
Chapter 206 - 207
Chapter 208 - 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218 - 219
Chapter 220 - 221
Chapter 222 - 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232 - 233
Chapter 234 - 235
Chapter 236 - 237
Chapter 238 - 239
Chapter 240 - 241
Chapter 242 - 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245 - 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248 - 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251 - 252 [End]

Chapter 155

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By Kazuyuuki95

Compared with the buildings in the world of cultivation, the appearance of the hot spring pavilion is almost the same except for some ingenuity in the details. However, when placed next to the ski resort, it has a retro feel.

Shen Zening specially placed the address of the hot spring resort below the ski resort. After skiing in the ice and snow, he would go to the hot and healthy hot springs to soak comfortably for a while. If necessary, he could also make an appointment with a masseur. Get a massage to soothe your muscles and relax.

Massage was a service that Shen Zening almost forgot about when he first started building the hot spring resort. It was only after Ji Tingqiu accidentally mentioned massage that he remembered it.

"Xiao Qiu will still enjoy it." Shen Zening sighed at that time.

Even if he trains in the virtual training ground for a whole day, he will feel a little tired at that time and just rest. Relying on the powerful recovery ability of the Dragon Clan, there was no muscle soreness.

If Bai Yang needs a massage on weekdays, it's usually because he went too far on the bed and caused a lot of trouble, so he feels uncomfortable and needs a massage.

When this happens, Shen Zening will naturally take the initiative and massage the little fox for a while until he feels comfortable.

Therefore, the husband and wife would only think of massage in special circumstances, and they would not use it on ordinary days. When they were building a leisure place like a hot spring pavilion, they simply forgot about it and only thought about the different functions of the hot spring and what could be arranged inside. Leisure projects.

But it was nice to be reminded of it during construction, and I still had time to add it.

When he was wholesalers of sightseeing shuttle buses, Shen Zening didn't forget to keep one for himself to use in the hotel. However, after he drove the little fox in the hotel a few times, he realized that he still had to travel with other tourists. Shuttle buses are distinguished.

Otherwise, every car looks the same, so what if someone accidentally drives the wrong one.

Shen Zening thought about it and asked the system to customize a sticker that looked like Bai Yang's original shape and put it on the car body.

Every time Bai Yang sees this sticker, he feels a little embarrassed.

The little fox on the car is really too cute. The painting method of the sticker is also different from the ink style in the paintings in the world of cultivation. Moreover, the painting is exactly the way he looked when he lost his memory, but he is twice as cute. version of.

After seeing this sticker, other people in the hotel would always look at Bai Yang vaguely, and from time to time they would say things like, "Boss Shen and the Taoist couple have such a good relationship" and so on.

Other sightseeing shuttle buses for customers are white, and the one Shen Zening keeps for himself is also white. In order to make it more conspicuous among ordinary buses, he even added three-dimensional decorations with fox ears. Attached to the roof of the car.

Naturally, I didn’t forget to add a big fluffy tail to the rear of the car.

"Shen Zening, are you... too..."

Bai Yang didn't know how to continue what he said next.

There are...there are so many people from the demon clan in the hotel, don't you want his image? This is...too cute...

"What is too cute?" Shen Zening asked knowingly, and even took out a Polaroid to give this car I took several photos of the cute version of the sightseeing shuttle bus.

"You can let them call me queen. The queen relies on the king's favor and can do whatever she wants... Your Highness."

He took the little fox in his arms and kissed his reddish side face gently.

What Shen Zening said seems to make sense, but if you think about it carefully, it's clear that it's just strong words and there is no truth at all.

But at that time, Bai Yang was in a daze after being kissed by him in the garage. As soon as an idea came to his mind that he wanted to have a good talk with him. It would be better to paste the original shape of the strips on it, but he was scolded by Sticky. The man I kissed was lost.

Bai Yang was so disturbed by Shen Zening, and later forgot about it. Such an oversight, so the only sightseeing shuttle bus dedicated to the boss appeared in the hotel, with a special and cute appearance.

They usually use the car less and are not in a hurry. When they want to go somewhere, the two of them will walk there slowly and leisurely.

Today, he was taking his two little ones with him, as well as Wu Shuang, whom he met on the way, so Shen Zening drove out the sightseeing shuttle bus and let them get on.

"Eh? This is..."

After Wu Shuang saw Shen Zening's sightseeing shuttle bus, his expression was exactly the same as that of everyone who saw this car for the first time. He had no time to wonder that there were no horses or monsters in the car. How did the beast move? At a glance, he was attracted by the snow-white fox ear-shaped decoration with tender pink on the roof.

He walked around the sightseeing shuttle bus and saw the fox tail on the back of the bus. Then he looked at the sticker on the side, "This must be Your Highness! So cute!"

Bai Yang: "..."

" Your Highness, your relationship with Boss Shen is so good~" Wu Maomao sighed.

Your Highness really indulges Boss Shen so much. He can paint his original image into such a cute look. He must have touched him a lot!

I heard that His Highness's original form was very majestic, with nine tails flying behind him, and he was so majestic that no one could be offended. How much filter did Boss Shen put on His Highness to make him look like this?

But...she looks really well-behaved. Such a cute little fox, I can suck him bald in one go...forget it, I don't dare to suck him.

Maomao gave in.jpg

Wu Maomao never thought that these little fox stickers on the sightseeing shuttle bus were not custom-painted by Shen Zening after adding filters to Bai Yang, but... Bai Yang Shen Zening had seen Yang's endearing and adorable look countless times.

Suck it... Naturally I have done it many times...

Bai Yang knew that Wu Shuang would say this. He had heard this sentence countless times. He had lost his temper after hearing it, so he just gave up helplessly. Shen Zening glanced at him, and he took his cold fingers and kissed the back of his hand flatteringly.

"Father~" Tiao Tiao started to get envious when he saw that his father's original-looking sticker was being praised. He ran up to the two of them, "I want to put it on the car too~"

Bai Yang heard what Tiao Tiao said. , I can’t wait to pick up Tiao Tiao and kiss her hard for a few times.

My dear boy, you will really share your worries with your father!

Bai Yang followed Tiao Tiao's words and said to him, "Do you want to put the little dragon horns on Tiao Tiao too?"

It's best to replace his fox ears too!

Tiao Tiao didn't know what his father had in mind, so he nodded hurriedly, "Think about it, think about it, Dad, is that okay?" "

Of course..."

Before the remaining word "Yi" could be said, Shen Zening He picked up the little dragon boy and interrupted Bai Yang, "But this car has already been attached to your father. How about I attach it to other cars for you?" "

But, other cars are not for others. Do your brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts use it? Our family only has one." Tiao Tiao tilted his head in confusion.

...Other cars?

Is Shen Zening going to...

Just as Bai Yang thought, Shen Zening then coaxed Tiao Tiao and explained, "Of course it's not this kind of car, only you can use it, the kind of small car you drive yourself. "

Tiao Tiao's eyes lit up, "I, I, I, can I drive by myself?"

Shen Zening was referring to the toy car driven by a child.

Two nights ago, they made a selection in the system mall before going to bed, planning to buy one as a gift to Tiao Tiao in the future, such as during the Chinese New Year.

Why did Shen Zening tell Tiao Tiao now? Although it's not long before the Chinese New Year...

"Okay." Shen Zening smiled and used her spiritual power to warm her hands, and rubbed the strips on her little face, which was a little cold in the cold wind, "How about waiting for the Chinese New Year? The customized car should be ready during the Chinese New Year, just in time for you."

"Okay~" Tiao Tiao jumped up, hugged Shen Zening's neck, and said happily in his ear, "Thank you, father!"

Tiao Tiao When he was excited, his voice inevitably got louder. Shen Zening was unexpectedly frightened by his son's loud voice. He laughed and scolded: "You little kid, please keep your voice down." After Tiao Tiao hugged Shen Zening

, I happily went to Pei Nian to share the good news, saying that I would take him to drive with him in the hotel.

"When did his car get customized? Why didn't I know?" Bai Yang came closer to Shen Zening and asked in a low voice that was inaudible. At the same time, he slapped away Shen Zening's hand that was about to wrap around his waist. .

Of course, Shen Zening hasn't customized Tiao Tiao's toy car yet.

In fact, he and Bai Yang didn't even choose the style at all.

At that time, he wanted to buy an off-road vehicle for Tiao Tiao, preferably a two-seater. Tiao Tiao would definitely want to take Pei Nian to play with him.

The little fox thought about buying a shorter car for Tiao Tiao. Shen Zening said that the wheels of the off-road vehicle were too high, and he always felt that Tiao Tiao's short legs couldn't step up.

The models that the little fox chose were a sports car and a sedan. The two of them couldn't decide for the moment. Shen Zening originally thought about buying one of each and letting the cub drive alternately, but after much deliberation, he decided to buy it first. One car, let Zaizai drive it for a while to see if he likes it.

"I haven't customized it yet." Shen Zening said, and insisted on making stickers with his wife. "I'm trying to coax Tiao Tiao. If I really want to customize it, why don't I discuss it with you first, and..." He will The little

fox pulled into the car and used spiritual power to wrap the entire car, as if it had an extra layer to prevent wind, but it was transparent and invisible and would never block the sight of sightseeing.

"And for the decoration of this car, I found many painters and made many appointments before I found the one I was most satisfied with. Yangyang looks so cute, how could I be willing to replace it, of course I can only think about it. The Xiaolongjiao stickers you want have been put elsewhere."

After Shen Zening said that, he raised his voice and asked Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian not far away, as well as Wu Shuang, who was playing in the snow again, to get in the car and get ready. Went to the hot springs.

He deliberately did not give the little fox a chance to refute, and without changing his expression, before the two cubs and a cat had a chance to get into the car, he stuffed a gummy candy into the little fox's hand.

It's a specialty gummy brought over by the demon clan, the kind Bai Yang ate when he was a child.

The pink gummy was carefully wrapped with a thin layer of white oil paper. Bai Yang looked at the gummy and suddenly felt no longer awkward.

That's it, it's just stickers and ears. If Shen Zening likes it, let him go.

Anyway...everyone else knew that Shen Zening insisted on adding it, and it had nothing to do with him, Bai Yang.

It's not a loss of image. After all, the nine-tailed fox clan has always been very kind to their partners...

The sightseeing shuttle bus was very warm, and there was no cold wind blowing in.

Wu Shuang sat alone in the third row, just behind Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian. His views to the left and right were unobstructed, allowing him to take a good look at the various strange buildings in the hotel.

He had been in the hotel for several days and was busy taking care of Qin Yan. He didn't go far when he came out to hang out, he just walked around Qin Yan's yard.

Well, part of it was because he was too lazy to go too far.

It was such a cold day that he was freezing to death. After wandering outside for a long time, he would sneak back into the room and get under the warm quilt.

Where is that house with the little yellow strips on the roof? Many people came out with food in their hands.

Wu Shuang ran to the right side of the seat and took a deep breath of the fried chicken smell and sweetness that filled the air with a bit of cold...milk flavor?

Shen Zening happened to see Wu Shuang's curious look in the rearview mirror. When he looked to the right, he suddenly understood and explained to Wu Shuang, "This is a fast food restaurant. The ones on the roof are models of French fries and ice cream. You Do you want to try it? There are also burgers, fried chicken, etc..."

Wu Shuang listened with tears streaming down his face.

Although he didn’t understand what fries were, ice cream was, and hamburgers, he did understand fried chicken!

The fragrant fried chicken is a must-eat!

Tiao Tiao also raised his hand and said he wanted to eat. Even Bai Yang was a little greedy after hearing this and pushed Shen Zening's arm to hint to him.

The purpose of going out today was to let the little fox relax. Of course, Shen Zening responded to whatever the precious little fox wanted to eat, so he parked the car on the side of the road and prepared to go to a fast food restaurant to get some food.

There were five of them in total. Shen Zening thought that since there were not many types of menus in fast food restaurants, they might as well have one. They were not sure how long they were going to stay in the hot spring pavilion. If they were hungry, they would just have something to fill. abdomen.

When Shen Zening was about to walk to the fast food restaurant, he met Ji Tingqiu who had just brought out a lot of food. Next to him, Ji Fuguang was holding two vanilla ice cream cones for him.

"Xiao Qiu, we came to the fast food restaurant again." Shen Zening greeted the two brothers.

He and Bai Yang were busy these days due to Qin Yan's affairs and the opening of the hot spring resort. They didn't have time to play with Ji Tingqiu, so they let Ji Tingqiu and Ji Fuguang walk around the hotel by themselves.

Recently, Ji Tingqiu only loves the "junk food" in fast food restaurants. He comes here to eat almost every day. If he doesn't eat it, he still feels itchy. Even Shen Zening has heard about it.

Hmm... But the rumors he heard were like this: "Wow, that young master of the Ji family who bought the premium membership in just one day and the supreme membership in three days is really good at eating. I heard that he eats ten meals a day. A hamburger!"

Shen Zening glanced at the paper bag held in Ji Tingqiu's arms with his peripheral vision.

Ten burgers is somewhat exaggerated.

Thanks to Ji Tingqiu's blessing, Ji Fuguang gave him a discount on the hot springs in the hot spring pavilion, saving him a lot of spiritual stones. Now that the hot spring pavilion was about to open, he happened to meet them again, and Shen Zening asked them if they wanted to come together. Go over and take a look.

Ji Tingqiu naturally agreed, dragging his second brother Ji Fuguang onto Shen Zening's sightseeing shuttle bus.

Before going up, of course, it is indispensable to praise the decoration on the car.

There are still those few words that Bai Yang can recite after hearing them. The fox ears on the roof of the car are so cute, and the stickers on the car body really look like what Bai Yang used to look like.

Then, because he had seen Bai Yang's appearance as a little fox before he lost his memory, the black cat with wide-eyed eyes pulled him away and asked him to talk.

Ji Tingqiu wanted to talk but didn't dare. After knowing that Bai Yang was actually the Demon King, he always felt that the time he spent with Bai Yang was like a dream.

Who would dare to believe that when the demon king lost his memory, he was just a cute little fox?

Wu Maomao was still hooking his sleeves with her paws, waiting expectantly for him to tell gossip, ah no, a little story.

But when Ji Tingqiu raised his eyes, he met the eyes of Bai Yang who was waiting for Shen Zening to come back in the passenger seat.

She looks gentle and gentle, with a touch of coldness, her eyes are filled with autumn water, and they are a pair of beautiful eyes, but...

Ji Tingqiu shrank his neck, but he always felt that there was a faint murderous intention in those eyes. Should he still say it... Forget it, let's not say it


and other Shen Zening When he came back with a pile of food, he saw Ji Tingqiu eating a chicken drumstick burger seriously without raising his head. The lettuce inside fell on his lap. He picked it up in a daze and almost put it into his mouth. Fortunately, Ji Fuguang stopped him. down.


The expression of the little fox who had scared Ji Tingqiu didn't show anything strange. This time he took the initiative to take the food from Shen Zening's hand and gave two vanilla-flavored ice cream cones to Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian handed the ice cream cup filled with chocolate sauce to Wu Shuang, who had been waiting for a long time, and took a bag of chips himself.

Shen Zening rummaged in the paper bag for a while, took out a packet of ketchup, and squeezed it for the little fox. Just when he was about to ask his wife if he wanted to open the chicken nuggets, he suddenly found Wu Shuang eating ice cream with chocolate sauce. , suddenly shocked.

His mind was filled with Wu Shuang's true identity as a cat. Thinking that cats can't eat chocolate, he blurted out, "Wu Shuang, wait!"

Wu Shuang raised his head in confusion: "...Huh?"

His white beard was even stained with A little bit of brown chocolate sauce.


Shen Zening carefully observed Wu Shuang's face, but he really couldn't tell anything from the black and white cat face through the fluffy cat fur.

"...Me?" Wu Maomao answered confusedly.

Shen Zening originally wanted to ask him if he felt uncomfortable, but then he thought about it. If he felt uncomfortable, Wu Shuang would have said it directly.

But what if he really can't eat chocolate, and the chocolate has to be served later to make him feel uncomfortable.

Shen Zening was not sure whether he could eat him, mainly because his cat form was deeply rooted in people's hearts. Shen Zening had only seen his human form once, and subconsciously equated him with ordinary cats.

"Mr. Shen, don't think too much. I'm a cat demon! It's a demon!" The system felt that its host was really out of his mind today. Why did he start to worry about such inexplicable things? "The demon clan Of course you can eat anything."


When Shen Zening heard what the system said, he felt that he had thought too much.

Wu Shuang doesn't like to turn into a human form, but he is still a monster after all. Things that ordinary cats can't eat should have nothing to do with him.

... Damn it, Wu Shuang, when you eat, you turn into a human for me to eat! ! !

"It's okay." Shen Zening made a temporary excuse and changed his words, "I just wanted to ask you if you want to try eating French fries dipped in ice cream. Bai Yang likes it this way. It's very delicious." He finished. ,

and secretly pinched the soft hair on Bai Yang's tail, "Really, Yangyang."

Bai Yang was eating chicken nuggets, and didn't react for a moment. Hearing this, he raised his head blankly, half of the chicken nuggets were bitten, and he took it in his mouth. In the mouth, plus the two soft snow-white fox ears on the top of the head, it looks so cute no matter how you look at it.


The little fox didn't know what Shen Zening was talking about, but still answered cooperatively.

Shen Zening's heart melted at the cuteness of his wife. His eyes changed when he looked at the little fox. If he hadn't been concerned about the presence of others, he would have really wanted to kiss him.

Oops, cyber pink bubbles are about to pop up again.

The system clicked its tongue twice. Out of sight, out of mind, the host who decisively abandoned his love brain went offline.

Wu Shuang was attracted by the new way of eating Shen Zening said. For a moment, she didn't have time to think about Shen Zening's strange behavior just now. She turned into a human form, took a fries, poked it into the ice cream, and stirred it. He put a big dollop of ice cream into his mouth.

The outside is sweet and icy, but the inside is hot potato strips that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It tastes quite different.

Wu Shuang's eyes lit up, and he used this eating method to finish a cup of ice cream and a bag of chips.

The group of them stopped on the path near the fast food restaurant to eat for a while. Then Shen Zening wiped his hands and continued to drive the sightseeing shuttle bus in the direction of the hot springs.

Along the way, we passed a closed kindergarten and several sports halls.

Like a tour guide, Shen Zening introduced Wu Shuang to various entertainment facilities in the hotel very thoughtfully.

Tiao Tiao also helped from time to time, Crazy Anli Wushuang said, "Brother Mao Mao, do you want to come and play tennis with us tomorrow? It's okay if you don't know how. Pei Nian and I can teach you!" "How do three people

play tennis ? For tennis, we need at least four people!" Ji Tingqiu finished eating, took a tissue from Ji Fuguang's hand and wiped his mouth, raised his hand and said, "I also want to play tennis, Wu Shuang, let me play with you tomorrow." A car full of

people Chatting in such a lively manner, we drove all the way to the entrance of the hot spring pavilion.

At this time, there were only a few employees in the hot spring resort making final preparations before the opening. When they saw the boss's sightseeing shuttle bus coming, they went out to greet it.

The two cubs and the curious black cat were taken in first by the employees, followed by the brothers Ji Tingqiu and Ji Fuguang, who kept looking at the architectural style of the hot spring pavilion.

After parking the car, Shen Zening finally had the opportunity to kiss his little fox. Using the cover of the car, he leaned over and gave the little fox a quick kiss on the lips before leading him into the door of the hot springs.

After entering, there was the waiting area first. Shen Zening and Shen Yiji had predicted the flow of people after the hot spring pavilion opened, and also asked the system to help calculate it. They cleared a large area, put some chairs, and a bar to serve drinks.

You have to take off your shoes before entering the hot springs, so there are rows of shoe racks at the door.

After you take off your shoes and give them to the staff, you will get a small piece of paper with a number written on it. When you want to put on your shoes after leaving, just report the number on the paper to the staff.

The floor is covered with carefully selected wooden floors that fit the overall architectural and decoration style. There is also floor heating underneath, which has been turned on by the employees in advance. The soles of your feet will feel warm when you step on them, but they will not burn you.

The entire hot spring pavilion is a whole. Except for the open-air hot spring pool, there are no exposed corridors, etc., ensuring that customers will not get cold while relaxing in the hot spring inside.

Tiao Tiao ran at the front curiously, and Pei Nian hurried to follow, worried that Tiao Tiao would fall due to his rampage.

Sure enough, the next second, Shen Zening and Bai Yang saw the reckless little dragon zit sway and almost fall down, but were quickly supported by Pei Nian who arrived in time.

"Tiao Tiao, you run slower." Bai Yang was a little helpless. The older the boy got, the more lively he became. He always stumbled, but he didn't have the stability he had when he was a child.

"Dad, I know." Tiao Tiao said obediently.

Of course, coming to the hot spring pavilion was more than just a look. They each chose a different hot spring pool.

Wu Shuang was curious for a moment and chose an outdoor hot spring, especially one for beauty. He said that in winter, the hair on his body became dry and fell off easily, so he had to take good care of it.

It didn't matter which hot spring Tiao Tiao soaked in. He had already soaked in it several times at home, so he asked Pei Nian to choose a health hot spring at random.

The hot springs with relatively ordinary effects are all in the same room, just divided into different bathing pools. Shen Zening and Bai Yang randomly chose the pool next to them so that they could keep an eye on their children.

Ji Tingqiu originally wanted to soak in the hot spring pool rich in spiritual power, but that hot spring pool was separated from other hot springs and in a separate room, so he couldn't chat with everyone. He was thinking of changing it to When I was in a normal hot spring, my second brother gave me a tap on my head.

"They are a family of three...four? No matter what, you are going to join in the fun anyway. Seeing how smart Wu Shuang is, he hid directly outside. You can soak in any type of hot spring you want. You have to stay with them. , I'm afraid Boss Shen is full of other things and has no time to talk to you." What

the second brother said makes sense. After thinking about it, Ji Tingqiu chose the hot spring pool with spiritual energy and went to change clothes with Ji Fuguang .

The hot spring pool in winter maintains a higher water temperature, but it does not feel too hot when you soak in it.

Shen Zening and Bai Yang held a kid in each hand, took the keys from the reception desk, and led the kids into the locker room.

Shen Zening also prepared a lot of lockers in the locker room, arranged neatly in rows and rows. Just like in modern times, the staff will give customers a small key with a number and tie it with a rope. , convenient for customers to hold.

It's good that the monks have storage bags, but when bathing in hot springs, there are storage bags with different shapes, which may not be easy to hold with keys, and the storage bags cannot be used by ordinary customers. Shen Zening thought about it. , or prepare some more lockers.

On the other side of the dressing room are the sink, shower room and toilet, as well as a row of tables against the wall with some simple skin care products on them.

In order to make it easier for ordinary customers to dry their hair, Shen Zening also prepared many hair dryers on the countertop.

These hair dryers are also available in hotels. However, customers all think that these hair dryers are specially customized by Shen Zening. They have no idea that these hair dryers are technological products from other dimensions. There are always people asking who made these hair dryers. hand.

After changing their clothes, Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian put on the small swimming trunks Shen Zening prepared for them and rushed out of the locker room to find their own hot springs.

"...I told you to run slower." Bai Yang called out Tiao Tiao, but the kid didn't hear it at all. He disappeared as soon as the curtain of the locker room was lifted, but Pei Nian even looked back at Bai Yang. .

"Xiao Nian, it's okay, you go ahead." Bai Yang had no choice but to say.

Wearing only a pair of swimming trunks in front of the two cubs, the little fox was still a little embarrassed. After Pei Nian also left, he began to take off his shirt.

Shen Zening had already prepared loose and light clothes for the little fox to wear before and after bathing in the hot springs, and she personally helped the little fox change into them.

The clothes were loose and could barely cover the pink color on her chest, but if the belts were not tied tightly, a large area of ​​fair skin could still be exposed.

"We are here to soak in the hot springs, so we have to dress casually." Shen Zening said seriously.

… It’s better not to wear it than to wear it.

Bai Yang untied the belt Shen Zening had just tied and wrapped the clothes one size too big around him.

You have to take it off before entering the hot spring anyway.

When Shen Zening saw it, he felt a little pity in his heart. Obviously the little fox looked good dressed like that, and it also gave him a casual and unrestrained feeling.

But it doesn't matter. After some coaxing after he comes out of the hot spring, the little fox will still be willing to let him dress up.

Before leaving the dressing room, Bai Yang thought of what happened when he was soaking in the hot spring at home, and he did not forget to warn Shen Zening in a low voice, "You are not allowed to mess around outside, not even if there is no one else!" "...Am I

that kind of person?"

Shen Zening Zening felt a little aggrieved. It was true that he was not very restrained at home, but this was a hot spring resort. Even though it was a public place where no one was open, he wouldn't do anything here. So that's not the case. Too unqualified.

Bai Yang actually knew in his heart that Shen Zening wouldn't really do anything, but he just wanted to take a good bath in the hot spring today, and he didn't want to be clung to, kissed, and hugged by Shen Zening.

Hmm... If Shen Zening is going to give him a shoulder squeeze or something, it can still be discussed whether it can stick.

After they went out, Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian were already playing in the pool they chose.

While the two cubs were changing clothes, Shen Zening had already gone ahead to adjust the depth of the hot spring pool they were going to bathe in to a suitable depth for the children so that they would not choke on the water. She also prepared some toys that they could play in the water. .

For example, the classic bathtub standard feature of little yellow ducks, he also put a few in the hot spring pool.


The little yellow duck was pinched by Tiao Tiao and squeezed, and immediately made a sound. Tiao Tiao went to bring another little yellow duck over, and actually made the "Chi Chi" sound of the two small duck toys. Hit the rhythm.

Fortunately, this little toy didn't make too much noise, otherwise Shen Zening would have spoken out to stop Tiao Tiao's behavior of making noise.

After playing with the little yellow duck for a while, Tiao Tiao felt a little bored, so he sat down next to Pei Nian and started chatting with him.

The things children say when chatting are always a bit nonsensical and unreasonable, and they don't care what they say.

Shen Zening and Bai Yang just listened and talked about everything from "Mianmian's rabbit ears are so easy to pinch, but it's a pity that he always won't let me pinch them" to "We must beat the hell out of Brother Kitten and Brother Xiaoqiu tomorrow."

Then came Pei Nian's very ruthless words: "I don't think it's possible."

Tiao Tiao: "Just, just try hard and try."

Make my dream come true QAQ

"That crappy technique..." Shen Zening shook his head, "He hasn't even learned how to serve yet."

"Just practice more." Bai Yang said nonchalantly, "If Tiao Tiao likes to play, just let him play. Speaking of which, you can play too." Very average."

Shen Zening: "..."

He is indeed not good at tennis, but he is good at skiing. Isn't that enough!

He stopped squeezing the little fox's shoulders and directly pulled the person into his arms.

Shen Zening's sudden movement caused a sudden splash of water in the originally calm hot spring pool.

Bai Yang was shocked. When Shen Zening kissed the fox ears in his hair, he thought that this lecherous dragon wanted to do something again. However, Shen Zening's hand on his waist suddenly moved and scratched his cheek. Itchy flesh.


Bai Yang was caught off guard and was attacked. He couldn't help but let out a exclamation, which almost attracted the attention of the two cubs. After he reacted, he blocked Shen Zening's hand and turned over to sit on his lap. superior.

The two men, whose combined ages were measured as a thousand years, began to tickle each other childishly.

After a while of competition, Shen Zening was still the better, not because he was faster or more professional in tickling techniques than Bai Yang, but because he... could wrap the spring water with his spiritual power, and stay in places where Bai Yang couldn't care. , using water jets to tickle him.

"...Aren't you cheating?"

Bai Yang said angrily, suddenly diving into the water, then holding Shen Zening's wrist and pulling him down hard.

Shen Zening was controlling the water flow, but was interrupted by the little fox. Before he could recover his spiritual power, he was pulled into the water.

When they were normally soaking in hot springs before, it was better when their shoulders were exposed on the water and they didn't feel hot. However, if they were all in the spring water, they would feel that the temperature was a bit high. His first reaction was to Lower the temperature of the hot spring water a little, but when he was about to adjust it, he found that Bai Yang had already lowered the temperature of the hot spring water.

The water in the hot spring they chose was light blue, very shallow, and looked ordinary. But when they were in the water, illuminated by the lights in the house, the surrounding water glowed a beautiful green color.

It was rare for Bai Yang to see Shen Zening unresponsive and still dazed. In the blue spring water, he suddenly remembered the color of Shen Zening's dragon horns.

He was fascinated for a moment and leaned over to kiss Shen Zening's lips. Instead, someone bit his lips and kissed her in the water.

The long kiss made him unable to think about anything else and could only passively follow Shen Zening's rhythm.

After a while, the oxygen was used up. He subconsciously hugged the person tightly, and then he was put between the lips and teeth and took a breath.

Bai Yang even forgot when Shen Zening carried him out of the water.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was leaning on Shen Zening's arms. Shen Zening was hugging him from behind, with two sapphire-like dragon horns emerging from his head.

The texture of dragon horn is warm and moist, like fine jade.

When the little fox was stunned, Shen Zening lowered his head slightly and said, "Yangyang likes my dragon horns, do you want to touch them?"


He exerted force when his fingertips were under the water. The fashion is still glowing with a hint of pink, falling on the cyan dragon horns.

The hard and cold touch under his hands was like the scales of Shen Zening's original form.

The little fox's lips were bright red, and his eyes were filled with mist. He reached out to touch his dragon horns seriously. Shen Zening saw a drop of water on the side of his neck, flowing down from his snow-colored hair, and then to Supraclavicle. The round shoulders were smoked by the heat of the spring water, and also showed a light pink color.

"Okay, Yangyang, you can't touch the dragon horns anymore."

He looked at it and had no choice but to interrupt Bai Yang, "Wait until you go back... and then touch it again."


Bai Yang knew that Shen Ze What was Ning saying? Even though he was a little reluctant, he took back his hand.

The two held each other in silence for a while, and then Shen Zening continued to massage Bai Yang's shoulders and chatted for a while.

"The Chinese New Year will be coming soon." Shen Zening changed her strength and saw that Bai Yang's expression was more relaxed, so she continued, "Baby, have you ever thought about where to celebrate the Chinese New Year? Go back to the Monster Clan? Or here?" Speaking of which

, Bai Yang really hadn't thought about this issue seriously, so he couldn't help but be startled.

Seeing the little fox lowering his head and thinking, as if he was stuck on something again, Shen Zening couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He felt that he had said the wrong thing. He originally asked his wife to come over to relax, so why did he start to worry about something again? Tangled.

Where to go to celebrate the New Year is just a matter of words. You can just decide when the New Year comes.

Shen Zening immediately changed the topic and started talking about other things.

He prepared a lot of leisure and entertainment things in the hot springs, including mahjong and poker, as well as board games.

"Board games have been around for a long time, 
, but I haven’t played with you yet. Shen Zening lifted his long, wet hair and smoothed it down carefully, "It happens that there are many people today. Do you want to try playing some fun later?" "

"okay. "Bai Yang nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the little fox seemed a little interested, Shen Zening simply started to talk to him about the rules and asked him whether he wanted to play werewolf killing or scripted killing.

The couple talked, unconsciously It took a while. After

soaking in the hot springs for so long, Tiao Tiao was tired of soaking in them. He came over to call someone and said he wanted to go out. Only then did the two of them come back to their senses.

Shen Zening looked at the time and saw that it was indeed not early. After that, he pulled Bai Yang up and took the kids to the shower room to take a shower and change clothes. Unexpectedly, they were not the last to come out of the hot spring after spending so long in the hot spring


Outside In the rest area, only two brothers, Ji Tingqiu and Ji Fuguang, were sitting cross-legged at the table, eating the takeaway they had just ordered. Wu Shuang was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't know where he had gone.

"Wu Shuang was soaking in the outdoor hot spring, right? This has been taking too long. I'll go call him. "After Shen Zening finished speaking, he first brought Bai Yang to the cabinet with the board games and asked him to choose one before heading towards the outdoor hot spring.

But when he got there, he didn't even have a single cat hair. No shadow was seen.

Shen Zening was confused and looked around all the outdoor hot springs without giving up, but found nothing.

He had to walk back first and said that no one was found.

Just as everyone was talking about whether to When Ji Tingqiu went to ask the staff to help find someone, Ji Tingqiu felt cross-legged and wanted to change places to relax for a while. He took a fancy to the black leather sofa beside him, but as soon as he sat on it, something soft seemed to be pressed under his buttocks. . "

...meow! " "

A cat meow suddenly erupted from the sofa.

Wu Shuang rolled herself into a ball and fell asleep just fine when someone suddenly sat on her tail. She meowed angrily.

"Wu, Wu. Frost? "

The sofa is black, and most of Wu Shuang's fur is also black. He sleeps together. Ji Tingqiu didn't look carefully before sitting down, so she accidentally pressed his tail. "Sorry, I don't

. know you are here. "

The cat's fur was visibly rising. Ji Tingqiu quickly apologized and successfully coaxed the angry black cat with a crispy chicken drumstick.

"...Who chose this black sofa? "Bai Yang asked, dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Shh, baby, don't talk about it. It was all chosen. Shen Zening whispered to his wife, "He thought the black sofa was cool, but you wouldn't let me change the sofa at home, so he came up with the idea of ​​a hot spring resort and asked me to buy one and put it here." Hearing this, Bai

Yang was silent for a while and said, "...How about putting a cushion on it." "

Otherwise, it's too dark. This time it's Wu Shuang who is sitting on it. What if next time another demon clan with the same black fur turns into its original form and sleeps on it, and is also crushed by someone.

Xiao After the small interlude, Shen Zening asked the kitchen to bring some food and ordered a lot of snacks. After everyone had eaten and drank, they started to play script killing. Since everyone was a novice, The difficulty of the dungeon

was chosen to be the easiest. It happened to be that the plot was not long, so they

just wanted to practice their skills. After finishing the script killing, it was getting dark.

Qin Yan had not seen Wu Shuang all day long. Still a little unaccustomed, until the moon was in the sky, there was still no shadow of Wu Shuang. Qin Yan went out of the room, stopped the passing demon clan, and asked him if he had seen Wu Shuang. The demon clan all remembered Wu Shuang. Shuang

, a black and white kitten who didn't like to turn into human form, didn't need Qin Yan to continue describing Wu Shuang's appearance. He just told him that Wu Shuang was taken to see the new hot springs by the queen.

Qin Yan would be startled every time he heard the word queen. He stayed for a moment.

He thanked the passing monster and went back to the room. After

sitting in the room for a while, Qin Yan couldn't sit still.

Wu Shuang was in the new hot spring pavilion, and Shen Zening was also there. His Highness He will be there too.

He has been in the hotel for several days, and the wound should be healed in two days. Is it time to say goodbye to His Highness...

Also, he has not seen what the hot springs look like...

Let's go and have a look.

Qin Yan thought so and looked at the street signs all the way. He also tried to get on the sightseeing shuttle bus and arrived at the entrance of the hot spring.

At this time, the employees had all gone home from work, and no one was guarding the door outside. The hot spring The lights in the pavilion were bright. Qin Yan hesitated for a while, but finally walked in.

Tiao Tiao and Pei Nian, two children, did not play script killing and were wandering around the hot spring pavilion. Tiao Tiao was the first to see Qin Yan.

"Qin Yan" uncle! "Tiao Tiao waved to Qin Yan enthusiastically, ran over and pulled the somewhat stiff Qin Yan over, "Uncle Qin, you have just arrived. My father and dad are playing games with Brother Kitten and the others, why don't you come with us? . "

What game..." Before Qin Yan could finish his question, the sharp-eyed black cat caught sight of him.

In order to play the script, Wu Shuang was in the form of a human body and ran to Qin Yan's side. "Why are you here! "

But he didn't wait for Qin Yan to speak, and dragged him to the table again, remembering to avoid his injured hand, "There are too few of us, and we can't play the next book. You're here just in time!" "

Qin Yan was so confused that Wu Shuang dragged him into playing script.

After it was over, everyone was a little tired and planned to pack up and go back. Only then did he remember that he hadn't said goodbye to Bai Yang yet.

"So fast? "Bai Yang said, "Let's take care of it some more. Besides, the end of the year is coming, and the New Year is coming soon. If you have anything to do, let's wait until after the New Year. Qin

Yan wanted to refuse, but when Wu Shuang heard this, he was surprised and said, "So fast!" "

Counting the days, he probably won't be able to return to Nanzhou, but after thinking for a few seconds, Wu Maomao, who had already made up his mind to celebrate the New Year here, tugged on Qin Yan's sleeve, "Don't leave either, first. Have a great New Year! "

The sleeves were about to be torn by this little kitten.

Qin Yan stared at the wrinkled sleeves for a while, then responded: "...Okay. "

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