The little fox I Picked up is...

By Kazuyuuki95

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Author:Lychee Coconut/荔汁椰椰 Category: Danmei story Status: 252 chapter Introducing: ★Plush Controlling Wife Qi... More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 5 - 6
Chapter 7 - 8
Chapter 9 - 10
Chapter 11 - 12
Chapter 13 - 14
Chapter 15 - 16
Chapter 17 - 18
Chapter 19 - 20
Chapter 21 - 22
Chapter 23 - 24
Chapter 25 - 26
Chapter 27 - 28
Chapter 29 - 30
Chapter 31 - 32
Chapter 33 - 34
Chapter 35 - 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41 - 42
Chapter 43 - 44
Chapter 45 - 46
Chapter 47 - 48
Chapter 49 - 50
Chapter 51 - 52
Chapter 53 - 54
Chapter 55 - 56
Chapter 57 - 58
Chapter 59 - 60
Chapter 61 - 62
Chapter 63 - 64
Chapter 65 - 66
Chapter 67 - 68
Chapter 69 - 70
Chapter 71 - 72
Chapter 73 - 74
Chapter 75 - 76
Chapter 77 - 78
Chapter 79 - 80
Chapter 81 - 82
Chapter 83 - 84
Chapter 85 - 86
Chapter 87 - 88
Chapter 89 - 90
Chapter 91 - 92
Chapter 93 - 94
Chapter 95 - 96
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter 99 - 100 + Link
Chapter 101 - 102
Chapter 103 - 104
Chapter 105 - 106
Chapter 107 - 108
Chapter 109 - 110
Chapter 111 - 112
Chapter 113 - 114
Chapter 115 - 116
Chapter 117 - 118
Chapter 119 - 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chaptee 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135 -136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142 - 143
Chapter 144 - 145
Chapter 146 - 147
Chapter 148 - 149
Chapter 150 - 151
Chapter 152 - 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156 - 157
Chapter 158 - 159
Chapter 160 - 161
Chapter 162 - 163
Chapter 164 - 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176 - 177
Chapter 178 - 179
Chapter 180 - 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 185 - 186
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190 - 191
Chapter 192 - 193
Chapter 194 - 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204 - 205
Chapter 206 - 207
Chapter 208 - 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218 - 219
Chapter 220 - 221
Chapter 222 - 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232 - 233
Chapter 234 - 235
Chapter 236 - 237
Chapter 238 - 239
Chapter 240 - 241
Chapter 242 - 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245 - 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248 - 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251 - 252 [End]

Chapter 131 - 132

125 1 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Chapter 131

The visitor was Pei Zhaosu, who was so frightened that his subordinates were scrambling for a whole day and night. After they finally found Fan Ren's traces, they came to the inn to arrest him.

Naturally, Xiao Zhi stood silently behind him like a big obedient dog. He did not cast any glance at Shen Zening and Bai Yang in front of him, but looked at Pei Zhaosu intently.


Shen Zening was not surprised by Pei Zhaosu's face that would confuse anyone for a moment. In fact, he didn't notice Pei Zhaosu's appearance at all, but kept staring at the unusually conspicuous gilded smoke in his hand. Rod.

He endured it again and again, and finally swallowed the words "Smoking is prohibited at the Friend's Inn, couldn't you see the sign?"

There are children here!

——Referring to Tiao Tiao, a head that emerged from Bai Yang's arms.

In fact, the tobacco leaves used by Pei Zhaosu are of high quality and extremely well-made. After lighting, they still have a sweet smell, which is not very choking.

After Tiao Tiao smelled the smell of smoke, he first stuck his head out and sniffed, then wrinkled his nose, and smelled again, and found that this strange smell was not too repulsive to his sensitive sense of smell.

However, the second-hand cigarette stick didn't last long before Shen Zening pressed his head and stuffed it back into the little fox's arms.

"I am, what's the matter with this guest?"

Shen Zening said as politely as possible, but because he didn't like Pei Zhaosu smoking in the inn, his tone was still a little cold.

Pei Zhaosu raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the small dragon horn exposed in Bai Yang's arms, smiled knowingly, and threw the cigarette rod to Xiao Zhi, who took it steadily and put out the cigarette skillfully.

"It's nothing serious." Pei Zhaosu said, "It's just that a little mouse did something wrong and ran away from my casino. It seems that he ran here. You don't mind if I take him back." Pei Zhaosu should be talking about

Fan Ren . .

However, is Fan Ren also considered a little mouse? It's almost enough to call him a big rat.

Shen Zening naturally didn't mind if Pei Zhaosu came to arrest someone. After arresting him, he left early and took him and Xiao Zhi directly to the elevator behind the lobby.

They just want to catch two people out. There are three people on their side. Needless to say, Shen Zening himself. It is estimated that no one can beat him in a while. Pei Zhaosu and Xiao Zhi seem to be not low in cultivation. , more than enough for three people to go together.

As for Bai Yang and Tiao Tiao, Shen Zening stayed in the elegant seats in the lobby.

There is no need to burden my wife and children with this trivial matter.

The elevator happened to be waiting on the first floor. No one was using it while Shen Zening and Pei Zhaosu were talking. As soon as the dark wooden carved door opened, a fence-like door appeared inside.

A hand stretched out from behind the fence and opened the gate for them.

Behind the door is a square cabin similar to a car. The space is not large, but it is quite elegantly decorated.

Pei Zhaosu looked around with interest and followed Shen Zening in.

When the elevator attendant saw all three people coming in, he asked politely, "Which floor are the guests going to?" "

Second floor." Shen Zening answered for Pei Zhaosu and Xiao Zhi.

The elevator attendant pressed the word "two", and a white light circle lit up around the button. Then the entire elevator car shook very slightly, and then began to move upward.

Pei Zhaosu had been watching all this calmly, without showing any emotion on his face. The same was true for Xiao Zhi, who had been standing behind him. He had been expressionless and silent since Shen Zening saw him.

This pair of master and servant is really unpredictable, and they don't know what Fan Ren they want to arrest has committed.

But Shen Zening just thought about it casually and had no intention of understanding it in depth.

After all, this is someone else's business, and sometimes you don't need to be so curious.

It was only one floor, and the elevator arrived quickly. The group of people went straight to the door of Fan Ren's room.

As the inn owner, Shen Zening had a spare key, so he didn't bother to knock on the door and let Fan Ren come out on his own. He just used the spare key to unlock the door.

Fan Ren inside the house was still lying on the bed, soundly asleep.

After hiding in fear for a day and a night, he was already exhausted. After buying this room from the monk surnamed Liu, he felt relieved and felt that he would definitely not be cheated by the casino if he stayed in this famous inn where he could hide from his enemies. The person caught him, fell on the bed as soon as he entered the door, and fell asleep like that.

"...My heart is quite big."

Shen Zening sighed. Just as he was about to go over and call the person up, he saw Xiao Zhi, who had been guarding behind Pei Zhaosu, step forward without saying a word, lifted Fan Ren's collar, and said In this way, he dragged the person out of bed.

Fan Ren looked like he was almost 200 pounds, almost turning into a ball, but in Xiao Zhi's hands it was as effortless as carrying a piece of pork.

He was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly lifted and pulled. Fan Ren opened his eyes in confusion.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the gilt cigarette rod back in Pei Zhaosu's hand. He was so frightened that he almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

After he noticed that his face was on the ground, being controlled by Xiao Zhi by the collar, and there was a young and handsome man standing next to the frightening master and servant who looked at him with a smile, he finally realized wide awake.

This man...this the legendary Boss Shen? !

How come people from the casino chase me to the inn? !

Isn't this inn a place where people can hide for a while?

Are those people exaggerating? In fact, this inn cannot protect people at all? !

Fan Ren thought that after his whereabouts were exposed and discovered by people in the casino, Pei Zhaosu directly notified the inn owner to come and arrest him, and then he began to question the safety of the inn.

However, what he doesn't know is that because of the AI ​​system in the inn, he can indeed avoid all pursuits after checking in, but the premise is that he did not use a stolen room that he bought at a high price from another guest, and that The guests who dealt with him did not use their magic energy to control the front desk of the inn.

Once anything related to demons appears in the inn and is used by others, if there is demonic energy, it will definitely be discovered by the AI ​​system and notify Shen Zening.

"You can really run."

Pei Zhaosu bent down and patted Fan Ren's face.

When Xiao Zhi saw his movements, the corners of his lips slightly turned down at an angle that was difficult for ordinary people to notice. He unconsciously exerted a little force on his hand, causing Fan Ren to cry out in pain.

Pei Zhaosu didn't want to talk to Fan Ren. After Xiao Zhi tied him up with a rope, he asked Xiao Zhi to search him carefully, and sure enough, he found another small storage bag.

Fan Ren had been crying since he was caught by them. After the mini storage bag that had escaped a search was found, his face suddenly turned gray.

...How come everyone discovered such a small amount of belongings? !

Xiao Zhi grabbed his hand and took out a lot of gadgets.

Without exception, they were all contaminated with demonic energy.

Pei Zhaosu casually picked up a magic weapon that looked like it came from the devil's realm, and asked, "Where did you get these things?"

The world of cultivation is strictly guarded against demons and prohibits the circulation of anything with demonic energy and things from the demonic realm in all continents, but privately there are always people who can't control it.

Pei Zhaosu knew that it was impossible to completely ban the reselling of magic weapons, but it was rare for people to use them directly with such arrogance. When they were used, they were still in Shuowang City, which was known to abide by the rules in Dongzhou.

...Should I say that Fan Ren is brave, or does he think he didn't die quickly enough?

When Shen Zening saw these things found in Fan Ren's storage bag, she couldn't persuade herself that this was someone else's business. She glanced at those small things and was a little surprised.

When he saw the demons causing trouble in Yaoying City, he thought it was an accident because the demons had been hiding in the relatively remote Nanzhou in the world of cultivation for hundreds of years without being caught.

But these things appeared in Dongzhou...Does this mean that the entire world of cultivation is secretly circulating things with demonic energy?

Fan Ren's next words also confirmed Shen Zening's suspicion. He said that he bought it from a merchant.


Has this all become an organization?

Shen Zening recalled that in the surveillance footage, the monk surnamed Liu looked quite skilled in using those demonic energies to control Fang Zhi. It was obviously not the first time he had touched these magic weapons.

After they took Fan Ren out of the guest room, Pei Zhaosu wanted to take him away directly, but Shen Zening hurriedly asked him to wait and went to the third floor to bring out the monk surnamed Liu.

Because the monk surnamed Liu was a guest who had stayed in their inn for a long time, Shen Zening used some patience and knocked on the door first, and then violently led him away with surprise written all over his face. gone.

The monk surnamed Liu resisted at first, but after seeing that he could not defeat Shen Zening, he started to lie and said that he was wrongly accused.

Shen Zening was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly told how he stole the key, how after secretly bringing Fan Ren in, he controlled Fang Zhi with magic energy and asked her to write Fan Ren's information in the register, etc. A series of things were said.

The monk surnamed Liu never expected that he would be discovered by the innkeeper not even an hour after he had done these things with his front legs? ? ?

How many eyes does this boss have? !

How could he know this?

But the monk surnamed Liu was still stubborn and unwilling to admit it, " said so much, do you have any evidence?! I was framed!"

This boss has no evidence, it's probably Fan Ren, that good-for-nothing. He was discovered and confessed.

But the question is, how was Fan Ren discovered? !

Didn't he already ask Fang Zhi to write Fan Ren's name in the register?

"Evidence?" Shen Zening smiled gently, "You want to see the evidence, right?"

The monk surnamed Liu looked at the smile on Shen Zening's lips and shuddered unconsciously.

He hadn't come to Shuowang City before when Cheng Sheng and Fugui had trouble. If he had seen with his own eyes how Shen Zening simply and roughly let Fugui slap him in the face, he probably wouldn't have been able to say these words.

The monk surnamed Liu was brought into the monitoring room by Shen Zening. Looking at the real-time monitoring screens, he was so depressed that he almost fainted.

Water mirror... It's actually a water mirror...

But why are there so many water mirrors here? !

Does this boss have so much money that he has nowhere to spend it? !

After seeing what he did an hour ago in the surveillance footage being completely recorded, the monk surnamed Liu just thought it was because Shen Zening had money, so he bought a lot of water mirrors and hung them in inconspicuous places.

This might be a Tianling-level water mirror that can trace back time.

No wonder the inn has grown rapidly from a small teahouse to its current scale.

Boss Shen is really... so terrifying!

However, the monk surnamed Liu didn't understand at all. This was not the water mirror he imagined he had spent a large sum of spiritual stones to buy, but just a surveillance camera from the technological plane.

He asked for evidence, and Shen Zening gave him the evidence.

Everything he did was completely recorded. The monk surnamed Liu had no way of denying it, so he had to admit it honestly.

He thought he just stole the key and sold it to others privately. This matter may be a big deal or a small matter, but most people would choose to pay and keep it secret. He also wanted to resolve it with Shen Zening privately.

They also requested compensation for three times the room rate.

After all, from the time he was taken out of the room by Shen Zening to the time he was brought in front of so many water mirrors, he hadn't seen anyone from the City Lord's Mansion.

Presumably the innkeeper also wanted him to pay the money privately and settle the matter.

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

Shen Zening glanced at the monk surnamed Liu speechlessly, and in his blank gaze, she led him to the lobby and tied him up with Fan Ren.

When the monk surnamed Liu sold the room to Fan Ren, he didn't know who he provoked or committed. He is still a little surprised how he made such a big fuss and arrested both of them.

Isn't this inn... an enemy that doesn't care about its guests at all?

Why do you think the attitudes of the two people next to Fan Ren look like enemies coming to visit? !

The monk surnamed Liu still doesn't realize that this is no longer a matter of stealing room keys and reselling the rooms and whether the inn can protect the residents who come to seek asylum.

Once you get involved with the demons, it will be a big deal.

Over the past hundred years, the monks in the world of cultivation have gradually relaxed their vigilance against the demons. They feel that it is just a small amount of demonic energy and cannot cause any big trouble at all. What's more, isn't the barrier of Zhu Feng Dao still in good condition?

...Fortunately, this is the only incident related to demonic energy that has happened to him since the small teahouse to now.

Shen Zening rubbed his eyebrows and directly used the paper crane to notify Wen Xiu.

The people from the City Lord's Mansion came very quickly.

Hearing that it was related to demonic energy, Wen Xiu simply brought people here in person.

When they met Pei Zhaosu at the inn, the two grumpy men couldn't help but get angry at each other for a while.

Wen Xiu was quite dissatisfied with Pei Zhaosu's simple and rude style of conduct, and Pei Zhaosu also felt that it was really tiring to talk to someone like Wen Xiu in a bureaucratic manner. She obviously seemed to do things as neatly as she did, so why did she have to hold it back from time to time? .

Fortunately, the two of them were just talking a few words, and they still knew what was more important.

Because of the demonic aura, these two people could not be dealt with privately by Shen Zening's inn and Pei Zhaosu's casino. Wen Xiu directly took them back for interrogation.

Before she left, she glanced regretfully at the restaurant not far away.

Last time, Fugui's incident of falsely accusing the restaurant's dishes was minor. Wen Xiu came in person just to have a meal.

But for today's matter, she couldn't let her subordinates take the people back first, and stayed in the restaurant to eat.

...Sigh, although the taste and quality of the dishes are guaranteed, takeout is not as comfortable as eating in.

Wen Xiu led a group of people and took the two people away in a mighty manner, attracting many curious eyes.

Many people also had the same idea as the monk surnamed Liu just now, thinking that the inn was no longer safe, and some people quickly hid behind the pillars when they saw the people in the City Lord's Mansion.

Seeing this situation, Shen Zening felt a headache again. He just took advantage of the situation and told them that it was because the monk surnamed Liu stole the room keys and sold them to others at a high price, and that they were involved in demonic aura, and comforted the residents. them.

The residents gradually felt relieved after hearing this.

——As long as it has nothing to do with people like them who are hiding from their enemies.

After Fan Ren and the monk surnamed Liu were taken away, as soon as two rooms were vacated in the inn, they were immediately robbed by the monks staying there.

Shen Zening explained to them in a timely manner and did not hinder the inn's business at all. Even if there was still an empty room, someone would immediately snatch it away.

After the two people were taken away, because the city lord attached great importance to the matter of demonic energy, within a few days, the black market for reselling magic weapons in Shuowang City was wiped out.

It's just that the merchant who came to sell the items with magical energy has not been found yet.

According to the interrogation from the black market, the merchant only stayed in Shuowang City for one day and then left. They didn't know where the merchant went.

Later, I heard that the city lord contacted nearby cities and found that not only Shuowang City and Dongzhou, but also Zhongzhou and Xizhou had traces of merchants reselling magic weapons.

However, most of those merchants have only appeared in various places in the past few days, and they are obviously not the same people.

This would make it even more time-consuming to investigate.

But it's not Shen Zening's turn to worry about it yet. After learning about the investigation progress of the demonic energy incident from Wen Xiu these days, he first improved the early warning method of the AI ​​system and added the demonic energy to the system. within the warning range.

When he was in Yaoying City, he had seen with his own eyes the damage caused by demonic energy to mortals. He also knew that if the demonic energy was used properly, it could control an unsuspecting monk. In addition, there was no problem with Zhu Feng Dao's barrier. But the demonic energy still leaked into the world of cultivation from nowhere, like a time bomb, forcing him to be on guard.

The world of cultivation has been peaceful for hundreds of years, so don't let anything happen at this time.

However, with the AI ​​system here, and the city lord's mansion having discovered some clues and following them to investigate, Shen Zening was not particularly worried. He just thought that Wen Xiu and the others could work hard to resolve the matter quickly.

He originally thought that the demonic energy this time was related to Yaoying City, but when he learned from Wen Xiu that it was brought by Xingshang, he gave up this idea.

The demons in Yaoying City are dead, and it is also the realm of mortals. The merchants who travel among the continents of the cultivation world and resell spiritual weapons are also monks. The things they sell are naturally used by monks, and they should not go to Nanzhou. .

"Shen Zening, what are you thinking about?"

There was a gentle touch on the arm, which was poked by the little fox, and the little fox's helpless voice came from the ear.

"The apples will be cut into puree by you."

Shen Zening finally came back to his senses. When he looked at the chopping board, he was speechless.

But isn't it just going to be cut into puree? The thing on the chopping board is not even an apple dice.

He also didn't expect that he was just thinking about the devil's energy for a while, and he was so lost in thought that he originally wanted to cut the apple into pieces, but ended up cutting it into this weird shape.

Shen Zening had no choice but to take out another apple from the refrigerator and start cutting it again.

Tiaotiao has grown stronger and stronger these days.

Forgive him for using the word "strong", but the strips are obviously thicker and longer than before.

The long little body is almost as thick as a wrist, and the scales on its body have become much harder than when it first broke out of its shell.

Tiao Tiao is currently lying on the island table, waiting for his father and dad to make almond and apple scones for him to eat.

Seeing that his father had dumped the things on the chopping board for some reason, Tiao Tiao made a confused sound: "...Ouch?"

"...It's broken." Shen Zening smiled at Tiao Tiao with a rare embarrassment. It's okay, I'll cut it again."

This time he didn't dare to be distracted when cutting the apple. He calmed down and quickly cut the apple into pieces, then heated the pot, added butter cubes to the pot, and waited for it to melt. When it becomes liquid, pour in the apple cubes and stir-fry.

After frying until soft, add sugar and continue to stir-fry until the water is completely gone before pouring it out.

Then it’s time to prepare the dough.

He took out caster sugar, baking powder and low-gluten flour, mixed them with light cream and applesauce to form a dough.

The next step of rolling out the dough was done by him and Bai Yang together. After several repetitions, the dough was rolled out to a suitable size and cut into triangles.

But it was obvious that the little fox was not very proficient in this part. He either rolled the dough out too thinly or rolled it out too thickly, and even got a lot of flour on his face.

Obviously the flour was just sprinkled on the cutting board to prevent the dough from sticking to the cutting board. I don't know how Bai Yang got it on his nose.

Bai Yang, who didn't know that he had turned into a little fox, subconsciously stretched out his hand to help him straighten it after seeing some of Shen Zening's hair loose at his temples.

Shen Zening: "..."

It's better now, and his face is also stained with flour.

It happened that the shape of the dough was also ready at this time. Shen Zening simply brushed them with egg yolk liquid, put almond slices on them, sprinkled them with coarse sugar and sent them to the oven.

Then, his fingers were dipped in the flour remaining on the chopping board, and when the little fox wasn't paying attention, he wiped it on his soft and white cheeks.

"Yangyang, you're sweating here, let me wipe it for you."

Bai Yang: "???"

Who is sweating here?

After Bai Yang noticed Shen Zening looking at his face with a sullen smile, and then saw the flour on the cutting board and Shen Zening's hands, he still didn't know that he did it on purpose.

As if he was infected, he also became childish. There happened to be some flour on his fingers that had not been washed off, and he immediately threw himself into Shen Zening's arms.

Shen Zening was suddenly embraced by the little fox. Before he could react, his face was held by the little fox in his arms, and all the flour was rubbed on it.

Seeing his father and dad turning into tabby cats, Tiao Tiao thought they were playing some kind of game. He blinked and wanted to join them.

It happened that the bag containing flour was placed aside. Before he could clamp it with a clamp, he climbed over and dived directly into it.

After getting into the flour bag, Tiao Tiao realized that something was wrong and it seemed difficult to handle, so he stepped back, changed his angle, and tried to use his short paws to scoop up the flour.

But the flour bag was just placed on the countertop casually. It was not very stable to begin with. After being tossed around by the strips, it was accidentally pushed to the edge of the island table. When he tried to use the dragon's claws to fish out the flour again, it fell directly. Go down.

Tiao Tiao was startled and subconsciously stretched out his claws to pull the flour bag.

But this bag of flour weighed ten kilograms, much heavier than Tiao Tiao himself. He couldn't hold it at all. With a "pop", it fell down together with the flour.

Then, because flour was sprinkled on his head during the fall, his nose itched.


Chapter 132

"Tiao Tiao?!"

A flame suddenly burst out from under the island platform. Only then did Shen Zening and Bai Yang notice the movement on the other side of the island platform. They were startled and quickly went around to the side of the island platform to put out the fire, but the result was that I found that the little dragon cub that was supposed to stay on the countertop was missing.

Bai Yang felt nervous and ran to the back of the Zhongdao stage to look for Tiao Tiao, worried that he had fallen.

The fire caused by Tiao Tiao was not big, and Shen Zening quickly put it out.

...Fortunately, it is not a confined space and there is not enough dust, otherwise it would be dangerous if it exploded.

After cleaning up the mess, before Shen Zening could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly noticed that the little fox who had just gone to find Tiao Tiao was looking at the back of the Nakajima stage in a daze.

"Yangyang? What's wrong with you? Where's Tiaotiao?"

Shen Zening asked curiously and walked to Bai Yang's side.

Then I was as stunned as my wife.

I saw a little boy lying on the ground carved in pink and jade, with a small white dragon horn on his head and a small dragon tail hanging behind him. He raised his head stupidly, tilted it cutely, and said inarticulately: "

... ...Um, Diandie?"

Shen Zening & Bai Yang: "!"

Is this... Tiaotiao?

Are the strips transformed? !

Not to mention the little fox, Shen Zening was almost dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He stared blankly at Tiao Tiao lying on the ground for a while before he remembered to pick up the cub.

After strips transformed, he was naked, unlike his fathers who could automatically put on clothes when switching between prototype and human form.

It's probably because the transformation was too sudden and I'm not very skilled yet.

Tiao Tiao was still not used to his human form. After being picked up by his father, he thought his father was playing with him. He waved his little hand and then slapped Shen Zening on the face.

Shen Zening: "..."

After the baby transformed, he looked about one year old. He didn't look like a baby as Shen Zening had imagined, which made him feel relieved.

If Liao Liao took the form of a baby, he would really be a little worried that he and the little fox could not take care of a baby.

One-year-old Tiao Tiao weighs about twenty kilograms, which is quite different from the weight of his prototype dragon cub.

Shen Zening was still a little uncomfortable, so she adjusted the position of Tiao Tiao, then held him with one hand and took off his hand that was stroking around her face.

"...You came to me as soon as you turned into a human form."

Shen Zening nodded helplessly on her little nose.

He hugged Tiao Tiao tightly, looked at Bai Yang again, and said loudly: "Baby, you've come to your senses."

The little fox has never been able to react after discovering Tiao Tiao's transformation, and his movements were half a beat slower. , almost the same as when he saw Liao Tiao breaking out of his shell, he looked frightened by the cub.

After hearing Shen Zening call him, he managed to regain his attention. He looked at Tiao Tiao's heartless way of trying to get close to him, and touched Tiao Tiao's face.

The one-year-old child's face was tender and smooth. Bai Yang pinched it quietly, and then his fingers were grabbed by strips.


After Tiaotiao transformed, he found that he could make a sound. When he was on the ground, he was not very good at calling daddy. Now after calling him again, he felt that he had mastered the skills of speaking, and he shouted again and again. Several sentences.


Tiao Liao finished speaking inarticulately and stretched out his soft little arms towards Bai Yang.

"Silly Tiao Tiao, you called him wrong, it's daddy." Bai Yang looked at Tiao Tiao, smiled, and corrected him, "Dad—Dad—"

"Die Die!" Tiao Tiao said loudly, looking confident. of.

"Forget it, it seems that Zaizai won't be able to learn for a while." Shen Zening said, and did not follow the instructions and handed him to Bai Yang to hold.

"Let's go change his clothes first. It's okay to keep his butt naked."

There were a lot of children's clothes for sale in the system mall. After the couple returned to his room with Tiao Tiao, Open the mall interface and start selecting.

"Counting the time, Tiaotiao is almost full moon." Shen Zening swiped the mall interface and checked the product details of children's clothes while saying to Bai Yang, "But after the kid transformed, he didn't look very suitable for his age. ."

Bai Yang was startled and said with some doubts: "Ah...isn't this bad?"

Although he remembered that Bai Ying also looked like a fox cub when he was born, and later his transformation also started as a baby, but...what if the dragon clan Is the transformation different from the nine-tailed fox?

Shen Zening didn't know if it was normal for his son to be like this, so he had to ask the system: "Is it okay for Tiao Tiao to be like this? Are you too anxious to grow up?" Tiao Tiao, who was too anxious to

grow up, raised his head in doubt, "Fu Hu Fu" "After a long time, he still didn't say the word "father".

Tiao Tiao: ...I can’t tell you! The QAQ

system has never seen anything like this. The cub of a dragon and a nine-tailed fox was born as a dragon cub, and he was one year old when he transformed. This... this has no precedent at all!

It had no choice but to turn around and call the main system for help, and waited for a long time for a reply.

The main system said that if the baby looks alive and kicking, he should be fine.

The system hesitantly relayed these words to Shen Zening.

After saying that, fearing that he would be uneasy, he scanned Tiao Tiao's whole body again.

Shen Zening and Bai Yang looked at Tiao Tiao who was sitting on the bed and playing with the quilt.

Hmm...Looking at this, he is still quite energetic and reacts quite quickly.

Shen Zening thought about it and called out: "Tiao Tiao?"

"Fuhuhu..." Tiaotiao muttered for a long time, frowned, and simply gave up resistance.


Father, he should... be able to understand.

Tiao Tiao looked at Shen Zening with his big eyes blinking.

Tiao Tiao has tried his best!

After he transformed, his eyes were just like when Bai Yang returned to his human form, they were still blue and gold pupils, with a soft little white hair on his head, and the slightly curly white hair peeking out. The pair of small dragon horns and the small tail behind it are different from ordinary human cubs at first glance.

The strips of hair are not particularly thick but not sparse either. The small dragon's horns are also snow-white and crystal clear, and the scales on the dragon's tail are also shining with sparkling luster in the sun.

Very good, a healthy little cub.

Shen Zening breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, as long as Zaizai's health is fine, just be a little anxious if you feel anxious after transforming. This will save you a lot of trouble.

After all, he and Bai Yang are really not very good at taking care of babies, so it would be just right when they grow up.

Even on a sunny autumn day, it was still a bit cool in the room. The two of them had just seen Tiao Tiao turn into a human form, and they just wanted to buy him some clothes to wear. For a moment, they forgot to tuck Tiao Tiao into the quilt first. Keep warm inside.

But Tiao Tiao didn't feel cold.

After turning into a human form, there were no scales and no claw tips. For Tiao Tiao, this new appearance made him very curious at the moment, and he couldn't feel the coldness at the moment.

However, he played with his little tail, rolled around on the bed a few times, and actually rolled into the quilt by accident.


Tiao Tiao's sight was covered by Xiao Bo's quilt, his vision went dark, and he shouted subconsciously.

The tone was exactly the same as before he transformed. At first glance, Bai Yang thought the kid had changed back again. He walked over and lifted the quilt and took a look before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yang dug the cub out of the quilt, rubbed his messy white hair, and wrapped him in the quilt. "Just stay still and don't move around. The dads are buying clothes for you."

He and Shen Zening spent a long time shopping in the system mall and selected a dozen sets of autumn clothes suitable for a one-year-old child.

There are jumpsuits with bunny ears, gentlemen's tops and bottoms with bow ties, and brown suits that look like furry bears, but most of them are jumpsuits that are easier to wear.

Shen Zening even chose a green little dinosaur jumpsuit in a playful way.

But for Tiao Tiao, I'm afraid the bunny onesie is the real bad taste.

Tiao Tiao pinched the little rabbit's ears and thought tangledly:...Why doesn't it have little dragon horns? Tutu’s doesn’t look impressive at all!

Tiao Tiao still has a small tail, and all the clothes require a hole in the buttocks.

His son had no clothes to wear now. Shen Zening didn't have time to send the clothes to the tailor for modification, so he had to cut a hole in the buttocks of the clothes, which was the rabbit that everyone liked the most, and cleaned it with spiritual power before giving it to him. The strips were replaced.

Not only did the pants need to be cut with holes, but also the underwear and the like. The clothes he and Bai Yang picked out added up to a thick pile, and they were all put into the bag first, planning to take them to the cloth shop soon. Change it.

Bai Yang originally wanted to choose some more clothes for Tiao Tiao, but then he thought about it, he couldn't always wear the clothes bought in the system mall, and he had to make some at the cloth store, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing shopping.

After changing his clothes, Shen Zening put on a hat as a prank. With his slightly curly white hair, he looked like a snow-white little rabbit demon.

Zaizai stretched out his hand in confusion and pinched the big hanging rabbit ears, then curled his lips, and tears quickly gathered in his eyes. He did not cry, but stared at Shen Ze aggrievedly with a pair of watery blue-gold eyes. Rather look.

"It seems that Tiao Tiao really doesn't like rabbit clothes."

Bai Yang softened his voice, coaxing Tiao Tiao, who had a flat mouth to stop crying, and took off the hat with rabbit ears on his head. , and then quietly glared at Shen Zening.


Shen Zening coughed dryly, grabbed another normal one-piece suit without any animal elements, made a slit on his butt, hugged the unhappy Tiao Tiao, and changed it for him One piece.

"Okay, be good, don't cry. Dad won't let you wear bunny clothes anymore." After

Shen Zening finished speaking, he hugged Tiao Tiao and shook it unskillfully.

Tiao Tiao, who was easy to coax, started laughing after a while, holding onto Shen Zening's sleeves with his little hands, and called out "huhuhu" a few times.

"It seems I have to teach you how to speak." Shen Zening said, turned around with Tiao Tiao in his arms, made him look at the little fox, and said slowly, "This is Daddy, Daddy - Daddy -" before repeating After many

"overlaps", Tiao Tiao finally found his tone.

", Daddy!"

The little boy finally learned to call him daddy. Bai Yang felt his heart almost melt, and he kissed the white and tender little face like a reward.

"Tiao Tiao has learned it. It's really amazing."

"Daddy" has only one tone. After Tiao Tiao called it a few times, it became more and more smooth. However, it was difficult when it was his turn to learn to call Shen Zening.

I finally got the word "father" right, but there was something wrong with the intonation of "ki" again. It went back and forth between "ki", "qin", and "qi", as if I was singing out of tune.

The little fox couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Shen Zening held Tiao Tiao with one hand, then hugged the little fox who was gloating about his misfortune, and bit his lips dissatisfiedly, "Don't laugh." Until the afternoon

, he worked hard to learn how to call "Father" Tiao Tiao intermittently. , finally said this word smoothly.

Before the strips of clothes could be taken to the cloth shop, they were contracted by the enthusiastic Xue Yun.

"This is just a little bit of sewing, boss, you don't need to go to the city." Xue Yun smiled and took the initiative to take over the job of changing Tiao Tiao's clothes.

"Crab Crab Jiejie~"

Tiao Tiao has just transformed into a day, and when it comes to speaking, only the words "father" and "daddy" can be considered proficient, but he is not good at other titles and words.

Xue Yun was amused by Tiao Tiao's efforts to thank him, "It's just a small thing, Tiao Tiao is so polite."

She had just finished speaking and was about to go back with Tiao Tiao's clothes to help with processing, when she suddenly thought: "By the way, boss , Tiaotiao will be a full moon soon."

"Yes." Shen Zening looked at the calendar and said, "In three days, Tiaotiao will be one month old." "

Tiaotiao is growing up so fast, it's time to prepare for the full moon It’s time for the banquet.” Xue Yun sighed, and touched his little dragon horn under Liao Lian’s bright and expectant eyes.

This was the first time she saw the transformed little dragon cub.

Seriously speaking, this should be the first time she saw a demon cub in human form. When she was trapped in the village, she could hardly see monks and demons.

...But, are Tiao Tiao considered a demon clan?

Dragons...should be different from ordinary demons.

Shen Zening pinched Tiao Tiao's face, which elicited a dissatisfied groan.

"It's great to grow up faster, so you don't have to worry."

They all came out holding Tiao Tiao. Next, Shen Zening and Bai Yang simply took Tiao Tiao around the inn.

After holding the twenty-pound Tiaotiao for a long time, his arms were still a little sore. Shen Zening was reluctant to let the little fox carry such a heavy Tiaotiao for too long. When he walked to the spiritual field, he picked up his son from his wife's arms. Come over.

Daddy's arms were fragrant and soft, but being held by his father made Tiao Tiao feel nervous everywhere.

Tiao Tiao pressed his father Shen Zening's chest muscles in disgust, "Hard." "

You kid, you are talking nonsense again." Shen Zening was dumbfounded for a moment and retorted, "I didn't use any force, the muscles are soft. ." "


Tiao Tiao stumbled, unable to speak a complete sentence.

Even if what he says is not smooth, he still praises and tramples on him, bragging about the little fox, which is extremely partial.

But Shen Zening didn't have the confidence to accuse him.

When it comes to carrying water, both father and son are not equal, and they will always favor Baiyang no matter what.

At first glance, he looked like his biological son.

"You two, stop fighting." Bai Yang was a little helpless and said to Shen Zening, "Don't you know Tiao Tiao? He just likes me to hold him and wants to find an excuse." "

That's not okay. You have been holding me for a long time. ."

Shen Zening weighed the baby and said, "Be obedient and let your father rest for a while."

"...Okay." Tiao Tiao finally calmed down and returned to his father's arms.

When they were in the small building, Shen Zening and Bai Yang let Tiao Tiao try to walk, but Tiao Tiao was really like a one-year-old human cub, able to walk, but not very smoothly.

It's like the limbs were just attached.

It was obvious that I was jumping up and down when I was working on the prototype.

It was okay to fall on the thick crawling mat twice, but it would not be good if he fell on the bluestone brick road outside, so they still took turns holding Tiao Tiao when they were outside.

The seventh-level spiritual grass is planted in the spiritual field, and it is currently reaching maturity. The planting system indicates that it is ready for collection.

The seventh-level spiritual grass is red in color. Under the sun, it looks like a flame burning in the field from a distance.

These spiritual grasses are as big as several strips, and are fully two meters high. If you play in the spiritual field, the strips can hide and seek in them.

At this time, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out from the red spiritual grass, let out a "oooh" and waggled his tail enthusiastically at the strips.

Because the leaves of the highest grade spiritual grass grow too large, the seeds are planted at larger intervals. The leaves are pointed up and down and wide in the middle. A spiritual grass has seven leaves, grows tall, and has space at the bottom. It was still relatively large. When Xiao Hei emerged from the spiritual field, he did not scratch or step on the spiritual grass.

Even though Liaosiao had transformed, Xiao Hei could still distinguish it from the familiar aura.

This is Boss Shen's little boy~


Tiao Tiao also happily greeted Xiao Hei, imitating Tiao Tiao's example, and moved the little dragon's tail.

Bai Yang poked the white dragon scales on Tiaotiao's tail and said with a smile, "Baby, do you want to learn this too?"

"Like a puppy." Shen Zening teased him.

Hearing this, Tiao Tiao stopped moving at a loss and held Tai Tai in his arms.

Ah...can't you wag your tail?

"Shake it, shake it." Looking at Zai Zi's behavior, Shen Zening was happy, "It's okay, your dad also liked to wag his tail before."

Bai Yang: "..."

From an angle that neither Tiao Tiao nor Xiao Hei could see. , Bai Yang stretched out his hand and pinched Shen Zening's waist hard.

Shen Zening's posture holding the baby with one hand did not move, and the smiling expression on his face did not change at all. However, under the layers of clothes, the muscles in his waist suddenly tightened.

My wife's attack... was really cruel...

"It must be green." Shen Zening suddenly said.

...It's just a pretense, and it won't even leave a mark.

The little fox, who had been teased many times, refused to accept his trick. He snorted lightly and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing that the little fox was silent, Shen Zening said deliberately, "It's really green. It hurts. You have to help me take a look when you get back." The

hand that was not holding the strips was still covered by the sleeves. Bai Yang's hand scratched his palm lightly.

Qing will definitely not be green, and Bai Yang's strength is not too strong. Even if he is pinched, it will be nothing. He just wants to use the topic to show off.

Bai Yang understood his hint, but his son and Xiao Hei were both there. At least on the surface, he wanted to hold it, without looking at Shen Zening at all. However, privately, he quickly held his fingertips, and then quickly He let go.

After Shen Zening got a satisfactory answer, he turned his attention back to Xiao Hei: "Why did you come to the spiritual field?"

Xiao Hei called out "woo woo" twice and stood aside. , there was a rustling sound coming from the spiritual grass, and Xie Yu walked out of it, holding a bamboo basket in his hand, which contained a lot of freshly picked spiritual grass.

"Xiao Hei is accompanying me to collect the spiritual grass." Xie Yu smiled and put the full bamboo basket on the ground, ready to get a new one, but Xiao Hei was a step ahead of him and had already taken the new bamboo basket in a sensible way. coming.

In the yard where they were planted and raised, not only did the spiritual grass grow extremely well, one crop after another, but the leaves were large enough and the powder produced was large enough to keep up with the demand of the restaurant. The small animals also grew well. Except for some being sick and weak at the beginning, Shen Zening followed the prompts of the breeding system and worked with Xie Yu to solve all these problems one by one.

"It will be ready to serve after you raise it."

After Shen Zening finished speaking, Tiao Tiao in his arms took a sip of saliva, wiped his mouth, and looked like he couldn't wait for the meal.

After walking around the Lingtian, looking at the lively Bounce Rabbit, and letting the kid touch the lamb, Shen Zening and Bai Yang took him to the fish pond.

Shen Zening had said before that he would dig out the fish pond and separate it from the crab pond when he had time. Bai Yang just thought he would save it for later, after all, he already raised a lot of things.

Unexpectedly, after he got free, he actually got the fish pond out.

However, it is autumn now, which is not suitable for stocking fish fry. The fish pond is only a prototype and is dug very shallow. Shen Zening plans to wait until spring to dig deeper and raise fish.

Currently, the fish pond is filled with some fish that Shen Zening bought from nearby farmers. He puts them in there to raise them first, just like the hotel has its own large fish tank.

It's just...his "fish tank" is a little bigger.

Xiao Yang wore a pair of long rubber shoes and was standing in the fish pond fishing for fish.

The fish he plans to catch now are not the ones waiting for cooking in the restaurant, but because the boss likes to cook and coax the landlady, and the people around him spontaneously... well, learn a bit.

But Xiao Yang's cooking skills were still not as good as Shen Zening's, so he had to practice quietly when he had free time. What fish he caught and what vegetables he picked were all recorded.

Xiao Yang never touched a kitchen knife for thirty years during his lifetime, and rarely even entered the kitchen. He was a complete novice in the kitchen, so he wanted to try the relatively simple steamed seabass first.

Hmm... He can use knives other than kitchen knives, but it's just another way of using them...

Well, they are all retired people, so to speak.

Xiao Yang calmed down, then swung the net down...

and then it was empty.


Tiao Tiao said sharply.

When Xiao Yang heard this childish voice, he turned around and found that the boss and his wife were standing behind him. The boss also held a white-haired child with dragon horns and tail in his arms.

He didn't have to wait for the boss to tell him, he knew right away that the boss's little brat had transformed.

"Tsk, I haven't seen you for a day, and Tiao Tiao has grown so big." Xiao Yang said, "You look quite anxious."

Tiao Tiao: "..." This

is the first time today that Tiao Tiao has been said to be anxious. He puffed up his cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Why is he so anxious? He's just so--it's better to be bigger.

"Don't be angry, Tiao Tiao, uncle is teasing you."

After Xiao Yang finished speaking, he picked up another fish, "To celebrate your transformation, uncle will pick up a fish for you to eat."

Tiao Liao suddenly became more energetic, and he also wanted to fish with Uncle Xiao!

"Father." Tiao Tiao patted Shen Zening's arm and pointed to the fish pond, her little voice said in a sweet voice, "...I want to...catch fish!" "

You are so young, you just want to catch fish for fun. "Bai Yang pinched his face and said, "The pond could drown you."

The little fox's words were of course exaggerated to tease Tiao Tiao, but Tiao Tiao began to think seriously after hearing this.

QAQ This...can't catch fish?

"Baby, do you really believe it?"

Shen Zening approached the pond with Tiao Tiao in his arms, put him down, and helped Tiao Tiao, who was having trouble walking, to the shore so that he could see the depth inside the pond. He smiled and said, "Dad is joking with you."

Shen Zening just wanted to stop Tiao Tiao from thinking about such serious issues as "Will the fish pond drown me too?" But he didn't expect Zai Zi to see him. A shallow layer in the pond immediately made me energetic.

Then, when neither he nor Bai Yang expected it, he suddenly slid from the shore into the pond and jumped into the water.

Shen Zening: "???"

Bai Yang: "!!!"

Xiao Yang: "...Tiao Tiao?!"

Tiao Tiao, who only wanted to catch fish, didn't care how surprised the three adults were.

The water in the pond in autumn was a little cold. Liao Tiao tried his best to hold it in for a while, and then he changed back to his original form with a "pop" sound. He threw off the jumpsuit that had become heavy due to the water, and got out of the clothes, flexibly. The earth swam in the water.

Shen Zening made everyone look stupid.

Zaizi...learned to swim without a teacher?

Could this... be the innate skill of the Dragon Clan?

"Tiao Tiao!"

Bai Yang yelled anxiously, and was about to fish out Tiao Tiao from the pool, but was quickly stopped by Shen Zening.

The next moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the center of the pond, and then, a small white dragon cub emerged from the water holding a black fish about the same size as itself.

Tiaoliu had a fish in his mouth, and it was difficult to speak, but he was very excited and said "Woo!" to his father and dad - I caught a fish!

Tiao Tiao, who caught the fish for the first time, couldn't wait to swim back to the shore, threw the fish on the shore, then climbed up, shook the water splash on his body, and the blue and gold eyes exactly like the little fox gradually disappeared behind the mountain. The setting sun shines beautifully.

"Okay... Tiao Tiao is great..."

Shen Zening was really helpless with his lively and active cub.

What else can you do? You have to praise your child well when he is young.

"I'll make pickled fish for you tonight."

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