miya osamu | hanahaki disease (part 2)

Start from the beginning

you couldn't help but find yourself staring at osamu. you blushed and smiled every time you made eye contact with him. it made your heart flutter every time he smiled back at you.

after practice, the three of you walked out of the gymnasium. you felt your heart stop when you saw a girl waving at osamu. he smiled and waved back at her.

"samu, are you walking her home again?" atsumu asked as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"oh, yeah," osamu replied. "i'll see you tomorrow, y/n."

"oh, okay," you said as he walked towards the girl. you felt your smile fading away as atsumu and you started walking home.

"y/n, you like samu right?" atsumu suddenly asked. you felt your whole face turning red.

"i- no!"

"stop lying, y/n. it's all written on your face." it was quiet for a while until you stopped walking. "y/n?"

you didn't want atsumu to know that you had a disease and that you could die from it. but you felt like he had the right to know that you liked his twin brother.

"yeah, i like him," you said as you caught up to atsumu. he looked down at your walking figure. "but, i know he doesn't like me. i'm sure (random girl's name) is a kind person, but i can't help but feel jealous and hurt, you know?"

this time, atsumu stopped walking. "but y/n, you're also a really really kind person. samu really likes you."

you sadly smiled. "but not in a romantic way, right? it's okay, i'll be able to get over him. i'm fine with just being his friend."

"y/n. . ."

"it's okay, atsumu. i'm sure it won't hurt as much when time goes by." you smiled at him as you two continued walking home.

the only sound being heard was the noise of you two walking. the two of you came across a playground. it was already dark out, so no children were out playing. atsumu took a seat on the swings while you stood next to him, leaning against a pole.

"hey, y/n," atsumu called out. you hummed in response. "are you. . . really okay?"

you looked at him confusingly. "of course i am," you answered with a smile. atsumu looked up at you from the swings. "why?"

"just because," he replied. "you didn't seem like the regular y/n."

"what do you mean?"

"you just didn't seem yourself. usually, you would greet us in the mornings with a hug or you know, you would walk to school with us and talk about last night's tv show or homework. you just seemed a bit distant today."

atsumu looked up at you again and looked at you with concern. "y/n?"

he immediately stood up from the swing when you started violently coughing. you crouched down onto your knee as purple flower petals covered in your blood came twirling down your lips.

"y/n?!" atsumu crouched down to your level. the lavender flower petals continued falling as tears started brimming in your eyes. when you calmed down, you looked down at the flower petals. tears started falling as the pain in your chest and neck didn't subside.

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