hinata shouyo | assisstant coach (request)

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requested by: @queenexploosion
thank you for the request! 🥰❤️

hinata shouyo

enjoy :)


"we are all broken,that's how light gets in

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"we are all broken,
that's how light gets in."

— ernest hemingway


your eyes were your strength.

you had the ability to scan someone and bring out every detail about their body. you could see all their physical abilities in numbers by simply scanning.

you were asked by your older brother, sawamura daichi, to come and become the assistant coach for his volleyball team. you were busy studying for finals and exams, so you had quickly declined his offer. but even after weeks and months, he still asked you, constantly.

"y/n please, it can only be for a day. can you just please come and take a look?"

"hey y/n, if you're free, you can always come to volleyball practice."

"y/n, what about today?"

you rolled your eyes when you heard your door being knocked. you took your eyes off your textbook and settled your pencil down.


your older brother slowly peeked his head into your room and awkwardly smiled. "are you free tomorrow?" he asked walking into your room.

"tomorrow? after my chemistry exam, i think i am? do you want me to go to your volleyball practice?" you asked focusing your attention on your chemistry notes.

daichi's smiled widened. "can you? you don't have to if you're busy."

you twirled your pencil in your hand. "you're not going to stop asking me until i go, right?"

"so you will?"

"yes, i'll take a look," you muttered.

"thanks y/n. i'll make sure to contact the coach."

you sighed when he walked out of your room. you scratched the back of your head and focused on studying for the upcoming chemistry exam you had tomorrow.

. . .

after your classes ended, you walked over to the volleyball gymnasium. as soon as you took a step into the volleyball court, a volleyball came flying in your direction and hit your face. you stumbled back and fell on the floor.

"oh crap-"

"boke hinata boke!"

"hinata hit someone in the face!"

you groaned as you got up from the floor and wiped the dust off your lap.

"oh, y/n!" you heard daichi exclaim from the other side of the court. "you're here!"

the rest of the volleyball members looked at you with confusion.

"y/n?" a guy with light gret hair asked. "are you related to daichi?"

"guys, this is the person i was talking about all month," your older brother stated as he stood next to you. "y/n will be attending our practice today!"

"oh, you're the one with those cool eyes?" a guy with orange hair asked with excitement.

"i guess?" you said, tilting your head to the side. he

"boke hinata, hurry up! we're starting practice."

the members gathered in front of the coach and you followed behind them. you took a seat at the bench. the orange hair gave you a smile when you looked at him. you quickly looked away as you focused on the coach.

"today we're going to be doing something different. as you know, y/n has very distinctive eyes and to help us for the spring tournament, she will be taking a look at your body."

you stood next to the coach and awkwardly smiled. "hello, i'm y/n."

"hi hi, y/n! I'm hinata shouyo!"

you nodded. "so, to start it off, can you guys take off your shirts?"


. . .

you inspected all the volleyball members in a line. you could see their individual stats, their body's capabilities, and flaws.

"hmm, you're not that explosive, aren't you?" you asked a boy with light grey hair. "i bet you can only do like 50 side jumps in 20 seconds, right? maybe working on agility drills will help you."

"you're body is too stiff," you told a tall boy with blonde hair and glasses. "make sure to stretch after taking a bath."

"maybe you should strengthen up more. try some sprints on your own," you told a boy with dark green hair and freckles. you stopped at hinata's body and he couldn't stop smiling. "you should. . . maybe drink some milk."

you could hear snickers from the other members while hinata flushed red.

"hey, stop laughing!" hinata exclaimed. after scanning every one's body and giving them feedback, you took a seat back at the bench. while the others were buddy practicing, you took out your homework and began working on it.

"woah, those problems look hard." you turned around and saw hinata looking at your homework. "what class is that for?"

"this? it's for chemistry."

"CHEMISTRY?!" he exclaimed. "are you good at chemistry?"

"no, that's why i study it."

"i don't think you're as bad as me. i remember getting a five out of 100 on a chemistry test."

"a five out of 100?!" you exclaimed. hinata quickly covered your mouth with his hands.

"shh, don't say it out loud, or else tsukishima is going to make fun of me."

when his hands left your lips, you couldn't help but laugh. "i'm sure you'll get a good score if you have a good study method or habit."

"then. . . is it possible if you could. . . help me with studying?"

"uh, i don't know if i'll be a help."

"no, i'm sure you will! anything helps!"

"hinata boke, we're going to practice!"

"y/n y/n!! watch me jump!!"

you slowly looked up and dropped your pencil in amazement. you were impressed by his jump. his face was above the net and he got his arms into a spiking motion. when he spiked the ball down, he looked at you with a large smile. you felt your heart flutter and smiled back.

"isn't his jump amazing?" the coach asked you.

you smiled.

"yes, it is."


hope you enjoyed :)

question of the day: how are you doing today?


hehe, a kuroko no basket reference 😌😌

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