(male)insert x reader: give up already you're to late(part 4)

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You were sitting on the bench looking down on at your hands. Today was the funeral for (m/i). Everybody was looking at his casket with him in it with a small smile on his face.

You didnt want to go see him. You were left alone in the corner bench tearing up.

It was better nobody saw you weak.

"(y/n)?" You look up seeing it was (f/n).

"Hey (f/n) you came."

"Of course i did." He/she sits down next to you,wrapping their arm around you.

"Look i know its hard...But we have to be strong for him."

"How!" You snap standing up. He/she looks at you worriedly.

"He is dead because of me! I hurt him and i didnt believe him! Hes fucking gone and i will never forgive myself because of this!" You yell in anger running away.

Everybody just stared sadly and returned back to their seats.

It was evening and the sun was going down.You walked past people not bothering to look back up. You cross the streets without even looking if anybody was coming.

" Was this my destiny?...To kill people?" You think sadly. You walk into a cemetery seeing all the tombs.

(m/i) was going to be buried around here so you decided to get to know the place when you visit here everyday.

~Time Skip~

You read all the tombs seeing many names and dates. Some were dead at a old age but mostly some died really early.

It was depressing seeing so much deaths everyday. You look to the side seeing a ceremony happening. So much death...But what did they do to deserve it.

You walk over to a tree,climbing to the branch to take a break.

You began to cry again so you pull your hoodie back up,so nobody would see you.

You pull your knees up to your chest burying your face into your legs.

You cry,wimpering and screaming.The wind comes along blowing your hoodie off.

You pull it back on but the wind continues to blow it off. You had a little fight with the fucking wind.

"God damn it!" You yell in anger. You than remembered that memories. This was just like before.


You were in the corner of the classroom so nobody would see you cry.

You pull your hoodie up burying your face onto your knees.

"(y/n)?" You hear a voice call. You ignored him not wanting to talk.

"(y/n)...." He repeated. He got fed up pulling your hoodie down. You pulled it back up but he continued to pull it down.

This continued until you yelled,

"God damn it!" He giggles as you looked up smiling weakly. His perfect laugh.

He knew how to make you smile.

"I just want you to smile (y/n)...Don't ever cry okay?" He said sitting down next to you.

"But..." He shushes you and pulls you into a hug. He pulls your hoodie over your face laughing.

"Shut up." You giggle smiling.


~End of FlashBack~

You giggle to yourself missing the times. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe (bf/n) lied to you about (m/i)...

Wait a minute! (bf/n) lied to you about (m/i) and made you think about (m/i) the wrong way.

"That bastard! I cant believe you made me think that!" You scream in anger. Of course he wouldn't hear you but you just couldn't believe it.

"(m/i)...Forgive me..You were my real friend...I just thought i was another person to you. I thought i wasn't special...But i was to you..You were my real friend and i will avenge you!" You scream crying,looking up at the sky.

(im such a tease to you guys! ;) )

(next part?)

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