Romania x Krizia(Beijing-chan)

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Happy Bday!

Romania and Krizia were practicing for a play they were going to perform for a children's hospital.

"Romania where is my costume!?" She screams across from the stage. He shrugs going over his lines.

"Sorry princess.Im not sure.Maybe our wardrobe designer knows.She's on lunch break though." She groans before walking over next to him.

"Oh hey by the way the director added a new part to the play towards the end." He states as she raises an eyebrow.

"But the play is today!"

"No no it's not another part just a sudden action don't worry about it.He only added it to my page." And with that he vanishes off smiling like an idiot.

She sighs rolling her eyes before running backstage.

~Time skip to the play~

Krizia was wearing her white dress(picture included) having her hair up.

"So you ready to do this?" She asks Romania looking at the stage from the back seeing many kids and some adults. He nods smiling.

"Lets go princess!" He exclaims happily.

They started to perform and it was towards the end now.

"I must go Alexander(Romania's character name). For my father would burst with hatred if I don't go now." Krizia says sadly about to walk off. Romania runs after her.

He grabs her hand before pulling her closer to him turning her head around to face him.

"Please...Before you go,do me one favor." This was the new part that she doesn't know so she just nods. The kids wait in excitement as Romania looks into her eyes,smiling faintly.

He pulls her into a sweet kiss as she kisses back smiling. Everybody claps and cheers and two actors pulls apart to bow and walk off the stage.

The director runs up to them as he says,

"Wow great ending! I should've thought of that!" And he runs off. Krizia widens her eyes as Romania chuckles.

"You added this part!?" She exclaims blushing. He nods holding her hand.

"If i never added it,i wouldn't be able to kiss your lovely lips." He says as she blushes looking down.

"Well i admit it was a nice kiss." She mutters as he grins.

"Of course it was..."

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