Youtube ASFjerome x Reader: Baccas forever

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“ Why dont you just go do it yourself?” Jerome yelled at you, facing his face towards you.

“ I told you i just can't.It might hurt my  reputation! You dont know how hard this will anger my dad! If he doesn't see me at his house he will kill me more than he does!” You scream out. Your dad has always been drunk and always abused you. You hated him with all your heart but you couldn't leave him alone. Your mom had separated away from your drunk father and left you behind. Before she left she had told you,

“ I don’t want you to be with me. I have enough problems with your father!” She yelled out leaving you behind with your father in the corner holding his empty bottle. You cried every night having those words haunting you since you were little. You look at Jerome in his eyes with anger.

“ Goodbye now Jerome…” You say running out his house. You ran back to your house slowly opening the door knob. You take a small sigh entering the house but automatically regretting it. You felt a bottle smashing onto your head as you fell onto the ground, tearing up.

“ Where were you?” Your abusive dad yelled out. You whimper not saying anything.

“ Not answering?” He growls picking you up by your hair, throwing you into your room upstairs. He slams the door as your back was slammed onto the wall. You whimper in pain burying your face into your legs.

“ I can’t take this pain anymore…” You said to yourself, knowing what to finally do.

* * *

You were up a high building looking down seeing the cars drive by like it was a highway. You take a deep breath thinking to yourself,

“ Goodbye world…”

Before you could lean over to take the drop you felt somebody yank you back. You opened your eyes, turning your face to see Jerome.

“ Let me go already…”

You yell out, trying to yank away. Jerome turned you to face him as he had worry in his eyes.

“ I can’t let you do this to yourself! Can’t you see i love you __________?” he yell out in anger tearing up. You had tears fall down your face pulling him into a hug.

“ Jerome… I just can’t live like this anymore.” You whisper. He rubs the back of your head than pulling you into a kiss. You return the kiss as he pulls back saying,

“ Please forgive me ________, I love you.” he says pulling back into the kiss.

* The Future *

You and Jerome got married as he took you away from your father. He didnt want you too be hurt anymore and if you were he would protect you. You had a baby boy named Jack but when your dad founf out about the news he wanted to kill you for leaving him. You were at the backyard of your house with Jerome and Jack but than felt somebody grab you.

“ Got you sweetie…”

Your dad whispered. You scream in fear as Jerome ran over to you seeing your dad pointing a gun at your head.

“ Let me take my daughter back or else she gets hurt.” He growled. Jerome picked up an axe from the side of him running over to your dad, throwing the axe into his side. He screamed in pain falling over as you ran over to jerome.

~ Time Skip ~

Years past by and since your father died he was been haunting you in your life and dreams. You regretted letting Jerome hurting him but what could you do?

~ Question of the day ~

What would you do to your father if he kept haunting you?


All around the World one-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon