Hetalia England x Reader

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( This is dedicated to an awesome friend @aquathenordic )

You saw your friend England standing alone looking at the ground. You decided to go talk to him, maybe he would feel better. You walked up to him with a smile. England heard some footsteps and turned his head around seeing you. He saw you in a dress, a beautiful (color) dress. He always seen you as a hipster. With a shirt, pants and boots. But now he saw you in a dress with heels. He started blushing and turned around covering up his face.

 You stop and stand next too him. You moved your hair out of your face and waved with a smile.

"Hello Arthur."

You said. Arthur looked  at you and had a dust of pink across his cheeks. He couldn't stop thinking about you. He bit his lip and waved a little.

"H-hello love...Its nice seeing you here."

He said with a nervous tone. He kept stuttering which made you confused. You talked to him about the party was awesome. But he kept stuttering and blushing, while looking away. This really made you confused.

"Hey Arthur whats wrong?"

But before who could answer you heard Alfred yell out.

"Ok guys group talk!"

Everybody started heading towards the sofas so me and Arthur followed where everybody was heading. We took a seat as Alfred had a smirk on his face. 

"Ok its time to play a game!....Its 7 minutes in heaven guys!"

Alfred exclaimed. You widened your eyes wishing you have never came.

"ok so everybody, put something in the hat!"

Everybody passes around the hat. 

"Ok lets so who goes first...______!"

He stuffs the hat in your face. You really wish you werent here now! You knew you wouldn't get out of this. You stuffed your hand in and then took it out seeing a tea cup. You then saw Arthur blush rapidly looking away.

"um...you got me love."

He said in his British accent. He stood up and started walking into the closet. You followed behind him as Alfred closed the door.

" 7 minutes guys now dont get to clingy!"

Alfred smirked as he shut the door. You walked up to a corner and sat their looking away. 

"Hey love you feeling ok?"

You heard Arthur sitting next to you. You turn your head too look at him.

"yah...im fine. But may i ask you something?"

Arthur nods.

"Why are you acting so werid around me?"

You ask tilting your head. Arthut looks away and started blushing rapidly.

"see? Are you hiding something from me?"

"its just...."

He stopped clenching his hands into fist.

"I love you ____, ok i love you!"

He yelled out putting his hands on your shoulders. You start blushing and looked into his eyes. He starts leaning in as you leaned in closing your eyes. You both crashed your lips onto each other. You both deepend the kiss making you fall over. He sat on top of you as you wrapped arms around his neck. 

 But then the moment was ruined by Alfred slamming the door open. Alfred widened his eyes and smirked. Japan in the background was taking photos.You and Arthur sat up blushing. But then Arthur moved your face to his and crashed your lips onto his. He didn't care they were there. He slammed the door closed as Alfred stood there in shock.

"i love you _____"

"I love you too Arthur..."

The Future


You and Arthur were married and had 2 boys.

Their names were James and Harold. They were so active all day. They always tried to annoy Arthur when young. But now Arthur annoys the kids when they are old.

But later on James and you died protecting your family from some demons that were attacking the world. You and James sacrificed your life to save the world and your family. Arthur and Harold cry everyday missing you both. 

But you had a new life ahead of you... in heaven...with james.

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