(male)insert x reader: give up already you're to late(part 2)

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School was over and you heard that it was going to rain. You sighed,pulling up your hoodie. You wait at the sidewalk for the light to change. You than see (f/n) walking over to you.

'Hey (y/n). Mind if i join you?" He/she asks.

"Sure i dont mind." You smile.You both than started talking about some recent tv shows you watched and on how the characters you both always love dies. 

"Hey (y/n) can i ask a question?"

"Sure go ahead." You say. He/she takes a deep breath asking,

" So what happened between you and (m/i)?" You look over at him/her with at i-dont-want-to-talk-about-this face.

"Hey i know it sounds like im being to pushy but i need to know." You look away,holding your hands into a fist.You put your earbuds into your ipod,putting your music up to max.

"Please,just forget about it." You pick up your pace,hurrying to go back home. You pushed your way thru people,excusing yourself. Luckily it didnt rain yet so you didnt get wet. You open the door walking in saying,

'Hey mom!" You said with a smile. You set your bag down walking over to the living room. 

"Oh yah i also forgot my phone here have you seen it?" You ask,seeing your parents sitting on the couch together. You saw a sad looks on their face.

"Hey whats wrong?" You said worriedly. They look up at you,you noticing they were looking down at your phone. You raise an eyebrow confused.

"Its (m/i) mom...She texted something." Your dad says,handing you your phone back. You really didnt want to go thru the bullshit anymore. You roll your eyes,going thru your messages. And now you felt regret.

"Im sorry to say but (m/i)...Is in a coma. He recently tried to kill himself for god knows what..." You widen your eyes in fear and pain.

"Now (y/n)..." Your dad starts off. You run out the door,seeing it was raining hard. You didnt care,you slipped a few times,bumping into so much people and almost got hit.

"No...This cant be happening." You think to yourself.

"Your the damn problem! You will always tell every girl/boy that you care but in reality you dont! I was a rag doll and all those times we had fun, were all god damn lies! You will only talk if you have nobody else! Im nothing to you!"

That was your final words to him...at least that is what you thought that was. You continued to run and finally reached his neighborhood. You could hear sirens and exactly knew what that meant.

You ran towards the noise,seeing the ambulance and polices.Neighbors out their houses,as you hear whispers on what was going on. You walk up to the ambulance,all covered in mud and water.

"Oh dear you need some clothes?" You hear a voice said. You turn to see a woman,holding some towels.

"no...im good." You smile,walking closer to the ambulance. You were worried to see him. His body...his scar...however he hurt himself. It would kill you and torture you for the guilt. You push thru seeing his arms in bandages and chest as well. Stabbing himself...of course.. a painful death. You tear up now finally remembering the final words you said..

and he took it literally..

"Just give up already youre to late.."

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