The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Vlad x Reader:One Bite~

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Wow, can believe alot of people actually requested *laughs Nervously* Well ill try to do them all. Right now school is a pain so i barely have time to do anything. That explains no new stories, sorry. Will finish quick. Anyways here's a one-shot for now. Enjoy you little Vampire *smirks*.



You looked up at the ceiling, seeing the moon shining bright down into the clear, glass roof. It was a full moon, so you knew what you were suppost to do. You hid your mouth with your hand, feeling the fangs trying to stick out your gums. You looked down, turning around, bumping into a man." Oops im sorry." You say into you hand,looking up seeing Vladimir. " Oh its just you Vlad..." you sigh in relief. You hid your mouth with your hand still, walking away from him. He looks back at you, wondering what you were doing. 


You went outside, looking around if anyone was there. You let your arms down and sighed in relief. You look up at the moon, letting your fangs release from your gums. " Hey _______." You jumped a bit, being startled by the voice. You turned around seeing Vlad, having his eyes widen. " W-what?" You ask, confused about his reaction. You widen your eyes realizing how stupid you were. You looked down at your teeth. " Crap!" You thought to yourself. He backed away, still startled.


You backed up, running away. " Wait ________!" he yells out chasing you. You used your vampire speed,trying to run away. Since you were a vampire, no human eye can see you running. You looked back seeing Vlad catching up. It was confusing! How can he catch up, if he was human and you weren't. You ran into a forest, still not knowing if Vlad was still behind you. You had to check. You turned your head around, falling over because Vlad finally caught up to you. You were on the ground, having Vlad on top of you. You looked away still worried on what he was going to do.


" Look Vlad! I can explain!'' The truth was you couldn't really. How will he leave you alone when you are a vampire. " Ok then! Explain!" He yells out making you tear up, in fear. " P-please Vlad... I don't want to die. I don't do any harm..." He stands up, wiping himself off. He didnt respond , leaving it quiet for awhile. He holds his hand out , taking his hand standing up. " What?" You ask, confused. " Youre not the only vampire...." He smirks , showing his fangs coming out his gums. You widened your eyes, realizing your friend was a vampire too.

" Vlad.. Your one...too?" You asked all worried. He snickered leaning against the tree. " Showing eh? Your not alone ______." He walks up too you, moving your hair out of your face. " Hmph. Couldve told me about this before." You smirked, crossing your arms. " Couldve, but i didnt." He smirks looking into your eyes. " Your a really hot vamp, _______." He wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. " Your quite the handsome one." You gave a chuckle, leaning your face closer to his. " Dont worry _____, your secret is safe with me, but i must get a kiss first." He smirks. You roll your eyes playfully, giving him a passionate kiss. 

~The Future~

You and Vlad were engaged, having a baby boy named Akahoshi(meaning red star). Life was beautiful for you both.

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