Stiles Stilinski X Lamia!Reader part 2

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Stiles craned his neck to look at (Y/n) as she left his room. She had nice hips, really nice hips. He loved the way they swayed as she slithered around. Her hips were so curvy even if they were covered in glossy patterns of (T/c) scales. They say (and by they, Stiles means all the weird supernatural residents living in Beacon Hills) say that Lamia's have the best hips ever, since they have to wiggling their tail to move, it makes them like that. Stiles couldn't agree more. He remembered when they first met.

Stiles was just reading comic's. Deadpool comic's to be more precise. He really loved Deadpool, not in a homosexual way of course! More as an admiration of him. Then suddenly out of the blue Scott and Mr.Sour wolf showed up in his bedroom uninvited. There appearance surprised Stiles making him fall off his bed. Scott smirked, while Derek (Mr. Sour wolf) rolled his eyes. "What the hell,guy's!!?! " Stiles exclaimed. "Sorry!" Scott sayed. "We need you to do something." Derek sayed rather demanding. Stiles moaned "What is it?."

Scott and Derek moved away as a figure of a girl came crawling through. To Stiles surprised (or shock) it wasn't just some normal girl. She was half a freaking snake. She had long pretty (H/c) and a long (T/c) tail. She had two huge scales on the curve of her jaw on both sides. She was a cute, no scratch that, beautiful girl. Stiles wouldn't admit it, but he thought she was hotter than Lydia. After she realised he was staring at the her. She blushed deeply, so did Stiles. "U-Um, my name is (Y-Y/n), what's your?" She asked shyly. "My name is Stiles!"

He said quickly. He then realised that both Scott and Derek were gone. "Fucking assholes" Stiles thought to himself. "Um.....why are you here?" Stiles asked. "You have to take care of me." (Y/n) said. 'WHAT!!" exclaimed Stiles. It was later that poor Stiles learned that his father already agreed to letting her stay. They had to remodel some of the house for Lamialiving. Stiles remembered all the secrets and jokes they made.

Stiles remembered when he first saw (Y/n) naked. You would think they wouldn't have a......well....ahem girl thing, but they do. Stiles snapped out of his sappy memory lane. He scurried after (Y/n). The truth was, Stiles had a crush on the Lamia girl. She was halfway down the stairs. "Wait!" Stiles exclaimed. She look over her shoulder only to be pick up into the scrawny arms of her care taker. He tried to hurry up the stairs without falling over.

"Stiles, darling, what are you doi-." She was cut off by Stiles throwing on the bed with him. Stiles wrapped his arms around her waist and laid on her chest. He look up at her only to see she was blushing madly. "W-what is the meaning of this, d-darling" she whispered. Stiles chuckled , thinking of how cute she was when she blushed. "I'm doing this because....I want to be closer to you. I think I do like you. (Y/n) I like you a lot. I think your the most beautiful girl I've ever. Even if you have a giant tail"

Stiles mumbled in her chest. Her faced soften" Stiles I feel the same way." He cupped her face and kissed her sweetly on the lips. And for a long time Stiles and (Y/n) were in love. They had their up's and their down's, but nothing could pull these two apart. And they lived happily ever after.

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