MCR Gerard Way x reader

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Requested by @bunnyfaceinurface


You were childhood friends with Gerard but when he started a band called My Chemical romance he had to travel.Which meant leaving you.

You never had anybody else for years.You would always cry yourself to sleep. You lost full connection to him.

You were living in the same house you were for years. Your parents passed away of old age. You look out the window alway day dreaming Gerard would always come knocking at the door sweeping you off your feet.

You smile to yourself but felt the smile go away. You walk towards the living room turning the tv on.You skip through all the channels getting bored.

You get out your phone as see Gerard posting a new tweet.

"Off to take break!"

You sigh. if only he would come back to your arms. You head out the house and see how sunny today was. You walk down the sidewalk listening to MCR latest album. You start tearing up wiping your tears away.

You go around the corner into an alley. You walk to the end were nobody can see you. You slide down crying.

"Gerard i miss you.." You whisper. You hear footsteps coming. You pretend you didnt hear anything. You buried your face into your knees.

"Darling whats the matter?" You here the voice say. Those were the same words that Gerard would always say. The male sits down next to you...awkward.

"You can talk to me if you like." He said. You nod.

"Well ive been missing this friend for a long time..years.He was the only friend i had and now hes gone being famous. I mean im proud for him but i just wished he would visit again and know he stills cares." You cry mentally screaming.

"And now my chest aches for not releasing the pain." You confess.

"Than do it now. Let everybody hear it.Up at the hill." He said comforting you.You look seeing he had a mask on.

'Okay...I will but what is with the mask for?"

"Oh i just dont want people to recgonize me." He chuckles as you smile weakly. You both stand up walking. You finally reached the hill. He motions for you to go on ahead. You nod walking up. You start to talk.

"I remember the times we talked...and laughed...And when we cried when we got scared...But you protected me.." You start to cry. The man watches you from afar.

"But now youre gone! Off with new people! Fans! And you never said goodbye! You never said your finally words or that you cared!" You start screaming.

"Gerard! Come back! Its me (y/n) (l/n)! You were my only friend! I need you back! Please come back to my fucking life!" You scream in pain. The man slips his mask off.

"Its you.." He mumbles. He runs up to you turning you around,pulling you into a tight hug.

"Im sorry (y/n)...Im sorry for leaving you." He runs his fingers thru your hair as you widen your eyes pulling back to see it was Gerard. You smile weakly pulling him into a hug.

"Youre back!" You exclaim. He smiles tearing up.

"Im never going to let you go now...never." He places small kisses around your face making you giggle. Youre hero was back.

And he placed the finally kiss onto your lips.

"I believe you...."

(this song mirrored theory-pathways isnt helping me writing this...feels)

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