World War 3 (Part 2)

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You slammed thru the window,yelling at the top if your lungs,

"No!" Everybody in shock,turn to look at you. You ran down the middle,being a few feet away from the limo. You noticed a weapon beside you. You picked it up,pointing it towards Carl. Everybody gasps backing away. You turn to see faces looking at you worried and scared. You looked back,slowing setting it back down.

"Good girl...Now. How about you get into the car now." He suggests with a smirk.

"Make me." You hiss. He snaps his fingers as a girl,with dark brown hair,light blue eyes,white and had freckles(swsbvbptvfob oc)ran over to you,tugging you toward the limo.

"Hey let me go!" You yell,trying pull away,seeing how the girl was strong enough to do anything. You raise the gun to her head as she widens her eyes.

"Release me.Now." You grin seeing Maki look at you in shock.He has never seen you so devious before.

"Or at least tell me your name." You whisper into her ear. She takes a small gulp in scare.

"Abigail Carlile." She mumbles as stood their having her hand around your arm.

"good release me." She does as you saw,leaving Carl in shock.

"You bitch! Im your boss! Listen to me or your fired!" He yells in anger. You gave a glare towards him,pointing the gun towards him.

"carl!" You yell,getting his attention.

"Why are you doing this? Are you behind this madness? Answer me!" You scream out angrily,shaking a bit in fear.

"All i have to say is that I'm following my master and..." He slowly walks over to you as you held the gun tighter each time he took a step. He slowly leans whispering into your ear,

"and one of the directions was to kill your father...Which is accomplished." You widen your eyes,shooting Carl in his chest as he fell over,dead. A missile was launched out of nowhere toward the crowd as everybody scream in fear running away. You could hear the screams of people in the city and towns running for their lives. A war must've been starting and it was getting violent. You teared up,having your eyes shut tightly.

" promised you come back."You thought to yourself. You felt a tug on your shirt,opening your eyes seeing Abigail look at you with a grin.

"Nice job (Y/N). You killed Carl...and now war is happening what a pleasant thing you did." She teased. You scoffed.

"Tell me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you?" You look to the side .

"I can help you avenge your father and save the world. Its the least thing i could do for someone that can actually frighten me." You could see her sharp teeth in her grin. You smirked,looking down at your gun,filled up with bullets.

"Okay than. For my father." You mumble as you see Maki walk up to you.

"Save the world eh? Count me in." He grins,taking a drink from his coke.

"We need more people though." You say in disappointment. Abigail scoffs as you raised an eyebrow.

"I know some friends. But they ain't in this world sweetie...Off to Mobius." She chuckles,pulling your arm,dragging you down the streets of running people,Maki following behind.

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